HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-03; Human Services Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 3, 1981 7:00 P.M. Harding Street Community Center Classroom MEMBERS CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Demy at 7:06 P.M. ROLL CALL Present - Chairman Demy, Members Glassner, Hallman, Rocha, and Courson. Also present were: Jack Henthorn, Director of Housing and Redevelopment. Lydia Stinemeyer, Administrative Aide Mary Casler, Council Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion.) Minutes of the Public Hearing, held July 15, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held August 6, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Special Workshop Meeting, held August 19, 1981, were approved as submitted. BUSINESS Letter and application from United Way. Lydia Stinemeyer referred to the letter of August 18, 1981 from the United Way Resource Center Advisory Committee, and explained that they are requesting that a representative be appointed to serve on the Committee of the United Way of San Diego County. Chairman Demy suggested that Member Hallman would be a good candidate for the appointment. Member Hallman suggested that Lydia Stinemeyer also be appointed as a staff representative. Jack Henthorn indicated that if the Committee concurred, Staff would accept the invitation, and report back to the Committee on the activities of the United Way Committee. The Committee directed Staff to represent the Human Services Advisory Committee at the initial meeting, and report back to the Committee on the activities of same; and agreed that a member of the Human Services Advisory Committee would serve as an alternate representative. Policy Statement Review and Discussion. In discussion of the Human Services Policy, Member Glassner stated that he interprets Police and Fire services to be important Human Services. Director Henthorn inquired if the Committee felt the Human Services aspect of the City would have to be put into a larger framework, as well as other forms of planning that the City goes through. He also indicated that Human Services would have to be viewed as an important part of this process, and not as a separate subject area. Demy Glassner Hallman Rocha Courson Demy Glassner Hallman Rocha Courson X MINUTES September 3, 1981 Page 2 MEMBERS Committee discussion then related to suggested policies 1 and 2 as presented in the Agenda Bill. Director Henthorn explained that it has gotten to the point where the City will, if this is accepted, proceed to use its General Plan to fulfill human needs. Member Courson stated his feeling that one of the problems is differentiating between a policy statement and and implementation. He added that the Committee should put together a policy statement, and seek direction on implementation from the City Council. Director Henthorn indicated that the purpose of the discussion was to attempt to point out that the policy statement, once it is drafted, should be sufficient to bridge the gap between simply being a policy statement and causing implementation. He added that it has to be clear enough to state the leadership role, and it has to provide the transition from a policy statement that will bring about evolution into an implementation strategy. Council Liaison Casler explained that the General Plan is set up with goals which are supposed to be broad, and that can never be achieved. They are followed by objectives, which you can expect to achieve in a certain length of time. Mrs. Casler added that in some of the Elements, there are action plans which detail implementation. Member Hallman stated her opinion that the social, economic, and physical planning should be integrated in the General Plan through a Human Services Element. Committee concensus reflected that the City should be involved in Human Services, and that the City should be involved in Human Services to the extent of integrated planning processes. Following discussion, the Committee agreed that Policy No. 1 should read as follows: 1) The City of Carlsbad shall assume a leadership role in the provision of Human Services to its residents. 2) The City shall incorporate a Human Services Element into its General Plan. RECESS Chairman Demy called a recess at 8:00 P.M., and the Committee reconvened at 8:10 P.M., with five members present. The Committee continued discussion on the Human Services Policy. Council Liaison Casler suggested that as a third policy, the element should be re-evaluated every year, with recommendations made to the City Council for the budget, and annual assessments of the needs and services in the City. With regard to Policy 2, Member Glassner suggested that the last paragraph be combined with Policy 9. MINUTES September 3, 1981 Page 3 MEMBERS Member Glassner continued, suggesting that the wording be changed in the last paragraph of Policy No. 2, to read, "The City Council shall require a continuous survey of Human Services, as required by the citizens. This survey shall be conducted by a permanent Human Services Advisory Committee, appointed by the City Council." Council Liaison Casler suggested that under objectives, Item No. 1 of Policy No. 9 be utilized; and Item No. 2 might read, "The Human Services Advisory Committee shall maintain a continuing survey of Human Services, as required by the citizens of Carlsbad." Director Henthorn suggested that the third statement might read, "The City shall present an annual report to the Council, prior to the budget." The Committee concurred. Director Henthorn also suggested that a statement might be needed, such as, "The City shall make available its offices to assist the community in meeting its human needs." The Committee concurred that such a statement would be included in the policy statements. Council Liaison Casler suggested that the Committee establish relationships with some of the Services Clubs. The Committee directed that a third policy statement be implemented, to read, "The City shall integrate all of its Departments in assisting the Community in meeting its human needs." Information Items Lydia Stinemeyer indicated that the Article from "The Conduit," the issue memo, and demographic data on Carlsbad were items provided the Committee as informational only. Ms. Stinemeyer also explained that the fact sheet on Carlsbad was from the Department of Human Services in San Diego County, and she indicated that some of the figures, such as population, are outdated. Ms. Stinemeyer also gave an update on the Block Grant proposals in the Assembly. She explained that the Lockyer Bill AB 799 planned to remove all mandates for the County to provide services, and it has been suggested that the League of California Cities Lobbyist be contacted, to determine the status of the Assembly Bill. Council Liaison Casler suggested that the Committee contact the League, and make the information available to the City Manager. The Committee directed Staff to review the issue, and its potential impact on the City. The Committee also directed Staff to forward the matter to the City Manager. Demy Glassner Hallman Rocha Courson Demy Glassner Hallman Rocha Courson X MINUTES September 3, 1981 Page 4 MEMBERS Member Glassner suggested that the Committee meet with other Departments in the City, to determine what services they are providing. The Committee concurred. Director Henthorn indicated he would attempt to schedule same. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M., to Thursday, October 1, 1981 at 4:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Ann R. Alleman Minutes Clerk