HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-03; Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: MEETING DATE Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 MEETING TIME: 4:OO P.M. MEETING PLACE: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairperson Norby at 4:OO P.M. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Peder Norby, Members: John McCoy, Thelma Hayes, Belynn Gonzalez, Witt Rowlett and Keith Meloy. ABSENT: Phyllis Hamilton STAFF PRESENT: Kathy L. Graham, Housing and Redevelopment Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst Karen Sauer, Management Analyst Linda Holmes, Management Assistant Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of April 22, 1991 approved as presented. . 1. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: a. New Merchants Meetina Location: Chairperson Norby reported that the Village Merchants Association will commence meeting on the veranda at Neiman's in two weeks. b. Housincr Element - Status Report: Chairperson Norby reported that the draft Housing Element would be going forward to the Planning Commission on Wednesday, June 5th but the public hearing will be continued to June 11, 1991. Mr. Norby stated that the Housing Element was a draft prepared by the Planning Department staff and that it is tentatively scheduled to go before the City Council July 2, 1991. Member Hayes raised concerns regarding the Housing Element, stating that she felt that the advisory committee should have been a part of it. Member Hayes also addressed concerns that no action had been taken by the Committee regarding the document. Kathy Graham, Housing and Redevelopment Director, addressed the Committee stating that the Planning Department took the lead on putting the draft Housing Element together and what was before the Committee complies with all the state regulations. Ms Graham assured the committee that there would be a series of public meetings where individuals could go and ask questions prior to the adoption of the Housing Element. MEMBERS MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 PAGE 2 Kathy Graham also stated that it is the role of the Committee as far as housing is concerned is to renew the City's Section 8 Housing Program. Member Rowlett suggested that possibly the Committee could have a special meeting to review the document before the public hearings and let any Committee concern or recommendations be known. Chairperson Norby stated that he felt that the best course of action at this point was to speak as individuals at the public hearings, express any dissatisfaction, if any, that the document was not brought before the Committee prior to public hearing and then give opinions on the document. The Committee agreed to have a meeting of the housing sub-committee to review the document. Chairperson Norby stated that he would attend the Planning Commission meeting of June 5th and advise them that the Committee would be reviewing the document and be reporting on it. 2. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: a. 1991-92 Communitv DeveloDment Block Grant Proaram UDdate - Summary of City Council Action of May 7, 1991 Housing and Redevelopment Director Kathy Graham introduced Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst, who presented the item. Debbie Fountain, referred to agenda material in which a summary was given of what agencies requested Community Development Block Grant funding, how much was requested and what City Council approved on May 7, 1991. Discussion was held on late requests which were not reviewed by Committee but funded. Debbie Fountain stated that the regulations do not restrict anyone from coming in the night of the hearing and request funding. Ms Fountain also stated that the only thing we do is provide proposals but anyone can come in requesting funds, and they have to allow proposals during public hearing. Committee Member Hayes stated that one of the persons requesting funds, Sarah Rosenthol, was portrayed on Peter Jennings news broadcast I'Person of the Week". Member Hayes also wondered if the program to provide transportation could help the housing office by providing transportation to assist housing applicants who do not have means of transportation. ! MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 PAGE 3 b. Desiqn Review Board ApDointment - Oral Report Kathy Graham reported that Members Norby and Gonzalez were appointed to serve on the Design Review Board. c. Rotation Senior Manauement Analvst/Manauement Analyst within city orsanization - Introduction of new staff member Kathy Graham reported that the City had conducted a rotation of management analysts and introduced Redevelopment's new staff person, Management Analyst, Karen Sauer. d. Columbia House Project Tour - Oral Report Kathy Graham gave report on Columbia House Project which was toured by several members of staff and committee Member Hayes. Discussion held on projects that minimize parking areas and are affordable. e. Army Navy Academy Project - Oral Report Kathy Graham referred to an article provided in the agenda packet and added at this time the Army Navy have not submitted a formal project. Ms Graham stated that they are waiting for the architect to submit a formal project and at this time their basic goal was to modify the complex by utilizing more two story structures, keep the Red Apple Inn historic structure and provide more open areas. Discussion held on article in newspaper stating that the City was going to enter into joint use agreement for use of auditorium with seating for theatre type. Ms Graham stated that the concept had been discussed previously but the Army Navy Academy has not submitted anything formally to the City. f. Carlsbad Redevelopment Aaencv Finances - Oral ReDort Senior Management Analyst, Clint Phillips, gave staff report on the Agency's financing. Mr. Phillips used overhead transparencies to depict history of tax increment and agency finances. 3. OLD BUSINESS: a. Bicycle Racks/Storaqe Lockers - Report on Burvey of local merchants and recommended locations for racks/lockers Linda Holmes, Management Assistant, gave presentation on survey which was conducted on interest for bicycle racks/storage lockers. MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 PAGE 4 Linda Holmes reported that approximately 45 surveys were returned and it's estimated that there's a need for approximately 40 lockers in the downtown area. Staff is recommending that two lockers be placed in the Roosevelt parking lot and two be placed at the depot as a pilot program. Linda Holmes also added that the lockers would have to be approved by the traffic engineer for recommendation. Chairperson Norby addressed the committee stating that he was all for the program but expressed concern on what type of mechanism was going to be used to lock the lockers. Linda Holmes stated that CalTrans provides the lockers and maintenance. Discussion held on screening of applicants for bike lockers. Chairperson Norby suggested that the persons utilizing the bike lockers be screened and perhaps Block Grant funds could be proposed next year. Chairperson Norby stated that by screening the applicants and persons who use the lockers, low and moderate income requirement could be met to acquire Block Grant funding. Member Hayes motioned that the bicycle locker program be started as a pilot program. b. Villacre Visions Streetscape Project - Status Report on Phase IV Contractor Aureement and Sians Karen Sauer, Management Analyst, gave presentation on status of Streetscape Project Phase IV. Ms. Sauer stated that the signs announcing the construction of the project will be up soon. Discussion held on the construction schedule, time of completion and timing of construction. Committee expressed concern over the timing of the construction and access to areas during construction. Member Hayes read an outline of concerns regarding the construction, financial hardship on business and other matters related to the delay of the project and moved that the concerns be forwarded to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission. Kathy Graham discussed the procedures that had taken place during the awarding of the contract for streetscape plan phase IV. Ms Graham stated that as she understood it, the Commission gave authority to go out to bid last year, the bids were received this year and the low bidder at the time withdrew their bid which caused the purchasing officer to reissue and receive new bids. At that time the water shortage became a 3RBY XOY \YES 3NZALEZ 3WLETT ELOY K K K K K K MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 PAGE 5 great deal of concern since a sculpture park is in the contract. Once recommendations were made they went back to Council in March and at that time authorization was given to go forward. The contracts were issued and signed and ordered to proceed in early May. Chairperson Norby added that there were going to be delays and there are unperceived things that can delay a project. Mr. Norby also added that he did not see any malice or reason to question delays. Member Rowlett suggested that prior commencement of Phase V, the businesses in the area should be made aware of what is going on every step of the way. Member Hayes reread motion, that an investigation be made as to the reasons for the delay and failed promises to the construction schedule. Motion carried 4-2. c. Coyote Grill Sidewalk - Oral Report Kathy Graham gave staff report on discussions taking place on negotiating the possibility of removing some of the landscaping outside the patio walls of Coyote Grill to install sidewalks for public access from south east edge to north east edge of building. Ms Graham stated that there are currently negotiations taking place with owners of the Village Faire Shopping Center but no agreement had been reached. 8. Parkina Authority in Villaae Area - discussion item Member Meloy stated the parking authority had not met. Chairperson Norby stated that as an agenda item for next meeting, the sub-committees need to be discussed and re-instituted. e. Housincr and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Applications - Oral Report Kathy Graham reported that there have been approximately eight applications to date. 4. NEW BUSINESS: a. Master Plan Consultant Selection Committee Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Master Plan proposal submittal cut off date was May 10, 1991. A total of fourteen proposals had been received and staff has been reviewing and performing reference checks and now are ready to forward to master plan selection committee. The selection committee will be interviewing three or four to consultants. Goal is to forward recommendations to Council by the end of June. [ORBY [CCOY LAYES :ONZALEZ LOWLETT ELOY MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 PAGE 6 Discussion held on make-up of the Master Plan Consultant Selection Committee. Chairperson Norby suggested that the committee be made up of the Chair of Advisory Committee, Planning Director, City Manager, Planning Commissioner who also sits on Design Review Board, City Council Member and Redevelopment staff. b. Section 8 Rental Assistance Procrram Update - Oral Report Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst, gave staff report on Section 8 Housing Program. Mr. Phillips stated that the housing program had a 92% lease-up for the end of April. Mr. Phillips also stated that the Housing Division will be calling in seventeen applicants in June for certification. c. Street Name Chancre - Elm Avenue to Carlsbad Villacre Drive Kathy Graham reported that this item was before the Commission at their previous meeting and will be going back at their June 11, 1991 meeting. Ms. Graham encouraged the committee members to be there if they had strong feelings one way or the other on the street name change. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS: a. Special Event Permits - Status Report Linda Holmes reported on the special events permits which had been received. Ms Holmes gave report on Village Cruise. b. Community Development Block Grant Proiect(s) - Status Report Debbie Fountain updated committee on Oak Street Project, sidewalk project in front of Carmelita's Restaurant on Grand and additional handicap ramps. Ms Fountain report that tentatively construction was for first part of August. Member Hayes asked about Maxton Brown Park project. Ms. Fountain stated that there was still design problems with that project. c. Summaries of Various Board, Commissions and Commit tees Informational item. No action. MINUTES Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee June 3, 1991 PAGE 7 do June Calendar Informational item. No action. 6. FUTURE MEETING AGENDA ITEMS: Chairperson Norby requested monthly update and progress report on how projects are going. Meeting Adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully Szbbmitted, / Housing Lo a tw Re velopment Director BIB1 LEAK Secretary II/Redevelopment, Acting Minutes Clerk