HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-08-23; Civic Center Building Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesCITY OF
Date of
Time of
Meet ing:
i. i J19J
Civic Center Building
August 23, 1967
4:00 P.M.
Counci 1 Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jose.
Members of the Committee present were Chairman
Jose, C. R. Helton, A. H. Peterson and Cmn. Dunne
Also present were City Manager Mamaux, and Archi-
tects Weber and Edwards.
The Chairman announced that due to the fact copies
of the' Minutes of the meeting held on August 9,
1967, were received this date, approval of the
Minutes would be deferred until the next regular
meeting. • '
By motion of the Committee it was ,agreed that
approval of the Minutes for the meeting held on
August 9, 1967, be deferred until the next regula
Library Multi-purpose room
as to the use of the Library
for;. the Council Chambers.
Discussion was given
Multi-purpose Room
After considerable discussion, by motion of the
Committee it was agreed that the Council Chambers
be included in the plans for the City Hall and
Police Facilities, and that the entire complex be
retained as presented in the Preliminary Plans for
the following reasons:
1. The City is under the construction
program now, therefore, the Council
Chambers should be built at this time.
2. It would be a savings to build the
Council Chamber now. If it were delay
ed there would be an additional cost
of approximately 5% per year, and it
is estimated that the cost of the
Chamber at this time would be $42,000.
3. The Library Multi-purpose room is not
designed for functional use by the
Council, i.e. display of maps, exhibits
4. Use of the Multi-purpose room as a
Coyncil Chamber is temporary at best.
Time Schedule. Architect Weber informed the
.Committee members they expect to present the
Final Plans and Specifications to the City Counci
at their regular meeting on September 5, 1967.
The City Manager pointed out that once
and specifications are available it won
to the City Attorney as to the time sch
the financing. There should be a claus
in the contract to allow for addition t
the financial proceedings. If the plan
mitted to the Council on September 5th,
Council will probably authorize adverti
time. Bids could then be
and a meeting of the Buil
be scheduled for October 2
recommendation can be subm
bids at that
October 18th
mittee could
order that a
the plans
Id be up
edule for
e i ncluded
i me for
s are sub-
sing of
opened on
ding Corn-
5th, in
itted to
the City Council as to the low bid. A special
meeting of the City Council could be called for
October 31 , 1967.
Plans and Specifications. Mr. Weber informed
the Committee each general contractor would be
given two sets of Plans and Specifications upon
rece-ipt of a $50.00 deposit. The Specifications
will be run off on the Blue Print Machine.
Removal of trees. The Palm Trees presently on
the site will be moved to the Library site. The
two Pine Trees will be removed.
/Furnishings. There will be two separate con-
|/tracts on the furnishings - one for carpeting
land drapes and one for furniture. The bids for
ithe furnishings will come after the base bid on
|t.he building.% • "
Cmn. Dunne inquired as to whether carpeting would
be cheaper than other floor covering.•
The Architects stated it was. The maintenance on
other types of floor covering will pay for the
carpeting in two years.
Telephones. A representative from the telephone
company will be meeting with the Architects to-
morrow. There will be a central system in which
all calls will come through the operator, with
the exception of internal calls. Emergency
numbers will be set up for Police and Fire De-
partments .
Working Plans. Working plans were presented for
the Committee to review. Discussion was given
as to the parking area. It was pointed out pro-
vision has been made from some of the Police
cars to be covered by way of a canopy.
Gas pump. The City Manager informed the Archi-
tects the City purchases gas through the County,
who in turn contracts with the various companies
by way of bid. The tank now being used could
be moved.
It was agreed that the City crews take care of
moving the existing tank and pump.
Submittal of final plans and specifications to
City Council. After further review of the plans
it was agreed by the Committee that the Final
Plans and Specifications be submitted to the City
Council at their regular meeting on September 5,
The next meeting of the Building Committee was
scheduled for October 25, 1967, unless it be-
comes necessary to call a special meeting con-
cerning the furnishings.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at
5:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret E. Adams, Recording Secretary
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