HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-23; Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES .- Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 23, 1987 Place of Meeting: Santa Fe Depot Meeting of: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE CALL TO ORDER: Chairman McCoy called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman McCoy, Committee Members Clarke, lelton, Nielsen and Sanchez. Guilf ord, Hayes, Absent: Committee Members Staff present: Moralez and Rombotis. Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager Brian Hunter, Assistant Planner Patty Cratty, AAII APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held February 23, 1987, were approved as amended. Member Clarke stated he abstained from the Minutes at the February 23, 1987 meeting. NEW BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: 1. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPOR Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, gave a status report on this item. race to be held 3uly 26, 1987, stating there will be national media coverage for that event. He added the tennis court project will be coming before the Design Review Board April 15th. He called attention to the 5K 2. BASE YEAR ASSESSED VALUES - REDEVELOPMENT AREA Chris Salomone stated this was good news. consultant to check the parcels in the Redevelopment Area to determine whether all of the property in the Redevelopment Area was listed on the tax record. As a result of this audit, the City will be repaid $239,385 plus $80,000 a year for 20 years, or approximately $1.9 million more than before this audit. He hired a There will be another $24,000 the State Board of Equalization will give to the Redevelopment Area for the parcels in the railroad right-of-way that were not assessed. 3. HUD INCOME LIMITS Chris Salomone reported the Carlsbad Housing Authority has been notified by HUD Los Angeles area office that effective February 6, 1987, income limits for lower income and very low income families had been revised. schedule was attached to the staff report. A revised MEMBERS \I McCoy Clarke Guilf ord Hayes Helton Nielsen Sanchez MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 1987 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: (continued) 4. 1987 POPULATION ESTIMATES Chris Salomone reported the significant thing in the population estimate is the population as of 3anuary 1987, for Carlsbad is 55,108. He stated he would ask Representative Packard to take that to Washington and make Carlsbad an entitlement city, which will mean more money from the Block Grant Program. OLD BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: 5. HOSP GROVE PROPOSED METHODS OF FINANCING Chris Salomone stated this item was on the Council agenda last Tuesday and will be discussed again tomorrow night, March 24. Grove purchase are being discussed. has been to use the Park In-Lieu Fees to purchase Hosp Grove and use bonds or a General Obligation Bond to pay the money back with long-term financing. He said several ways of financing the Hosp One recent suggestion Mr. Salomone stated all indications were Redevelopment funds would not be used. There was discussion about Redevelopment paying back its loan to the City, and Mr. Salomone stated if Redevelopment issued bonds for $10 million, they could do a million dollars worth of projects. They are not paying on the principle at the present time, as the City is deferring those payments. The interest is at 10% however, and at this time they could probably get a better rate of interest. issue matter will be discussed later in this agenda. Mr. Salomone stated the issue was did this Committee want to use $5.5 million dollars to do projects downtown and pay the debt off to the City. The bond Mr. Salomone stated this Committee would approve any bond issue and would hire the consultant. 6. MUNICIPAL PR03ECTS STATUS REPORT Chris Salomone referred to the report attached to the agenda bill, statinq this gives the status report on the projects underway. 7. AMENDMENTS TO VILLAGE DESIGN MANUAL Chris Salomone reported the final documents are ready to be presented to the Coastal Commission at a hearing March 27, 1987, to give the Redevelopment Area the right to proceed with the Coastal Authority and to issue Coastal Permits . MEMBERS ' MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 1987 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: (continued) 8. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER Chris Salomone reported the City is negotiating with the School District. square feet for the seniors and 12,000 square feet for the School District. The recent discussion has been to have the School District give the land to the City in lieu of renting the building. They would use the building for five years, and at that point, the building would be . turned over to the seniors, or rented out. The cost at this point for the building is guestimated to he $2.5 million dollars. this Committee to be aware of the status of the negotiations at the present time. He stated it would be necessary to know whether the land or the building would be a good investment. The proposed building would have 14,000 Chris Salomone stated he just wanted Member Sanchez suggested if the School District was going to move out in five years, why not have Redevelopment move into those offices at that time. Chris Salomone stated at this point nothing has been settled and the negotiations are in the preliminary stages. Member Hayes asked why this Committee was not involved in the negotiations. Chris Salomone stated when they get to the point in the negotiations where it is approaching finalization, this Committee will be involved. Chairman McCoy stated he felt it was wrong to guess that it would be a certain way with this Committee having no input. He stated he felt this Committee should make recommendations and this Committee should go on record how they feel regarding the financing of the Senior Center. He felt that it should not get done and then the City come back to this Committee for approval. Chris Salomone answered the City Manager and Frank Mannen have been involved and Patty Cratty for the Historic Preservation Commission. There have been no rendering or drawings at the present time to see whether the size building they are talking about will onto the site. Chairman McCoy stated the Senior Center would benefit the entire City, and he felt the whole City should pay for it. The money should not be taken away from the downtown improvements in order to benefit the entire City. He felt this was wrong and felt this Committee should go on record as being opposed to any such financing. Chris Salomone stated the Committee could direct him to ask that a representative of this Committee be appointed to meet with this committee. Member Hayes stated the Committee should express its feelings about this at this time. Chris Salomone stated he would ask Frank Mannen to come talk to the Committee. It was stated this item should be on the Agenda under New Business and should be discussed. Chris Salomone reiterated that he would ask Frank Mannen to come to the next meeting. MEMBERS MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 1987 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: (continued) 9. STREETSCAPE DESIGN Chris Salomone reported the streetscape is well underway and the firm that has been hired has come up with preliminary ideas on how the streetscape would go together. He stated next Tuesday there will be a workshop with the facilitator and they would talk about the design. Mr. Salomone stated this is an important project and parking is an issue. He invited all the Committee Members to attend the meeting next Tuesday morning. Mr. Salomone explained there would be planning for medians on Elm Avenue, with four lanes without parking, Carlsbad Boulevard with planted medians, special treatment for the intersections, traffic signal at Jefferson Street and Roosevelt Street--all of those items will be discussed. Drawings will be made and there will be another workshop held. There has been a timetable schedule issued for the streetscaping, and the project is on schedule at the present time. Copies of that schedule were distributed to the Committee Members. Chris Salomone stated parking will be discussed, and he has a list of the parcels they are considering purchasing for off-street parking. He stated it would be his job to replace any lost street parking with off-street parking. Member Nielson stated he did not want to lose the 100 parking spaces on Elm Avenue. Chris Salomone said there is now a parking meter maid, and the City is starting to enforce the two-hour parking downtown. 10. BOND ISSUES Chris Salomone referred to the attached material, and stated this gives a report on the Redevelopment Agency lax Allocation Bonds. This Committee will come up with a Capital Improvement Program for the approximate amount of money for which they would like to issue bonds. would be no election approval necessary, as this would be paid for out of the property taxes in the Redevelopment Area, with no additional taxes to anyone. He stated there are several projects already obligated, which would come out of this bond issue. There are some projects that are not in the Redevelopment Area, but are beneficial to the area, and this Committee could decide whether it wanted to include those in the bond issue. There Mr. Salomone said the financial consultant would bring this information to this Committee and he will bring a list of projects. The Committee will decide the amount of the bond issue they want and then it will go to Council. This money is tax exempt and there would be three years in which to spend the money. first truly Redevelopment Bond Issue and if the Redevelopment Agency received an A-rated bond, this would set up the agency for many years to come. He stated this would be the MINUTES _- HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 1987 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: (continued) Member Nielson asked how much money was committed for the Senior Center, and Chris Salomone stated there had been nothing committed so far. The Parks and Recreation Department had prepared an Agenda Bill for Council and that did not come to this Committee. It was to look at the Harding Street Community Center as a site for the Senior Center. architect to do some renderings for a 12,000 square foot building there. In that Agenda Bill, such a facility would cost as much as $1.67 million, and Redevelopment Bonds could be a source of funding. The only action that Council took was that action, but the thing taken from that action was that the City was committing Redevelopment Funds. Then the Pine Street site and the School District negotiations or idea came about, but there was never any official action committing that money. Member Nielson stated the City wanted the Redevelopment Area to do the whole thing rather than just participating. They were asking Council to hire an Chairman McCoy stated this should be discussed and this Committee should come up with some recommendations. He added property should be purchased in the downtown area for parking, but if all of the money is used for the Senior Center and other things, there will not be any money left to buy land for parking lots. Chris Salomone said the financial advisor would tell the Committee all of this. The Redevelopment Area could issue $10 million dollars worth of bonds and then go back to do their projects. However, they are not obligated to do anything. All items will be individual actions and there must be a list of tentative projects for the bond issue. Committee Members stated Chris Salomone was their spokesman, and their avenue of communication. 1'1. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN DOWNTOWN AREA. Member Hayes asked for this item to be on the agenda to be discussed. She felt it was encouraging that there was to be some residential development in the downtown are. The comment was made if you have a village, then you should have people living in it and not just commercial enterprises. When the businesses close, the downtown area is vacant and without people. The tendency has been to build office buildings and the Redevelopment Area has not kept up with the residential area in the downtown section. That area is close to the beach and they need to find ways to encourage people living downtown. Member Hayes stated she would like to have this Committee be creative and think how this could be done. They could encourage the railroad to build apartments and a bridge over the tracks. The people working downtown could have access to the beach and the tennis courts. live. This would be an ideal place to Member Hayes stated the Planning Department had been objecting on three-story buildings in the downtown area, and the alternative to that would be to encourage residences on the third floors. She felt the downtown area would be a good place for young married couples. you put those residences up on the third floor, in most places they would have a lovely view of the ocean. If Y MEMBERS MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 1987 Page 6 OLD BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL: (continued) Member Hayes concluded, stating she was not talking about small elementary school-age children, as she did not feel this was the place for small children. Member Clarke agreed, stating when there are children with time on their hands in a commercial area, this can be very detrimental. Member Hayes stated she was thinking of the 20-to-30 year olds and the young affluent professionals to get them to come back into the downtown area. Member Hayes reiterated her thoughts that this Committee needs to be more dedicated to getting more residences downtown. Member Sanchez stated they have tried to mix commercial with residential, like Mr. Willis, and now it is coming in. it is finally happening. He said they had tried to do this 16 years ago, and Chris Salomone stated the Design Review Board is being asked to review the Design Review Manual. are going to take it subsection by subsection and block by block. Six years ago there was a different climate in the Redevelopment Area and that will be part of the review. The planners Member Neilson commented the downtown area needed a drawing power for people with more spendable cash. asked this be on the next agenda. He Chris Salomone asked the specifications for Design Manual were to come from Design Review Board and theory from this Committee. AGENDA ITEMS: 12. APRIL AGENDA Items for the April Agenda are to be as follows: Senior Center, storm drain, residential and low income housing. Member Hayes asked there be something in the minutes and on the Agenda regarding the subcommittees. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of March 23, 1987, was adjourned at 6:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, CHRIS SALOMONE Community Redevelopment Manager Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb