HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-26; Harbor Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OP CARLSBAD HARBOR COMMISSION January 26, 1959 Meeting called to order at 7:^0 P.II. by Chairman John Weeks. Commissioners present: Weeks, Osburn, Zahler, Gause & Allen Commissioners absent: Jeffera Others Present: Cwne Coats, City Mgr. Palkowskl, City Engineer JenkensCity Clerk Price and H. Gc Stevens and John Scripps of the State Small Craft Harbor Commission* I. APPROVAL OF MIKUTSS: It was moved by Cmr. Allen, seconded by Cmr. Gause and unanimously approved that the reading of the minutes of the Regular Ileeting of Jan, 12, 1959, be dispensed and stand approved as written, II. COixRBSPpIlDl-iliCE; A0 Agua Hedionda Sailing Club: Itr, requesting approval of dates for special sailing events: It was moved by Cor. Gause, seconded by Cor. Allen and unanimously approved that the recommendation be made to the City Council to approve the following dates for special events of the Agua Hedionda Sailing Club.: Peb8 18, Harch 1, 15, and 29; April 12 and 26; Hay 10 and 24; and June 7 and 210 Bo Chamber of Commerce: Itr to Agua Hedionda Sailing Club en- dorsing their recommendations to the Harbor Commission«, III. OLD BUSINESS: Ao Appraisal and acquisition of land: 10 Chairman Weeks briefly outlined the aims of the Harbor Qommisslon relative to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon as to acquiring land for the purpose of developing an inner lagqon aquatic re- creation areac 2. Cmr« Zahler reported on a m eting held with the Parks & Recreation Commission, Sailing Club and the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club, Cmr0 Osburn and himself, str ting the group had come up with the following suggestions and reconimendntionsj a6 Providing of adequate patrol boat for controlling of lagooneb« The necessity of establishing and enforcing ade- quate rules and regulations governing the lagoon for safety and health purposes. c«, Requested more enforcement of the existing rules until such time as better rules are brought forth. do Central place for mooring of boats in lagoon such as mooring facilities at the end of Hoover St. e0 Recommended grading of Hoover street for limited access* f. Investigation of possibility of a City owned dock. gs The Bort ^ Ski Club requests permission to relo- cate and maintain their ski jump* fi» Sailing Club requests permission to place per- manent sailing course markers, 1. The establishment of a swimming beach in either the middle lagoon or along railroad with public aocesSo After discussion relative to placement of course markers and ski Jump, the Commission agreed that the Sailing Club nnd Boat and Ski Club should present specific plans for actual location and maintenance to the Commission at a regular meeting at which time any opposition could also be herrd,lf c-ny. Discussion on swimming area was set aside until meeting of February 9, 1959 for further study. Discussion held on feasibility of Hoover St. access. It was moved by Cmr. Jaliler and seconded by Cmr. Osburn that the recom- mendation be made to the City Council to "Request the City iingine-ering Dept. to prepare a feasibility study on the grading & opening of Hoover St. for limited access and parking and to include a cost estimate." Motion carried - 3 ayes and 1 iio.i-i Cmr. Zahler recommended that a Jmr. be appointed to follow through on possibility of obtaining a lease for limited parking facilities in the Hoover Street area. Chairman t-eeks appointed Cmr. Zahler to obtain information on obtaining a lease and pre- pare report for meeting of Feb. 9, 1959 for study by the Commis- sion before asking nny further recommendation to the Council. B0 Chairman Weeks informed the Commission that he had called Hr. Potherlngham, the appraiser, and that as yet he could not give a report. C. Cmr, Allen suggested that the Commission arrange a meeting with the City Attorney within the week, if possible, to discuss bond procedures. D. Discussion or. specifications of docks,buoys and floats and Cmr. Zahler submitted information and codes of other Harbors. Hr. Stevens informed the Commission that the State Harbor Commis- sion was In the process of compiling information on standards of floats and docks used in other Harbors nnd a copy would be available to the Carlsbad Commission in approximately two weeks. Chairman Ueeks directed the secretary to vrite for copies of the study. It was moved by Cmr. Allen nnd seconded by Cmr. Gause to recommend to the City Council to "iiequest the City Engineer to prepare -standard specifica-tions for floats, docks and buoys after receipt of the study made by the State Small Craft Harbor Commission.11 Motion carried. IV. Q.AL CQHHUIIICATIOi-JS; Ao AB L0 Glissman requested the Commission: 1- to investigate the possibility of stopping racing events on the lagoon parti- cularly during sunnier season„ He made reference to the regula- tions of the ur.rlne Stadium in Long Beach§ 2- additions to rules and regulations specifying that something should be done about stern floats as they are a hazard to skiers; 3~to Include any requests of the sail boat club In the new resolutions* Discussion held on scheduling of events on the lagoon and City Manager Palkowski informed the Commission that several years ago the Council tod adopted a policy as recommended by the Harbor Commission of approving 3 events per yeare Discussion held on printing of rules and regulations by the City and the private concession owner. It was the general con- census of opinion that the printing of rules and regulations should be approved by the Commission prior to distribution^ V. NaW BUSINESS: A. Recommendation for Harbor Commissioner: After discussion It was moved by Cmr0 Sahler and seconded by Cmr. Allen thr.t the Harbor Commission recommend the following names to the City Council for consideration as Harbor Commissioner: Henry Meier - 1811 Oak St, Hoy Phillips - North Carlsbad. Motion carried,, Bo Changing name of Harbor: Cmrs Allen moved that the recom- mendation be made to the City Council that "At such time as the Lagoon has access to the ocean, the name be changed from "Agua Hedionda Lagoon" to "Carlsbad Harbor"0Seconded by Cmr0 Geiuse0 Ayes - 3j ^os - 1, Car. Osburn abstaining Motion carried« C. Mr. Scripps renounced that on July llth the San Die o Harbor was sponsoring an ocean race from San Diego to I^ncina Power Plant, D« Report from Mr. Stevens and I-lr. Scripps from Str.te Harbor Com- mission and open discussion: Chairman Weeks requested Hr. Stevens to /jive the Commission any information he could which might aid them in formulating plans for the harbor development,, Hr. Stevens informed the Commission that the State recognized the need to develop harbors such as the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, He suggested that the first step would be to decide whether to 10 Develop from the inland out and eventually a fully a developed harbor open to the sea; or 2. Go for full development including seaward access,, -3- VI Mr. Stevens also recommended that the Commission and City keep up with all legislative active pertaining to harbors, what laws are being passed in order to know their effect upon the harbor both today and in the past. Ilr. Stevens explained that the construction loan t/aa not approved at Blythe due to the inability of the City to solve acquisition problems. However, the State felt that the problems could be resolved if the City and Community find a direct approach* Hr. Soripps confirmed Mr. Stevens thoughts and added that all development must be initiated at the local level and the State would be at hand to help out if possible . He further stated that the coast between I-lission Bay and Newport Harbor was one of the largest unserved by harbors for refuge of boats and that harbors serve areas from great distances rather than only at a local level, Mr, Stevens told the Commission upon question from Chairman Weeks that the Ooeanslde Harbor would have no adverse effect relative to Carlsbad but rather one harbor would aid the other in cost ratio, Chairman VJeeks asked if there i? ould be a possibility of the State holding a meeting in Carlsbad sometime in the fall. Mr. Soripps and iir. Stevens felt that it was possible and would bring the natter up at the meeting in March of the State Harbor Commission* Crar. Zahler moved that a letter be written to the State Small Craft Harbor Commission inviting them to hold a meeting in Carls- bad in the Fnlle Seconded by Cmr. Cause and unanimously carried. Cmr. Zahler asked to what extent the State could aid in develop- ing recreational facilities from the inside* Hr. Stevens and I-lTc Scrlpps informed the Commission that they could aid with planning and construction loans and engineering. They further told the commission that the State Harbor Commission aided in improving many ki:ads of waterways whether it has access to the ocean or not,, Discussion was held on the feasibility of the use of ships such as the Ills sour 1, an a breakwater, Hr, Stevens advised that the sinking of a ship for a breakwater had been tried before and had been unsuccessful in that In a short period of time an island would develop as -3 he sond swirling around it forms sand bars eventually building up an island. He further informed the Commis- sion that it is more feasible to build a breakwater which would include sand by -pass and be more economical to maintain. Hr. Allen presented a diagram of three ships o et as a breakwater and forming a harbor which Hr. Stevens requested to take to the State Harbor Commission Engineer. Upon proper motio..i the meeting was adjourned at 9*^0 iM-1. / x» ^i)-^ - s'~~2 ^^Date approved: f^ ?' /ft~? -^f^/ ^^^ X'Jfe.trick Zahier, Sec'y^ ^