HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-01; Human Services Advisory Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 1, 1981 4:00 P.M. Harding Street Multi-Purpose Room MEMBERS CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Demy at 4:04 P.M. ROLL CALL Present - Chairman Demy, Members Hallman, Courson, and Rocha. Absent - Member Glassner. Also present were: Drew Aitken, Administrative Assistant Lydia Stinemeyer, Administrative Aide Chris Salomone, Administrative Aide Frank Aleshire, City Manager Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/Development APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held September 3, 1981, were approved as submitted. Draft Human Services Report Committee concensus reflected that the report was very well done. With regard to the report on "Beyond the Needs Assessment," Member Hallman indicated she feels more comfortable about a continuing Committee. She added this is an interim report, and affords the Committee the opportunity to make changes in the final report. Lydia Stinemeyer indicated that any input the Committee could provide with regard to the report, would be beneficial to Staff. Member Hallman expressed concern with regard to the Human Services Committee being directly involved in the budget process. She suggested that the Committee only review the material, and make recommendations to Council. Member Hallman referred to page 6, item 3, and stated her opinion that a Committee of this type should not be in the middle; and suggested same be deleted. Mr. Beckman indicated'he agreed with Member Hallman, and pointed out that Council had made the decision at their last budget session not to place that burden on the Committee. Discussion then reflected on the summary of recommendations, contained in the Human Services Report; as well as the role of the Committee, and action steps. Member Hallman also referred to page 7, item 5, dealing with the drafting of a process for the receipt of proposals, and suggested same be deleted. Demy Hallman Courson Rocha X MINUTES HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 1, 1981 Page 2 MEMBERS The Committee deleted the following from the Human Services Report: 1) Item 5 on page 1 2) Item 3 on page 6 3) Item 5 on page 7 Discussion reflected on the intent of the workshop. Mr. Beckman referred to page 3 of the Human Services Report, and stated his opinion that it might facilitate Councils' understanding of same if the Committee could provide some examples, with regard to Items 1 through 3. He added that there are no statements included in the Report as to the conclusions of the public hearings held by the Committee. Mr. Beckman also referred to page 4 of the Report, and inquired what the standards are for the minimum benchmarks, suggesting that the Committee tighten up in that area. Lydia Stinemeyer suggested that the information collected by the United Way Resource Committee and the Social Services of San Diego County, would lend support to the Committee in this area. Mr. Beckman stated that a Human Services Element of the General Plan would define those benchmarks. Committee discussion then reflected on the role of the City, as contained on page 5 of the Report. With regard to page 5 of the Report, Chairman Demy referred to the fourth sentence of the first paragraph, which states, "Controversy over the extent and cost certainly exists, and Federal cuts will only accentuate the shift down to the local level, where cities will be called upon to deal with local problems," and suggested that the sentence be revised to read, "where cities may be called upon to deal with local problems." Discussion included the affects of the Lockyer Bill, AB 799, and Lydia Stinemeyer reported that all mandated services are to be suspended for one year. Mr. Beckman also suggested adding a paragraph, indicating that recreation, police, and fire services are met through regular City functions. Frank Aleshire, the City Manager, referred to the last paragraph of page 5, and stated his opinion that the statement is meaningless as it stands by itself. He inquired if the statement is meant to reflect that the City is a facilitator, or a provider.' Chairman Demy explained that the Committee's intent was to reflect that the City will provide the leadership, as the facilitator. Lydia Stinemeyer explained that when the Committee was trying to establish the difference between policy state- ments and specific goals and objectives that imply implementation, they agreed that the goals and objectives would be set to implement that plan. Demy Hallman Courson Rocha MINUTES HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 1, 1981 Page 3 MEMBERS Committee discussion reflected the policy statements set by the Committee at a previous meeting. With regard to the statement, "The City shall integrate all of its Departments in assisting the community in meeting its human needs," Mr. Beckman suggested same might be revised to the effect, "It shall be the policy of the City that all City Departments shall coordinate their efforts to best meet the needs of the citizens of Carlsbad." Member Hallman stated that she would like to see the City be more aggressive in trying to work out solutions to the problems and needs of the citizens. Discussion reflected on funding, as outlined in the Report. Mr. Beckman again referred to the last paragraph on page 5 of the Report, with regard to the role the City should assume, and suggested that the Committee recommend that the City take a leadership role in ensuring that those citizens who have a need for Human Services are made aware of those services that are available. Member Hallman suggested that the above might be revised to state, "The City shall assume a leadership role in attempting to find solutions for problems of its residents." She added that it may not necessarily involve money or manpower, as the services are generally understood to be provided by other agencies in the Community. RECESS Chairman Demy called a recess at 5:07 P.M., and the Committee reconvened at 5:17 P.M., with four members present. The Committee continued discussion on the Draft Human Services Report. The Committee recommended that the following statement replace the last paragraph on page 5 of the Draft Human Services Report: "The City shall assume a leadership role in providing available Human Services, and making them available to those in need of Human Services." The Committee also recommended that Items 4 and 6 on page 1 of the Report be relocated to the end of page 5, and directed Staff to make the appropriate changes, returning same to the Committee at the next regular meeting. Directory and Distribution Options Lydia Stinemeyer distributed copies of the draft directory, and indicated that Staff has no distribution plan at this time. Discussion included methods of distribution, and Lydia Stinemeyer indicated that the cost of printing is $.19 for each directory and $.11 each for bulk mailing. Demy Hallman Courson Rocha X MINUTES HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 1, 1981 Page 4 MEMBERS The Committee approved the format of the draft Human Services Directory, and recommended that the concept be forwarded to Council for discussion, with a recommendation that the prototype be printed and distributed for a trial period of one year, to determine Community interest and support. The Committee also directed Staff to study distribution options and costs, and forward same to Council. Committee discussion included the possibility of distributing the directories to social service groups in the area, color coordinating the directory, printing the directory in Spanish, and suggestions for revising a few of the items in the directory. Drew Aitken suggested that the directory refer to the Spanish Language Services section as a number to call, and deleting the Housing number from the introduction in Spanish by the Mayor at the front of the directory. With regard to lost dogs, Chairman Demy suggested that the 24 hour number for lost dogs be included in the directory, to aid people who find dogs with licenses. Mr. Beckman suggested including the water emergency number under emergency numbers. Elizabeth Fairchild referred to the emergency numbers under which "MITE" is listed, and suggested that it be noted that same is a drug line. The Commission agreed to recommend to Council that the directory be mailed to each resident in the City. "Beyond the Needs Assessment: Human Service Planning in Palm Springs." Lydia Stinemeyer indicated that the Beyond the Needs Assessment is an article submitted by Council Member Casler, who requested that it be distributed to the Committee for discussion and consideration. The Committee recommended that the article "Beyond the Needs Assessment" be incorporated into the report of the Human Services Advisory Committee, and agreed that same be recommended to Council. Appoint representative to United Way Resource Advisory Committee Lydia Stinemeyer briefly reported on the September 18, 1981 meeting of the United Way Resource Advisory Committee, at which they requested that a member of the Carlsbad Human Services Advisory Committee be appointed to serve as the City representative for the United Way Committee. Ms. Stinemeyer added that they are working on a regional information system for the United Way. Member Hallman volunteered to serve as the representative on the United Way Resource Advisory Committee. Demy Hallman Courson Rocha Demy Hallman Courson Rocha Demy Hallman Courson Rocha X MINUTES HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 1, 1981 Page 5 MEMBERS The Committee directed Staff to send a recommendation to Mayor Packard, suggesting that Member Barbara Hallman be appointed to serve as the representative on the United Way Resource Advisory Committee, until her term expires in 1982. Information and Referral Considerations Lydia Stinemeyer referred to the Information and Referral Options contained in the Committees' packets, and gave a brief update on same. Information Items Report on Assembly Bill 799 (Lockyer, Konnyu) Lydia Stinemeyer reported that AB 799 was passed on the last day of the Legislature, and indicated that same waives all statutes affecting the three Federal Programs. Staff work program progress report Lydia Stinemeyer referred to the memo of September 28, 1981 to Mr. Ron Beckman, and'gave a brief report on the matter. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Ann R. Alleman Minutes Clerk TRANSCRIPTS ARE KEPT UNTIL APPROVAL OF MINUTES.