HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-07; Rehabilitation Loan Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: REHABILITATION LOAN COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: APRIL 7, 1988 MEETING TIME: 1:00 P.W. MEETING PLACE: REDEVELOPMENT OFFICE 2965 Roosevelt St. Suite B CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairperson John McCoy. ROLL CALL: Present: John McCoy, Jim Elliott, Mike McDermed, Marty Orenyak. Staff Chris Salomone, Housing and Redevelopment Present: Director Lynn FitGerald, Management Analyst/Redevelopment APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of November 5, 1987, were approved. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: ITEM 1: ROBERT FRENCH - SOCIAL SECURITY UPDATE Staff informed the committee that the French income status is still within program guidelines. Member Mike McDermed moved that the loan be continued for another twelve (12) months. ITEM 2: CALVERT - UPDATE The committee was updated on the redesign of the Calvert project and its pending presentation to City Council by planning with a recommendation for approval. Staff informed the committee they are waiting for environmental response from the County and then the Calvert request will be back before this loan committee. ITEM 3: DOOSE The committee directed staff to secure the Notice of Delinquency request for the Doose application. ITEM 4: INCOME LEVEL Staff updated the committee on the increases of the County income level which affected the loan program income levels. Member Jim Elliott moved for adoption of the new levels. ITEM 5: NEW BANK CONTRACT An update was given to the committee on the new Bank of America contract. Discussion followed on particular areas of concern. Member Jim Elliott expressed some concern over lack of cooperation with the Bank of America to work with the spirit of the program. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Member Marty Orenyak to approve the 1988 contract between the City of Carlsbad and the Bank of America. MEMBERS u MCCOY ELLIOTT MCDERMED ORENYAK MCCOY ELLIOTT MCDERMED ORENYAK MCCOY ELLIOTT MCDERMED ORENYAK fl - X K 11: K X X X X X X X X MINUTES Rehabilitation Loan Committee 4/7/88 Page 2 ITEM 6: RESIDENTIAL LOAW - PAT HEMBREE Staff gave a report on the roof replacement request by Pat Hembree. Member McDermed questioned the applicants choice of contractors - was she getting a good solid product for the money? The loan committee reviewed each bid and recommended the applicant use Urbach Roofing. Member Orenyak made the motion that the Hembree grant be approved and that $100 be add to fix the broken windows. ITEM 7: RESIDENTIAL LOAN - JUNE SCHULENBURG Staff updated the committee on the Schulenburg failed septic system. particulars of the hook-up to the Doose sewer system and on the total sewer system in that neighborhood. The'committee reviewed the method of repayment of the debt. Discussion followed onfhe Committee requested financial information from Schlenburgls parents and they wanted the necessary information to secure the City's position on the repayment of the loan. The Committee requested that staff discuss the easement repayment issue with the City Attorney. A recommendation was made for future participants in this sewer line to share the initial cost of the line equally and that any money for sewer line hook-up be used to repay the debt of the rehabilitation loan. The loan committee requested a meeting be set with Doose to discuss some of the issues. BY PROPER MOTION mETING OF THE REHABILITATION LOAN COMMITTEE WAS ADJ0URNF.D AT 2:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, v LyNw FITZG&m Management Analyst/Redevelopment LF:al MEMBERS v dCC0Y ZLLIOTT dCDERMED IRENYAK \ \