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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-19; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesOF THK .^infli./iH PIECING OF THK GA:lLiuv';D HARBOR ^GH|CIb;,XO--• -«»w.-*/i», ~'t :"V--i-'!' -, •. • --. ;*- *. .->-''--' "? Q*i «~*.~f^ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dunne at 7:15 P.K, The follovjlng Commissioners were preseat: Waiters!, Dunne, Jeffers, and Merkleo The previous meeting's minutes we apoyovetl. There ®as a discussion of the resent meeting of the State lend in Sp.nta Barbara,, There was a ~eneral feeling th?t a new would be formed by the State legislature th^t vioulcl have jurisdiction over the State's Small Craft Harbors 0 It was rlso noted that Northern rather than Southern Coast counties were given priortly for <3evelaprEeat of smpil oraft harbors 0 A dissuasion then followed regprding work for the oosalng yenr. It was decided thnt each Coaiailsslon member would be given a specific task to perform for the coming yeara The following topics were discussed as points of action: J» acquisition by the Jity on the shore- of Agua Hedionda II „ Further action on lease of Ague, Hed loads Laprooa. II I « Harbor Regula!;ioKS 3V. Promotional £3tlvltles for future Harbor0 A. Legislative Acfelon B0 Action through Commissiona^ ica« Marine Parks & Bepch Commission, etc* C. i-ocal Promotional Activities,, V» Engineering A9 Patterson Report, B. Further studies « The time set for the next meeting was January 8th at sevsa o'clooko The iseetlng was adjourned at approximately 8:15 ^«K0 Respeotf ully submitted , BESTORIGINAL s George ¥» MerlclsSecretary