HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-28; Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; Minutes.- MINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: October 28, 1991 Time of Meeting: 4:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS ' CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Norby called the Meeting to order at 4:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Norby, Members Hayes, Meloy and Rowlett. Member Gonzales arrived at 4:03 p.m. Absent: Member McCoy. Staff present: Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Karen Sauer, Management Analyst Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Committee on a non- agenda item. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the June 24, 1991, Regular Meeting were approved as presented. The Minutes of the July 22, 1991, Regular Meeting were approved as amended to read on page one, last paragraph: There was a proposal to tie in the Nature Center at the Buena Vista Lagoon by a boardwalk from the end of the sidewalk in Oceanside to the already funded sidewalk around Maxton Brown Park. There will be railings on both sides and turnouts with benches for fishing and birdwatching. Member Hayes asked that under Approval of Minutes that the statement be inserted that the Director stated the Minutes were not available at the time the Agenda was mailed, but they were not sent later and not distributed at the Meeting. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Chairperson Norby reported that the Design Review Board denied the Per1 Family Trust request to renovate and change the use of a building on Madison Street. They wanted to put in retail use and there was a deficiency of 11 parking spaces. The City Attorney recommended that since there is no parking district formed, projects should not be conditioned to pay into a future district. Based on that, the request was denied by a four to one, with Member Noble as the dissenting vote. Mr. Noble said he didn't think parking was a problem downtown and this was an appropriate use. Chairperson Norby said that he felt it was difficult to approve a substantially deficient project, whereas if the project were only a space or two deficient for parking, he would be willing to consider it. Chairperson Norby reported on the Merchants Meeting, stating that they meet every Tuesday at 8:OO a.m., at the Village Faire, and lately the discussion has been mainly about sandwich board signs. Norby Hayes Meloy Rowlett Norby Gonzales Hayes Meloy Row let t .- MINUTES October 28, 1991 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE rr3 Chairperson announced that November 3, 1991, is the date for the Village Faire, with 50 to 80 thousand people expected. He said that there are two Faires per year; one in May and one in November. The Rotary Octoberfest was October 5, and was very successful and well-attended. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Sandwich Board Sians Karen Sauer reported that a lot of progress has been made to address the questions raised by the merchants of a fee structure, if one, and what it will be, with a permit to be available for the merchants. The Director is working with a subcommittee of merchants on the sign permit for the village area only. Ms. Sauer said that in the meantime all signs in the right- of-way are in violation of the Code, and will be until they have a permit. Member Hayes inquired whether signs that obstruct the pedestrian right-of-way have been considered, and Ms. Sauer said that has been discussed by the subcommittee. Mrs. Hayes asked about the newspaper stands, and Ms. Sauer said the City has no jurisdiction over those stands. Member Hayes said that some outdoor eating places are also blocking the sidewalks, and Ms. Sauer said that would be a separate issue. In answer to query regarding the obtaining of the permits, Ms. Sauer said through the Housing and Redevelopment office. Other Items of Interest Debbie Fountain reported that the feasibility study for a second project area was approved Tuesday, October 22, 1991, and the RFP has been distributed with a deadline of November 27. Over 80 RFP's have been mailed out for this study of a second Redevelopment Area, which was revised to include Macario Canyon (Veterans Memorial Park). Member Hayes inquired why this took a year to get to this point, and Ms. Fountain replied that the budget and working through the system took that amount of time. Clint Phillips said $30,000 was allocated last year for this study, and because of the budget crunch, staff had to go back for a reallocation of this money. Ms. Fountain reported that one third of the Housing and Redevelopment office space has been closed down and the staff has consolidated into less space. There are fewer staff members and they are trying to reduce expenditures in the office. Member Hayes asked about the Fiesta held in September, and Ms. Sauer stated the subcommittee from the barrio was pleased. Mrs. Hayes asked how many staff members were present, but no staff members at this meeting attended the Fiesta. MINUTES October 28, 1991 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Other Items of Interest (Continued) Chairperson Norby stated that based on the success of the Fiesta, the Village Faire will have a Hispanic section with arts and crafts. Member Rowlett asked whether staff had determined the status of the terms of the Members of this Committee, and Ms. Fountain said she did not know, but would find out by the next meeting. Member Rowlett said the June 24 Minutes showed that there was to be an answer by the next meeting, but there has been no report as yet. Chairperson Norby stated that three new Planning Commissioners were seated on the Design Review Board, with two Members still to be appointed from this Committee. OLD BUSINESS: Villase Visions Streetscape Proiect Karen Sauer reported the Municipal Projects person for Phase 4 and 5 and the traffic signals accepted a new position and a new person will be taking over on that project. Member Hayes asked what the difficulty was with the Sculpture Park Project, and Ms. Sauer said there is no timing as yet, because staff wants to meet with the property owners and local merchants on Elm (Carlsbad Village Drive) and get feedback on the timing. Carl McWha, 772 Anns Way, Vista, owner of the Harbor Fish House Restaurant adjacent to Sculpture Park, stated he had met with Chris Salomone three or four years ago regarding that Park, and the needs for the area. He said those needs are restrooms, showers, drinking fountains and beach parking. He said that there was a lack of communication from the City to him for meetings, etc., regarding that Park. Mr. McWha felt he had been misled by the Municipal Projects person in charge of that project. He said the workers only work part of the day and when he asked whether the project was behind schedule, was told that it was not too far behind. The use of that area by the public will be restricted because of the ground cover, which is to be ice plant, and the bars from the sculpture block the ocean view. He felt the public had been misled to think this would be a park with a beautiful sculpture, whereas there will be no sculpture as such. Mr. McWha stated that the building of the park should have been monitored more closely, and he did not feel that the color of the concrete held up the project and questioned that reasoning. He said that during the last three or four weeks, some work is being done. changed. He does hope that the design will be Member Rowlett asked when the project would be finished, and staff answered that October 31 is the deadline, and then there will be penalties. Mr. Rowlett said that September 5 was the first completion date, and he wanted to know why that date was extended. ! MEMBERS Norby Gonza lez Hamilton Hayes McCoy Meloy Rowlett MINUTES October 28, 1991 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE D-~D A d OLD BUSINESS : ( Continued ) Chairperson Norby asked Mr. McWha how much Redevelopment brought him into the planning, and he answered that they presented the plans and said it is too late for input. The artist designed the area, and he was not consulted as to what was needed there. The showerhead on the beach was an after thought. Chairperson Norby suggested that Mr. McWha go to the City Council and make a statement during the Public Comment portion of the meeting and ask for a full report from the Municipal Projects staff on how this project is proceeding. Member Hayes stated that this project was not brought to this Committee for input or to make a decision as to when it would begin. It was to be finished by the first of June and this Committee was never told differently. The Members read it in the newspaper about the problems created for the merchants. She said this was a breakdown in communications, and although this Committee is supposed to be an advisory committee, it can't be if it is not informed. Chairperson Norby stated he felt the penalties should be used to repay the merchants impacted by this project. Member Rowlett said the City Manager extended the completion date for two months because of the artist changing the color of the concrete and the other problems of the contractor. He suggested a letter be written to the City Manager saying that this Committee does not understand why the two months' extension was granted. The Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee directed staff to write a letter to the City Manager from the Committee requesting a written explanation for the extension of the fine levied on the contractor on Phase 4 by extending the completion date from September 5 to October 31, 1991. The Committee strongly recommends no further extensions be granted. The motion was amended to include in that explanation what happens to those funds. Member Rowlett stated he would like to have closer supervision on Phase 5. He asked about the pipeline on Jefferson, and whether that would affect the signals on Grand Street. This item will be placed on the next agenda. Member Hayes inquired about the postponing of the start of Phase 4 and why that date was changed, and that item will also be on the next agenda. The Committee Members concurred that they wanted a full report from Municipal Projects on Phases 4 and 5. Master Plan Debbie Fountain reported that the Housing and Redevelopment Commission approved the consultants' services for the Master Plan and staff will meet with the consultants next Wednesday to set up a schedule. The Master Plan Advisory Committee has not been appointed. Norby Gonzales Hayes Meloy Rowlett MINUTES October 28, 1991 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE r; OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Member Hayes commented that it will be four years in February that this Committee first took action on a Master Plan. She felt this was too long a delay in getting action. Housina Element Debbie Fountain reported that the City Council approved the Housing Element on October 22 and it will be forwarded to the State Department of Community Development for final review. It will be mandatory for developers to provide 15 percent affordable housing. Chairperson Norby added that previous plans had always been voluntary and that didn't work and it was needed to be mandatory. Washinaton Street Sidewalk Debbie Fountain said there is no new information on this item. It will be on the next agenda. NEW BUSINESS: Section 8 Rental Assistance Proaram UDdate Debbie Fountain referred to the Status Report included in the packet and said as of today there are 978 people on the waiting list. Member Hayes inquired about why, if someone transfers into another City, does it take the same 60 hours of employee time to process that claim. Ms. Fountain said the total hours are not known, but she will research that and bring a report to the Committee. She said they are working on ways to fine tune the program to reduce the number of hours for processing. Chairperson Norby said he would like to know staff hours and staff dollars. Annual Contributions Contract Clint Phillips reported that staff was requesting a recommendation to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission for approval of a new Annual Contributions Contract. This is a new five-year project, and funding for 100 certificates for the program. In response to query from Member Rowlett regarding the number of three-bedroom units, Mr. Phillips said that can't be changed, but additional funding could be requested for additional vouchers and certificates. The Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee recommended approval by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the Annual Contributions Contract. Norby Gonzales Hayes Meloy Rowlett c MINUTES .- October 28, 1991 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 6 ~~ NEW BUSINESS: Community DeveloDment Block Grant Grantee Performance Report for Proaram Year 1990-91 Debbie Fountain reported that the CDBG program will be taken over by Karen Sauer. and said it will be submitted to HUD. She referred to the report in the packet Chairperson Norby said staff used to make a chart of the programs, where they were and how they were progressing, and he would like staff to do that again and carry that as a standard agenda item. Member Rowlett commented that it was not a very good year, inasmuch as they only spent half of the money allocated. INFORMATION ITEMS: Special Event Permits Karen Sauer reported that November 3 will be the Village Faire, and the Daniels Coastal Classic will be November 19. December 8 will be the Christmas Walk and Tree Lighting. She said the San Diego Marathon people are working with staff to make certain everyone knows when it will be. Bicycle Lockers Karen Sauer stated that only three applications for bicycle lockers were received. Summaries of Various Boards, Commissions and Committees Information only. November Calendar Information only. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: November 25, 1991 Meetinq Update on Phases 4 and 5 of the Streetscape Washington Street Update on Jefferson Street Member Hayes gave staff a list of questions regarding residential care homes and would like a report at the next meeting ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting of October 28, 1991, was adjourned at 5:28 p.m. DEBBIE FOUNTAIN Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk