HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-04-12; Civic Center Building Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesCITY OF CARLr r\D
Minutes of:
Date of Meeting:
Time of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
Civic Center Building Jommitt
April 12, 1967
4:00 P.M.
Council Chainbers
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair-
man Dunne at 4:00 P.M. Members of the Committee
present were Cmn. Dunne, Elmer H. Jose, Jr., anc
Robert Prescott. Cmn. Neiswender was present at
4:35 P.M. and C. R. Helton at 5:10 P.M. Also
present were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney
Wilson, and Architects Weber & Edwards.
Selection of Chai rman.
ness was the selection
Committee. Cmn. Dunne
The first order of busi-
of a Chairman for the
nominated Robert Prescott
Discussion was given as to the term of office fo
the Chairman, and it was suggested that Mr.
Prescott, Mr. Jos-e and Mr. Helton each serve as
Chairman on a rotating basis.
As there were no other nominations for Chairman,
by motion of the Committee it was agreed that
the three members serve as Chairman on a
bases as follows: Mr. Prescott to serve
this date to the end of May; Mr. Jose to
the months of June and July; and Mr. Helton to
serve the months of August and September.
A r c h i t e c t u a 1 A g re em en t . The City Attorney inform
ed the Committee an agreement had been prepared
between the City and Weber & Edwards, Architects
regarding Architectual Services. The agreement
has been discussed with the Architects and the
only item of discussion is the method of inspec-
tion. The City is interested in having adequate
inspection; however, it is very difficult to put
down in words how much inspection will be needed.
The Architects have suggested that a periodic in-
spection be made, with a minimum of two inspec-
tions being made per week
After discussion by the Committee it was agreed
that under subsection (i) of the agreement, an
additional clause be added requiring a minimum
of two inspections per week.
The City Manager asked if it would be possible to
include a clause whereby at the completion of the
building a copy of the "As Built Plans" be de-
livered to the City?
As the Architects had no objection, it was agreed
that a clause be added, requiring that a copy of
the "As Built Plans" be delivered to the City
upon completion of the building.
Discussion was also given to a 90 day waiting
period after the plans have been delivered to
the City prior to starting construction, and it
was felt this would be sufficient timo to obtain
financing forthe construction of the building.
The City Manager suggested that the Committee
approve the agreement with the additions, and if
there were any further questions by the
of the Committee, that they contact the
Manager prior to Tuesday, as it was the
present the agreement to the City
meeting of April 18, 1967.
intent to
Council at the
N 3 rn e
The City Attorney informed the committee he would
have the corrected copies of the agreement ready
for the members to pick up at the City Hall.
By common consent the agreement was tentative
accepted by the Committee, subject to any comment?
being made by the individual members.
J_e_nta. ti _ye Ti ine S c h e d u 1 e and Summary of Space R e -
gui remen'ts . The Architects" presented a Tentative
Time Schedule and Graph, and a Summary of Space
Requirements for the Committee's review. •
Mr. Jose inquired as
responsi bi1i ty.
to the Committee's area of
The City Manager informed the Committee members
their responsibility would be in an advisory
capacity, and to make recommendations to the City
The Architects informed the Committee they were
instructed by the City Council to reduce the
20,000 sq. ft. proposed in the Space Study pre-
pared by Schoell and Geritz to 15,000 sq. ft.,
plus a 10% maximum. In their Summary of Space
Requirements they have estimated 16,350 sq. ft.
up to 1970; however, it will be designed for ex-
pansion. They contacted each Department Head
and discussed their needs prior to preparing the
Summary. All of the space requirements were re-
duced with the exception of the Finance Depart-
ment and they have proposed an increase due to
the NCR machi nes .
C i v i 1 De f e n s e Emerge n_cy_ Op era t jo n C e n t e r. The
Architects reported "they "had met with. Mr. Marty
of the San Diego County Civil Defense and Dis-
aster Organization to discuss the possibility of
having a Civil Defense Emergency Operation Center
as a part of the City Hall. He indicated that
by formula they could justify 2,
space and possibly 3,000 sq. ft
tribute 50% of the cost of this
a fallout shelter was provided,
pose to use 400 sq. ft. of this
s i o n s .
380 sq. ft. of
, and could con-
space, providing
They would pro-
space for provi-
The City Manager
Committee it was
ed into, as this
towards the cost
informed the members of the
felt this matter should be check
organization could contribute
of the space, and further, the
balance of the space could be utilized by the
Police Department.
Mr. Weber further stated Mr. Marty informed them
that if the City used the Lease-back method of
financing they could not contribute towards the
After discussion by the Committee it was felt the
City should not become involved.
Title of_ _PJ_a_n_s. The Architects requested a name
for the plans, and it was agreed that the plans
be designated "Administrative Offices for the
City of Carlsbad".
\v\\\\\ \ > \ \ x\Name \N ^ \^\&°f ^^;>;l'iflmhsr ^•'^-\^,-:'^O<Member
.L' ^ was agreed that two hours shoul
be allowed for the meeting of April 26, 1967, due
to the fact the Architects would be presenting
the Schematic Plans.
The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at
5:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary