HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-12; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesI-iINUTiSS OP iiEG-JIAR KEEPING OP CARLSBAD HARBOR COMMISSION
Jan. 12, 1959
The meeting was called to order at 7:^5 P»H« by Chairman Weeks
Cars, Present: Weeks, Allen, Zahler, Qause
Cmrs. Absent: Jeffera and Osburn
It was moved by Cinr. Allen and seconded by Qmr. Zahler and
passed unanimously that the minutes of the regular meeting
of December 22, 1958, be approved as written*
A. Letter from Agua Hcdlonda Sailing Club recommending that
a swimming area be established and that Hoover Street be
opened as access to the Lagoon.
B. Letter and information from State Small Craft Harbor
Commission including:
1« Services offered
2. Construction loan application
3« Planning loan application
ft. List of consulting firms offering engineering and
planning services for small craft harbor development,
5. Specifications for planning small craft harbors,
6. Procedure outline for harbor surveys.
?, Minutes of meetings.
C. Acoldant report from Police Dept,
A. Howard Yr.rbrough, Carlsbad Boat & Ski Club presented a
written request from the Carlsbad and Escondldo Boat and Ski
Clubs for tournament Sanction, Agua Hedlonda Lagoon. Requested
exclusive use of Agua Hedlonda Lagoon on Sunday, February 15,
1959 between the hours of 8 A.M. and J* P.M. for the purpose ofconducting an open 60 mile marathon boat race. Written request
Included detailed outline of rules and regulations and Hr.
Yarbrough Informed the Commission that contestants would be
required to sign waivers to relieve the Boat & Ski Clubs and
the City of any liabilities. He also informed the Commission
that the clubs would provide 6 patrol boats and that all t
and course markers would be removed at the end of the meet*
A motion was made by Cmr. Zahler and seconded by Cmr. Allen
to recommend to the City Council that exclusive use of the
Agua Hedionda Lagoon be granted to the Carlsbad and Esoondido
Boat and Ski Clubs on Sunday, Feb. 15, 1959 from 8 A.H, to b P.M.
for the purpose of conducting a 60 mile marathon boat race.
Hotlon carried unanimously.
A. Preliminary Worl: on bond procedure.
Cmr. Allen reported that in talking to the City Attorney
he had learned that there were many types of bonds and
before a procedure oould be outlined, the City Attorney
would have to have information as to what the Commission
desired. Cmr. Allen therefore recommended that the City
Attorney be asked to sttend a Commission meeting at some
future date to aid the commission in formulating a pro-
B. Cmr. Weeks reported that appraisal progress had been de-
layed but should have information in the near future.
C. Beoreational Planning lleport: Cmr. Zahler reported that
there were several obstacles to overcome in establishing
the proposed swimming area and the most urgent being the
sewage problem as the use of temporary sewage facilities
t?ould have to be replaced with a permanent type in a
years time. Car. Zahler recommended that a swimming area
be designated at the foot of Hoover St. at this time
whether it be used or not. He Informed the Commission
that most o<;her activities on the Lagoon were taking
care of themselves to some degree until some more com-
plete arrangements can be made.
Further discussion was held by the Commission and property
owners present relative to the solving of the sewage
problem through bond issues or the 1911 act.
A. Recommendation for filling of vacancy on Commission created
by the expiration of the appointment of Capt. Betzaer. Cnr.
Allen recommended I-lr. Gene Smith who stated that he vio.s very
desirous of see'.ng a harbor developed but felt that he lacked
the time necessary to serve due to his previous commitments.
No further reoonmendations were made by the Commission.
B.Discussion wan held on the condition of docks and buoys in
the Lagoon which are sinking and creating hazards, Cmr. Allen
recommended thai; all buys should be removed by those installing
them. Discussion was further held on specifications of docks
being put into the Lagoon and it was agreed by the Commission
that a study should be made of the specifications of Newport
Mission Bay and other harbors be made in order to formulate
standards and regulations for inspections of docks, buoys, etc,
Cmr. Zahler was asked to Investigate and make a report to the
.Commission and was Instructed to direcfc a letter to the City
(^Building Inspector requesting that all applicants for dock
permits be directed to the Harbor Commission before a permit
v is granted.
C. It T*as movecl by Cmr. Zahler thnt the Commission recommend
that the City Council authorize rough grading of Hoover Street
so that it may be used as limited access to the lagoon for
small boat launching.
After discussion, the motion died due to the lack of asecond.
D» Discussion was held pertaining to the feasibility survey
by the Army Engineers of the Oceanslde harbor and whether or
not the allocated funds Included the Carlsbad area. It was
moved by Cmr. Allen and seconded by Crar. Zahler that a letter
be directed to Hr. Herrln. Area Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of
engineers in Los Angeles to determine when the survey wouldbe made and if it included the Carlsbad area. Motion carriedunanimously and the secretary was instructed to write theletter.
E. Chairman Weeks requested the recording secretary to call
all Commissioners 24 hours prior to each meeting to remind
them in order that a quorum would be present at all meetings.
It was moved by Cmr. Allen and seconded by Cmr. Zahler to
adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.H,
Date Patrick E. Sahler