HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-27; Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES Time or Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: July 27, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers Meetina of: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman McCoy called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman McCoy, Committee Members Clarke, Guilford, Hayes, Helton, Moralez, Nielsen, Rombotis and Sanchez. (Members Hayes and Nielsen arrived after Approval of Minutes.) Absent : None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held June 22, 1987, were approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: 1. STREETSCAPE DESIGN FOR ELM AVENUE/CARLSBAD BLVD. Representatives from streetscape design firm to qive presentation of Elm Avenue/Carlshad Blvd. project. Chris Salomone reported a representative from Austin/Hensen/Fehlman Group and Church Engineering, Inc., will give an overview of the streetscape program and answer questions regarding the pro,iect. Pat O'Conner, Austin/Hensen/Fehlman Group, stated the project is moving on schedule at the present time, and used wall charts and an artist's drawing of the design to show Carlsbad Village Drive from the Civic Center to the ocean and Carlsbad Boulevard from the lagoon to Pine. Mr. O'Conner stated Carlsbad Village Drive will have an urban village concept and Carlsbad Boulevard will have a rural village concept. Mr. O'Conner explained the concept for Carlsbad Village Drive first, stating they would continue with the same type of streetscape to blend with that already done. There will be a series of medians, for two reasons: traffic control and a stronq aesthetic appeal for the street, which should heighten the village atmosphere. Mr. O'Conner stated he would like questions on the porkchop design recommended for a portion of Carlsbad Village Drive. He explained they felt the landscaped noses of the medians needed to be lengthened between State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, and were partially eliminated because of the parking lots. medians planned. From Carlsbad Boulevard west there are no McCoy Clarke Guilf ord Helton Moralez Rombot is Sanchez MINUTES July 27, 1987 Page 2 Mr. O'Conner discussed the hodge-podge of trees now existing alonq Carlsbad Village Drive and said the final decision was to leave all the existing palm trees and use Magnolia trees in between them. The trees to be installed would be 14 feet tall and have a spread of ten feet . The medians will be planted with colorful plants, including bird of paradise, which is the flower of the City. to the Committee. Drawings of the trees and the plantings were shown Another chart was used by Mr. O'Conner to indicate the street furniture. He explained the pavinq material, which is the same as used on State Street. The sidewalks will be a different paver, as the other paver is too rough for walking. Mr. O'Conner talked about the light poles, stating they would be concrete with period-style light fixtures and the top of the pole to be painted blue. with blue entry signs to be installed on Carlsbad Boulevard. This will tie in Carlsbad Boulevard will have a similar design concept-- but a rural flavor, with more random placement of trees and meandering sidewalks. adding to the existing trees on the street, with some Magnolia trees and palm trees between Oak and Pine. Eucalyptus trees will be used, In answer to query regarding returning to 1-5 from Carlsbad Village Drive, Mr. O'Conner stated there would be no left turn with the recommended plan. There is an alley and people may have to drive to Harding and Jefferson. He stated there would be signals installed at Jefferson and Carlsbad Village Drive and at Roosevelt. Mr. O'Conner stated the project was estimated at four million dollars and the storm drain was $500,000. The Big Bear shopping center and businesses on the north side of Carlsbad Village Drive would have no left turns in or out, and the turn from the freeway would be allowed on green only. controversial. that is the removal of parking from Elm Avenue. That block is a difficult block and will be The only auestion more difficult than Mr. O'Conner explained the trees would be deep-watered, which would eliminate the roots tearing up the sidewalks. Chris Salomone explained the existing storm drain is too small and bubbles up by Texas Liquor. be placed on the north side of Elm to dump into the central business storm drain and be tunneled under the railroad tracks. A new drain will The bus stops will remain on Carlsbad Village Drive, but the benches will be moved back. The street will be striped for buses to stop, but no parking. MINUTES 3uly 27, 1987 Page 3 Chairman McCoy stated his opposition to the proposed porkchop configuration, stating there must be access to the shopping center on Elm Avenue. Staff agreed this is the most difficult 300 feet in the City and that area must be studied more. The question was asked of Mr. O'Conner if the streetscape could be done with leaving the parking on Elm Avenue. He answered it could be done if the four lanes of traffic are eliminated and only two lanes allowed. In answer to query regarding replacement of lamp bulbs, Mr. O'Conner stated they were not made of glass and would not be too expensive. figures and give them to Mr. Salomone. He added he would get the cost Mr. O'Conner explained the art work to be at Pine and Carlsbad Boulevard, and added that the art work at the three entry points would all be different, but carry out the same theme. Chris Salomone explained the project is going forward with four travel lanes on Elm Avenue and parking removed. The City has made a commitment they will replace the parking before it is removed, with adjacent parking lots to be obtained by the City. la. ELM AVENUE/CARLSBAD BLVD. DESIGN CHANGE NO. 1 Discussion on amendment of design agreement for Elm Avenue/Carlsbad Blvd. Streetscape Project. Chris Salomone explained the storm drain needed to be a part of the streetscape project. It could not be designed inhouse, which necessitated an agreement change. 2.. NEWS ARTICLE Information item regarding news article which appeared in local newspaper. Chris Salomone called attention to the copy of the news article that appeared in the Blade Tribune telling of a special citation received by the City of Carlsbad for no pedestrian deaths in 1986. Committee Member Hayes stated she appeared before the Traffic Safety Commission asking for an ad hoc committee to implement the pedestrian circulation study. requested she return with a proposal for the committee. Mrs. Hayes asked for any ideas from this Committee and added she was going to attend a Senior Citizen Commission meeting for their input. The main items she will propose are the items in the pedestrian circulation study. They 3. SANTA FE DEPOT REHABILITATION - AGENDA BILL Chris Salomone reported this rehabilitation went out to bid 3uly IO, and six bids were received. The contractor selected will start work as soon as possible, with September 12 as the target date for completion. MEMBERS ' MINUTES July 27, 1987 Page 4 4. MUNICIPAL PR03ECTS STATUS REPORT Informational item presented to committee regarding Municipal Projects Department. Chris Salomone stated this was an information item only. 5. BOND FINANCING Discussion regardng Redevelopment Bond Financing. Chris Salomone said there would be a special meeting regarding bond financing, with the redevelopment attorneys explaining bond financing. center numbers discussed are lower than the numbers this Committee heard. They are exploring other financing and a maximum square foot price will be established. He added the senior Two things affect the bond, the senior center cost and the amount of redevelopment funds. The senior center would not have to be financed until next year, and the bond issue now would be for projects in the redevelopment area. Chairman McCoy stated Bob Prescott suggested that in addition to financing the senior center, they would also be financing the school district headquarters, and he objected to that. Committee Member Hayes stated the redevelopment got that way before because the money was spent everywhere else. Chairman McCoy reiterated the Resolution passed by this Committee was still in effect and should be sent to City Council with whatever method of financing. Housing and Redevelopmment Advisory Committee requested Chairman McCoy present to Council the Resolution regarding senior center financing passed by this Committee at their last meeting. Also, any Members of this Committee able to appear at the Council meeting, should do so. Chris Salomone stated Community Block Grant funds might be available to be borrowed against for the senior center project. Chairman McCoy asked Mr. Salomone to provide a list of the projects where redevelopment is obligated. 6. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT 3UNE/3ULY Discussion and review of activity report for the months of 3une/3uly 1987. Chris Salomone reported this was an update of the areas staff is involved in. He had written a letter today to the owner of the theatre discussing the City's 50/50 aid in funding a feasibility study. are scheduled to go before the Design Review Board in September. The railroad tennis courts McCoy Clarke Gui 1 ford Hayes Helton Moralez Nielsen Rombot is Sanchez Y Y Y Y Y X X K -- MINUTES 3uly 27, 1987 Page 5 MEMBERS \ 7. HOUSING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Introduction of department Housing Program Administrator. Chris Salomone introduced Mike Brooks, the new Housing Program Administrator, and stated he would be in charge of the Housing staff and Section 8. This position is funded with Federal money and is not subject to the City freeze. In answer to query from Committee Member Hayes regarding inspections of premises and social services element, Mr. Brooks stated the Carlsbad office has always talked with people when they have a problem and have referred them to the proper agency. As to exterior inspections, there is a building inspector, and exterior improvements are not required to the property unless there is something detrimental, such as litter, etc. The City works with the landlords on such matters, but can disqualify them if complaints are received and no action is taken. Committee Member Rombotis left the meeting at 6:45 p.m. OLD BUSINESS/INFORMATION ITEMS: 8. ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Terms of three members will expire in August. Discussion will be held regarding appointments. Chris Salomone reminded Committee Members McCoy, Nielsen and Helton they should write a letter indicating their desires on reappointment. 9. AUGUST ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Discussion on items to be included in the August Advisory Committee Agenda. The final report - wish list for CIP Bond Meeting Update on streetscape Parking program AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of 3uly 27, 1987, was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, CHRIS SALOMONE Community Redevelopment Manager Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk