HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-25; Human Services Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; Minutesu •MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING HUMAN SERVICES JUNE 25, 1981 7:30 PM Harding Street ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLIC MEETir Community Center The public meeting was opened by Chairperson Phyllis Demy. Members Courson, Rocha, Hallman, and Glassner were introduced. Also present was Vice-Mayor Mary Casler, Council liaison to the Committee. Chairperson Demy stated that the role of the Advisory Committee is to make recommendations to City Council regarding the role of the City in providing Human Services to residents. Demy reviewed the five (5) roles a city might assume. These were Traditional, Advocate Broker, Facilitator, and Provider. Demy stated that the City is somewhat involved in the Provider role already. Member Courson then spoke on the definition of Human Services. Human Services is defined as encompassing a broad range of social concerns. Such services are generally understood to include housing, employment; income, mental health, education, leisure, and recreation. Services may be described in terms of client groups such as youth services, handicapped services, services for aging and minorities. Human Services cross class and income lines, and affect the quality of life of everyone in a city, directly or indirectly. Member Rocha translated Member Courson 's comments for the Spanish speaking members of the audience. Chairperson Demy stated that Spanish speaking citizens could speak through Member Rocha. Q-J-a-F-Fnavcrm ^t- i nomov/av nil-Hi i' noH ovfc-finn ri + \/ CQVWI <~ac u/hi rh --Fa 1 1 under the definition of Human Services which citizens may not have seen aware. Stinemeyer stated that the purpose of the meeting was to find out from citizens how the City should be involved in Human Services. The possible roles were defined and discussed. Current agencies funded were mentioned; Senior Citizens Association, Project Oz, Women's Resource Center, and the Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Stinemeyer nentioned an evaluation form which was available to each person attending the meeting and requested that they complete it. "'ember Rocha spoke to the Spanish speaking citizens and stated he ould translate for the other members of the audience. COMMUNITY INPUT: ' Ms. Hazel Lawson of 965 "E" Pine spoke about the need for a place for senior citizens to meet. Lawson stated her desire for someplace closer then the Senior Citizen Center. Chairperson Demy then requested other input. Ms. Effie Vier of 983 Pine stated her street is dark and -residents are afraid at night. Mary Sutton of 965 Pine "G" stated a need for transportation. Member Rocha asked for input from Spanish speaking citizens. Mary Sotelo stated her concern with poor housing, roaches, and bad plumbing. Francisco Estrada of the Chicano Federation stated (in both Spanish and English) that this public meeting should have taken place earlier so that the Human Services needs of the Spanish community could have lYJLJULV MEETCNfi OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIRE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Page 2 HUrtAM SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLIC MEETING June 25, 1981 7:30 P.M. HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER been included in the 1981-82 budget process. Estrada stated that City must provide services for its residents. Estrada said the Federal Government is cutting back programs and has proposed a block grant program to states and counties. He said revenue sharing monies were cut 40% and that his agency and other social service providers were told to seek funding from cities. Estrada further stated the City has a contingency fund of $800,000 and another $440,000 in revenue sharing which was allocated to capital improvements. He reviewed services provided by Lifeline which were funded in the past by the City. Estrada stated latinos make-up approximately 20% of Carlsbad's population yet the City has few bilingual employees. He detailed the history of hispanics in Carlsbad and stated a need for decent and safe housing. Estrada mentioned as an example a field v/orker who died in a fire when his cardboard house caught fire. Low wages and wages not paid were reviewed. Estrada said there were persons working 10-hour days for $10, He also mentioned employers v/ho do not pay workers and may owe two-three months back pay. Estrada said the City is not poor and could be the next La Jolla in the area. Jack E. Henthorn, Housing and Redevelopment Director, reiterated the role of the Committee and stated the concern of the City in assisting home ownership and low-moderate income housing. Member R.ocha translated for Spanish speaking members of the audience. Chairperson Demy stated that those persons who did not wish to speak could write comments on the evaluation forms or speak to Committee members individually. Hazel Lawson stated a need for affordable transportation. She mentioned services of the Senior Center and Lifeline. Ms. Lawson stated the Center charges $4.00 an hour for transportation. Lawson •also said many seniors are feared of losing their housing. Frankie G. Runzo stated a concern that the City not duplicate services provided elsewhere and that the City should investigate grants from other levels of government. Ms. Vier detailed services offered by Lifeline. She said a ride costs $.75 each way and must be reserved 24 hours in advance. Chairperson Demy questioned senior's fear of losing housing and asked who mentioned it to group. Leona Webb replied that rumors and newspaper articles were source. Jack E. Henthorn responded that the Housing program is fully operational at this time and would not be cut below present levels. Barbara Sainz stated that she shared the concern of loss of housing. Carlos Santana, President of Spanish Soccer League, stated that the fees and registration costs made it difficult to involve youth in sports. Jack E. Henthorn asked Mr. Santana how long the problem had existed and whether he had contacted the Parks and Recreation Department. Santana stated that the Soccer League needs support from the City ii MEETING OF: DATEVOR MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Page 3 HUMAN r'nVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBL1 WETING June 2;,, 1981 7:30 P.M. HARDING STREET COMMUNITY CENTER MEMBERS so the kids can play. Jack E. Henthorn suggested that Mr. Santana contact the City's Parks and Recreation Department. Chairperson Demy announced that the next public meeting would be held at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in La Costa at 7:30 P.M. on July 15, 1981. MEETING CLOSED. 1