HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-03-05; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesTHE hi. March 5, 1957 The meeting was called to order at 7-05 P.M. by Chairman Wsyi5sP ' »"**L Commlssloners present were: Snyder, Merkle, Dunne, Jeffers, and Christiansen. Also present were Secretary Ewald, A. H. Gllssman, and several members of the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Clube On a motion by Comnu Dunne, seconded by Comnu Merkle, the minutes of the meeting of February 5, 1957 were approved as reado The first item discussed was the lease of the Agua Hedlonda Lagoon from the San Diego Oas and Electric Company0 Two copies of the lagoon lease were presented, along with the accompanying letter from iil. D. Sherwin, Presidentc After considerable discussion, upon a motion by Comau Dunne, seconded by Comnu Snyder, It was moved th^t the Commission recommend to the City Council that the lease be accepted by the City* Four ayes: Dunne, Snyder, Merkle, Jefferfl* No nays* Christiansen, Abstaining,, Item two for discussion was the urgency ordinance drawn by the City Attorney regarding muffling of the boat motors,. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Conmu Dunne, seconded by Comnu Jeffers* that a recommendation be made to the City Council that the ordinance be held for a two weeks period for study, or amended to read "said muffling devices to consist of water running out the exhaust pipes Into the transom for inboards, or for factory installed mufflers on outboardsB 0All ayesa Motion carried0 The third item was discussion of the Hules and Regulations for the Lsgoon, and the Rules and Regulations as outlined for the State Park and Beach Commission were reado. Chairman Walters referred the State Rules to the Committee on Rules and Regulations, with the instruction that they were to meet with the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club and be prepared to make a recommendation prior to the next Council meeting of the 19th of March* so that the Council can act upon an urgency ordinance covering the muffling devices and also rules and regulations on the use of the Iagooa0 There was discussion on the possibility of sending two representativesto Sacramento to support certain legislation ivhioh will be presented, nnd was outlined to the Sommission by Secretary Ewald £ a State-wide program on the establishment of a five man Commission, the establishment of the Revolving Fund9 and the appropriation from the Motor Vehicle Gas Tax Fund to the Small Craft Revolving Fund* After discussion, It was moved by Comau Christiansen, seconded by Coma, Dunne, that a request be made to the City Council tonight for authorization of expenditure of funds to send two men to Sacramento vrhen the legislation is before the appropriate committees* All ayes. Motion carried*, The subject of appropriate docking facilities and installations being installed on the lagooc was discussed„ Chairman Walters requested Comnu Duane, as head of the Engineering Committee, to consult with an engineer and make a recommendation at the April meeting on suitable docking Installations so that a recommendstioa can be made to the City Council to keep all structures uniform and properly maintained on the lagoon0 The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.Mc Respectfully submitted, M n