HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-06; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; Minutesen-1 RaauMii HOETIHG or cms CAHLSBAD HAHBCB CGIIIIISSIOH HAX 6, 195? The meeting convened at 7:15 In the city Hall. Present were Coamlssloners Dunne, Lamb, Haerkls and Jeffers. Also present were Hr. Gllssman an<3 Chief Palkowski. Sinoe the body was without either Chairman or Secretary, aninformal vote selected, Jeffers to act as Chairman pro tern untilthe Council appointed new members to the depleted Commission. The budget for 1957-3 was discussed at length and the following amounts were considered necessary for the Commission's operations Professional expense and/or election expenses $ 1,000.00 Telephone 20.00Travel 400.00Printing 100.00iliso. Materials and Supplies 200.00Memberships 50>00 $ 1,770.00 Commissioner Dunne announced that he had recommended to the Mayor the name of Max Swald as replacement for C. C. i/p.lters, resigned. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 ?«H« m the absence of a secretary, the minutes were taken by 0. G» Jeffers.