HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-06; Human Services Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE August 6, 1981 4:00 P.M. Harding Street Community Center Multi-Purpose Room MEMBERS CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Demy at 4:04 P.M. ROLL CALL Present - Chairman Demy, Members Glassner and Hallman. Absent - Members Rocha and Courson. Also present were: Council Liaison Mary Casler Jack Henthorn, Director of Housing and Redevelopment Lydia Stinemeyer, Administrative Aide Chris Salomone, Administrative Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held June 4, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held July 2, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Public Meeting, held June 25, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Public Meeting, held July 15, 1981, were continued, due to lack of a quorum. EVALUATION FORM SUMMARY OF PUBLIC MEETING OF JULY 15, 1981 Lydia Stinemeyer indicated this was an informational item only. BLOCK GRANT PRESENTATION Chris Salomone distributed a staff report on the matter, and gave a brief presentation on same. He added that Staff will be holding two public hearings in September to gather ideas and projects from the public, and encouraged any input from the Committee on the matter. Committee discussion reflected on the eligible activites of the Block Grant Program, and concensus indicated approval of same. PROTOTYPE HUMAN SERVICES DIRECTORY Lydia Stinemeyer presented a prototype directory she made to the Committee, along with directories from other cities for samples. Member Glassner inquired if the directory that the School District puts out could be combined with the Human Services Directory. Director Henthorn indicated he would check with the School District, and report back to the Committee. The Committee reviewed the sample directories, and discussed the content and design of same. Discussion also included the feasibility of charging a small fee for the directory. The Committee requested that Staff do some further checking, and report back to the Committee with revisions and recommendations. Demy Glassner Hallman JLVJLJL 1*1 UX Hilt) HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE August 6, 1981 Page 2 MEMBERS ISSUE PAPER ON BLOCK GRANTS AND FUNDING REDUCTIONS - JUNE 19, 1981. Lydia Stinemeyer explained that this item was provided to bring the Committee up to date on the Social Services Block Grant. SANDAG has prepared a letter of non-support for the plan, and the State has prepared for the use of this money. The Committee briefly discussed the project applications, the proposed revenue and allocations, and the proposed Federal Health and Human Services Block Grants, as contained in their packets. STAFF REPORTS Human Services Opinion Survey Lydia Stinemeyer explained that Staff has received five proposals for conducting a survey of opinions relative to Human Service needs and concerns of residents of the City. She explained the guidelines given in the request for the proposals, and gave a brief summary of each of the proposals. She also added that two of the firms felt that a 200 person sample size was not sufficient to obtain enough.information. In conclusion, Ms. Stinemeyer requested input from the Committee with regard to the need for the survey, how statistically accurate the survey should be, and the cost factors relative to the need for more information and citizens opinions. Ms. Stinemeyer recommended that the Committee consider the need for information, and not be concerned with statistical validity; and go with one of the medium range survey firms. Discussion reflected on the individual Committee Member's opinions on the matter. Jack Henthorn pointed out that Staff is attempting to obtain additional information, relative to the subject areas received during the public hearings. Council Liaison Casler inquired if the Committee has seen the results of the survey done by Dr. Kaplain from San Diego State on Human Services. She also pointed out that it was done as a scientific sampling, before the Committee's needs assessment was done. Staff agreed to check with Dr. Kaplain, in attempt, to get a copy of the survey for the Committee. Mrs. Frankie Runzo, a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee, was also present, and suggested that the Committee check with local schools and universities to help with the survey, i.e., phone calls. The Committee concurred. Community Leaders Workshop Member Glassner suggested that the Committee approve the concept of the workshop, and direct Staff to set up same. Thelma Hayes, a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee, who was also present, suggested that the Committee include people who provide the services in the workshop, not just the community leaders. HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE August 6, 1981 Page 3 MEMBERS Chairman Demy expressed her opinion that those people would be more biased. Member Glassner indicated that the Committee must ascertain if the community is willing to support Human Services, and if so, to what extent. Director Henthorn indicated that befora the workshop is scheduled, Staff will come back to the Committee with an out- line .of what they intend to accomplish. Directory Distribution This item was discussed under the prototype Human Services Directory, and Staff will come back to the Committee with a report on the matter. County Mandated Services: Areas of Responsibility Lydia Stinemeyer indicated that this item was in response to a request for same at the last meeting. She briefly explained that the City is not responsibility for Social Services, and the State has mandated same to the County. At this point, there is not legal responsibility for the City to provide the services. Information Item - Citizen Letter Lydia Stinemeyer referred to the letter of July 17, 1981 from Helen and Kay Jordan regarding the public hearing held July 15, 1981; and she indicated it was an informational item only. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mrs. Thelma Hayes addressed the Committee, and inquired where people can turn when they are frustrated with Government agencies. She referred to the drug activity in this area, and stated that the people who live near where drugs are being sold have called the police; however, they are afraid. She pointed out one incident where the people who called the local police were victims of a vehicle arson. The people are afraid to call the police, and yet the drug activity goes on in the alley behind a certain block on Roosevelt, and it is openly talked about by the people who live in the area. Mrs. Hayes stated that these are the types of things that are demoralizing to a citizen. They can not get help, so where do they finally turn. Mrs. Hayes added that another example is the single parent who is getting child support, which does not come in. The District Attorney is supposed to follow-up on this; however, some people do not have the resources to be constantly reminding the District Attorney on the matter. Mrs. Hayes concluded, indicating that her concern was getting Government to do what it should be doing. It might not always be justifiable, but it should be clarified to the person requesting the services. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 5:37 P.M., to Wednesday, August 19, 1981. Respectfully Submitted, Ann R. Alleman, Minutes Clerk -4- •; * ~