HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-06-04; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesJune ^9 1957 Tile meeting was called to order at 7:30 P»H. by Chairman Walters, Present besides the Chairman ware Commissioners Jeff ere,, Dunne? Herkle and Schelske,, ^Iso present tvere "Whltey" Qllssman, Oliver Owen, Chief of Police Palkowskl ana, Secretary Efrald8 The minutes of the meeting of May ?t 195? t;ere read and approved as submitted. The first Item of business was discussion of the Master Plan of the Harbor as submitted by Gordon Whitrail and Associates, After much discussion of the various areas proposed for awim- ming and other activities, It ms decided that la view of the plan being completed by H. L. Patterson for the ultimate de-velopment of the harbor, that the recommendations of the Harbor Commission be held in abeyance until the Patterson planis completed* Eemorandum from City Engineer Jack Y.. Kubota was readthe recomciendatlons on docking structures In and around thelagoon shoreline. Commissioner Dunne reported that the nem» orandum from the City Engineer was at his request after the City Engineer had checked plans for these structures which were submitted by Boyle Engineering, and that the study was continuing and would be completed in July. The third item of business was a continuation of a discussion at previous meetings regarding acquisition of the use of part of the Highway Department right of way along the Freeway for swimming purposes* Upon a motion by Commissioner Jeffera, seconded by Coma. Herklep It was recommended that the Harbor Commission urge the City council to negotiate with the Highuay Department for the use of that portion of the right of nay for the City. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P,K. submitted, BEST ET. O.rEoalA, Secretary nniOnu A i Carlsbad Harbor Commission