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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-05; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MttKTIHO OF Tlifi CAKLS.BAD. HARBOR .CQMMIS.S.1 .QHn February 5, 1957 The meeting was called to order at ?:05 P.Me by Chairman Walters. Present besides the Chairman v/ere Commissioners Christiansen, Dunne, Schelske, Snyder, Merkle and Jeffera» Also present, Secretary of the Commission Ewr>ld» The minutes of the January 9th meeting were approved as reado Commissioner Dunne reported on his trip to the Army Corps of Engineers Office in Los Angeles. He explained the procedure of the Corps of Engineers is to first make a preliminary report on a site and, in the case of the Agua HediondP Lagoon, this was done In 19^7 and It was recommended th?t further studies be made at a future date* The second step is the survey report which follows the preliminary report, providing the preliminary report Indicates favorable consideration» In the case of the Agua Hedionda,. the next step would be the survey report for which funds have been appropriatedo Following the survey report, a report is m^de to Congress and funds are then appropriated for the project„ In any case, approval of the Cwrps of Engineers is a must, and the next step for furtherance of the Agua Hedionda project« After some discussion by members of the Commission, Chairman Walters recommended that further steps of the engineering be held until the Patterson report Is in in Maroh0 Chairman Walters asked Comm0 Christiansen for a report on map preparation0Comnu Christiansen reported that the preliminary stages have been made at a cost of approximately §75»00, and thpt it would be necessary to request additional funds to complete the out for newspaper coverage* On a motion by Comra,, Dunne, seconded by Comm. Kerkle, it was agreed to request the additional .j-.150.OG from the City Council to complete the map, Motion carried unanimously,, Chairman Walters reported OB the letter from the San Diego Gas and .Electric Company regarding the lease of the Agua Hedlends Lagoon„ After consider- able discussion s upon a motion by CGSSHJ* Dunne, seconded by Comm* Merklesthe letter was tabled for thirty days, The meeting was adjourned at 8ilO P.H0 Respectfully submitted? H. 0. BWALD, Secretary Carlsbad Harbor Commission