HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-08-09; Civic Center Building Committee Ad Hoc; Minutes_CITY OF CARLSBAD.
Minutes of: Civic Center Building Committee
Date of Meetingf**"* August 9, 1967
Time of Meeting^ 4:00 P. M.
Place of Meeting: Council Chambers
Cmn. Dunne announced that he had invited Cmn. Worthing
to meet with the committee as he had some questions con-
cerning the City Hall facilities, particularly the Council
Chamber, and before the meeting of the Building Commit-
tee starts he felt perhaps the committee could answer .
some of his questions.
Cmn. Worthing stated he was present to discuss the use
of the Multi-purpose room in the Library as-a Council
Chamber. Mr. Palmer of the Carlsbad Journal was of
the opinion that the Multi-purpose Room was to be used
as a Council Chamber. As for himself, he was not con-
vinced there was a need for another building which would
include the Council Chamber, the Mayor's office, as well
as a conference room. It was his feeling there were other
conference rooms in the administration building that coulc
be used when there is a need.
Cmn. Worthing inquired as to the seating capacity pro-
posed for the Council Chamber?
The architects informed Cmn. Worthing the Chamber is
designed to seat 100 persons plus the staff.
Cmn. Worthing stated the Multi-purpose room has the
same seating capacity, and asked for justification in
building a separate Council Chamber.
Cmn. Neiswender pointed out this City is growing and
there is certainly a need for a separate Council Chamber.
The Chamber will be used for the Council meetings,
Planning Commission meetings, Parks and Recreation
Commission meetings, as well as other civic meetings.
It is important that the Chamber be arranged in such a
fashion that all fixtures and furnishings be of a permanent
nature. Space is needed for pull-down maps, exhibits,
etc.,. in order that they can be viewed conveniently by the
Council members as well as the audience. Separate seat-
ing space should be provided for the staff, and permanent
seating for the audience. The Library Multi-purpose
Room was not designed for such an outlay. The City
has to look to the future when building a structure of this
It was further pointed out by Cmn. Neiswender that if the
Council Chamber is not built now, it would be very diffi-
cult to establish monies in the future, either by a bond
election or a windfall.
In closing Cmn. Neiswender stated he for one could not
approve any plans that did not include a Council Chamber
as there is a definite need.
The Building Inspector informed the members of the
committee the insurance company requires that the seat-
ing be stationary were public meetings are to be held.
Therefore, it would be very difficult to hold art exhibits
and other civic events in a room where the seating is
Mr. Weber informed the committee the City of Cyprus,
which is comparable to Carlsbad in population, moved
into their new quarters in March of this year, at a cost
in excess of $1, 000, 000. 00, and they are attempting to
hold the cost of these facilities under $400, 000.
Cmn. Worthing further inquired as to the cost of the
Council Chamber, and he was informed the cost of the
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Chamber is estimated to be $42, 000.
Cmn. Worthing absented himself from the Council Cham-
Chairman Jose called the meeting of the Civic Center
Building Committee to order at 4: 30 P. M. Members of
the committee present were Elmer H. Jose, Jr. , C. R.
Helton, A. H. Peterson, Cmn. Neiswender and Cmn.
Dunne. Also present was City Attorney Wilson.
Minutes of the meeting held on July 26, 1967, were ap-
proved as presented.
The Chairman announced that a corrected copy of the
minutes of the meeting held July 12, 1967, was distributed
to each member of the committee.
Financing of complex. Cmn. Dunne informed the com-
mittee members the City Attorney was present to dis-
cuss procedures for financing the City Hall and Police
The City Attorney stated he had previously sent out in-
formation to each of the committee members concerning
financing procedures for this project. . This information
was prepared by the firm of Rutan and Tucker, Attorneys
at Law, and they are willing to handle the bond procedure
This is a reputable firm and work with O'Melveny &
Myers, whose opinion is recognized by the banks. An
Authority, similar to the Parking Authority for the May
Co. project, will be set up. It is proposed that this will
be a joint venture with the County of San Diego. The City
Council and the Board of Supervisors will appoint mem-
bers to the Authority. The Authority is a devise to allow
the issuance of bonds.
By motion of the committee the City Attorney was instruc
ed to contact the firm of Rutan and Tucker, Attorneys at
Law, and request that'they prepare the Joint Powers
Agreement as soon as possible.
The City Attorney was requested to make a report to the
City Council at their next meeting concerning the action
of the committee as to the Joint Powers Agreement.
Air Conditioning and Heating System. Mr. Paoluccio,
Consulting Engineer, was introduced to the members of
the committee by the architects, and was requested to
give a briefing on the functions of the proposed air condi-
tioning and heating system.
Mr. Paoluccio explained they are proposing a central
plan concept. The system will be centrally located and
the air will be circulated through the building by ducts,
and controlled by cold and hot water. Vents will be
placed in each room. The heat and cold will be zoned.
The boiler for the system will be located in the elevated
section of the roof. The balance of the equipment will be
located above the vault.
It was pointed out by the architects they had previously
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stated the roof line would be elevated in the section above
the lobby - in other words this section would have a doubl
roof. In the event there is cause for repair to the equip-
ment the extra roof can be removed.
The Consulting Engineer stated this particular system is
Bull tfor 25 year use; it is clean, inconspicuous and very
Restrooms usually have exhaust air only. It was Mr.
Paoluccio's opinion that air should also be supplied. It
is especially beneficial for inside restrooms, and accord-
ing to the plans there will be four (4) inside restrooms
throughout the complex. The additional cost would be
approximately $50. 00 per restroom.
After consideration by the committee, by a unanimous -
vote it was agreed that air be supplied to the inside rest-
Council Chamber. A forced air system is proposed for
the Council Chamber. The heater system will be install-
ed above the toilet room.
Masonry Mr. Edwards presented a sample "H" block,
which had been colored to blend in with the finish on the
Library. The block is to be split and a finished section
placed on the outside. They will be waterproofed with a
silicone treatment. It was previously mentioned that the
area above the blocks and the area around the windows
would be anodized aluminum or ceramic tile. They have
found a plastic fiberglass which they feel would be more
satisfactory. The installation of this material will be
more economical than the other two methods. The
material is similar to material used for boats. The cost
of the material is more but the installation is much
cheaper and is applied with adhesive.
After consideration by the committee it was agreed that
the architects proceed with the fiberglass material.
Computer Room. A discussion was had by the architects
and National Cash Register Co., and they have recommen
ed that carpeting be used in the computer room due to
the dust factor.
Parking Area Plans. Proposed plans for the parking area
were presented by Mr. Weber for the committee's re-
view, which included an expansion area.
Discussion was had on the alternate plans, and by motion
of the committee it was agreed that the plan providing
for 89 parking spaces be approved.
It was noted that the approved plan is designed for a
landscaped area at the present time, which can be con-
verted into additional parking area when the need arises.
Acoustical Tile. The committee was informed that at
aTprevious meeting discussion was given to the type of
acoustical material proposed for both wings of the comple
It was the architects recommendation now that the acoust-
ical tile in the administrative wing should be done individ-
By common consent it was agreed that the architects pro-
ceed with the acoustical tile as outlined.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary