HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-18; Environmental Pollution Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD PILOT MEETING OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION COMMISSION TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Manager's Conference Room DATE OF MEETING: June 18, 1970 ROLL CALL: Miss Barbara Westree, URS Research Company, Dr. John McGowan, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Dr. Larry E. Ruff, University of California - Department of Economics and Dr. Phillip R. Pryde, San Diego State College - Department of Geography. Also present was Councilman Jardine (liason to Commission), Carl H. Neiswender, Chairman of Commission and E. Joe Olinghouse, Planning Director. . Mr. Neiswender gave those present a brief review of how the idea of this proposed Commission came about and stated that although Carlsbad is a relatively small city, it does lie between San Diego and Los Angeles, the two largest cities in the State of California; each generating tremendous impact on our environment. Both cities have pollution problems, which include pollution of the ocean along the coast, as well as several lagoons. He stated that since nothing has been done to study a solution to these problems, Carlsbad could be a leader, via this proposed Commission in providing answers to the pollution problems. Mr. Neiswender stated that for a Commission of this nature to be successful, it is necessary to have people who are experts in the field of pollution study. The people that have been contacted for this Commission have been very responsive and have indicated a desir to express their opinions and what may be taken into consideration in the future. Barbara Westree stated that she has a conception of what this Commission should be and what their goals should be. She stated that there should be'active city control as there are some things that can be done to protect our own property. Dr. Pryde inquired what weight the Master Plan had in the City of Carlsbad and Planning Director Olinghouse stated that at the present time, the General Plan was in the process of revision. He stated that the General Plan does not indicate or express a quality of life and environment and further stated that there is a new concept in planning today .-that is no 1 onger .just prepari ng a plan, but rather to develop a process. A massive effort by the citizens of Carlsbad that will attempt to develop a planning process which is goal oriented, policy oriented, and action oriented. The concept in the housing element is action orienjted. Carlsbad has innovators that have disected the city to do the things it has been doing of late. Dr. McGowan inquired what the general attitude of the citizens was concerning pollution problems. Mr. Olinghouse stated that the citizens were aware of pollution problems. Mr. Jardine stated that the City of Carlsbad has an annual weed abatement program that is absolutely thorough. Also the City has a massive cleaning-up campaign to clean up the City and also at the last Council Meeting, the Council took action that will cause a derelict house to be moved which gives habitation to rodents, ect Mr. Jardine further stated that at the present time, there is a lawsuit against the City regarding the removal of abandoned auto- mobiles. Mr. Neiswender made reference to the Bird Sanctuary at Buena Vista Lagoon, and stated that he is sure that this subject is one in whicd this Commission could readily become involved. He stated that at the present time, no one knows how much mineral content is in the waters of the lagoon. CITY OF CARLSBAD Pilot Meeting Environmental Pollution •' Commission -2- Mr. Neiswender stated that he would like Carlsbad to be looked upon as a model city by surrounding communities and the Planning Director added that this could be accomplished with the idea of adding an Environmental Pollution Commission, principally because the citizens of Carlsbad have a democratic outlook. Dr. Pryde questioned if all members of the City Council felt that the City should continue to follow as close to the General Plan as possible. Councilman Jardine stated that all members of the Council felt the General Plan should be followed as closely as can be done. Mr. Olinghouse presented the General Plan to the proposed Commission members and also some tracings relating to the planned area. He pointed out the highest elevation and stated it does not exceed 6,000 ft. Mr. Olinghouse stated he felt the Environmental Pollution Commission would work beautifully with the Community Involvement Commi ttee. Mr. Olinghouse stated once it is determined what physical and social values exist in Carlsbad, then it can also be determined what type of development will infringe on what values and the degree of their intolerance. He further explained some of the unique factors about Carlsbad including the topography and the trends of population con- centration in certain areas as well as the fact that Carlsbad is divided by the freeway. Dr. McGowan inquired if there were any available figures on the average age of citizens in Carlsbad and Mr. Olinghouse replied that the average age is now 26' where it used to be 30 a few' years ago, and he continued relating the following facts. In subdivision areas on the City's fringe, there are: 4.69 people per home - median age 16 Approximately 35% of Carlsbad's population work in Carlsbad. 66% of Carlsbad's population s.hop in this City. The median income throughout the City is $9,800.00 per year. Dr. Pryde pointed out that in looking at the General Plan, he saw no allowance for flower growners when it was his understanding Carlsbad wished to keep some of the folower fields and he questioned if the agricultural tax level was still low enough that the City would not lose money from agriculture. Discussion ensued regarding Buena Vista Lagoon and Mr. Olinghouse stated that if the east side of the lagoon were filled, drainage would have to be provided in case of heavy rains. Mr. Olinghouse informed those present that the problem with the lagoon is that two municipalities are trying to cooperate and come up with a community plan. Dr. Ruff inquired whether the lagoon was viewed by the City as a valuable asset or if the preservation of the lagoon gives the citi- zens of Carlsbad a feeling that it may be a National Conservatory someday? Mr. Olinghouse replied the lagoons in this area are a valuable asset not just to Carlsbad but to other communities. Mr. Olinghouse stated that one of the advantages of having a group such as the one present is thier collective knowledge of various fields related to the study of the environment and, therefore, they can educate the people of Carlsbad and help them to become more aware of their environment. CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- Mr. Neiswender stated once the Commission becomes a Commission legally, it will be subject to the Brown Act and will be exposed to the publicity of the press so that in this way, it will educate the public in Carlsbad. Mr. Olinghouse added he felt this Commissio should have liason members from other commissions such as the Planning Commission. Drs . Pryde, Ruff and McGowan all stated they were very interested in the Commission and would like to serve 'as members and contribute as much as they could. Mr. Olinghouse pointed out that a Commission of this nature could be very successful if the members are not over- burdened with research, etc. and that they just act as an advisory committee to advise the City Council of their findings. Mr. Neiswender explained that when a particular problem arises, the City will supply all the data they can and forward it to the members of the Commission. After each Commissioner has reviewed the problem he will th«n forward a report with his opinion and/or advice to the City Council. These problems which may arise will not need an immediate solution and therefore, will allow the Commission reason- able time to make these decisions and compile a report, and, of course, will be viewed in a long range plan. Councilman Jardine stated if he understood correctly, the purpose of the Commission is to try to prepare the City to identify a creeping crisis and thus be prepared to react to it. Mr. Neiswender stated one interesting thing about Carlsbad is that its growth is 7% per year.. Dr. McGowan stated that 7% per year is very dangerous and that is one crisis he can see at this time that must have attention. Mr. Olinghouse approached the Commission with a problem regarding Lake Calavares. He stated that Lake Calavares is almost completely surrounded by Oceanside. On the north and east sides, it is border- ed by a subdivision which is in the "City of Oceanside and'on the south side in the very near future, another subdivision will be proposed and will be located on several hundred acres of land which will border the lake. He stated that this would not be the best use for the Lake Calavares plans. He pointed out that if a Com- mission such as the Environmental Pollution Commission studied something such as this, they could voice their opinion and let the Comprehensive Planning Organization pick it up and, in turn, may have an effect on what is done with the land. Discussion was had regarding the next meeting date, and it was decided by those present that the next meet ing- would be held Thurs- day, September 10, 1970, due to vacations during the summer months. Since there was no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. ADJOURNMENT: 10:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, NORA K. GARDINER Recording Secretary