HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-10-05; Ten Year Planning Committee Ad Hoc; Minutes;\,L.A. has publishod qualitativo and quontativo etandardo for
evaluation of public libraries,
it is important to know tho total coiranunity olimato* Planners
chould cook cucGOctlons f ron usora of tho library, oocarmity
, oity planners and related a^oaoioo.
should toko a good look at tho budget.
Important to got acceptance of tho people board represents.
nothing forgrontod vrhon it comas to coiznunity undorotanding of
tho library noods to cake it a real center*
Toll tho library story!
15ro. ^ead aloo reviovrod the 19G5 I'cndonhall survey of population
trends in Carlsbad and aroa from 1965-1935.
Area includes 20,674 acros or 32*2 square railos from
Vis-fca lagoon south to Batiquito lagoon and Aaet to Vista., includes
cii^' of Ctxrlabacl and unincorporated areas*. Plan predioto population
•vrill triplo to SJ.OOO by 1985.
Personal income should inoroaae front 24 to 80 million in that
period, -ctiinato 4,400 now hona and 2,000 apartment unito in this
oroa. ''
Hood additional 145 acroa for« cocoorial-GOf office spaco-6;
oorvico activitioa-39j vrholosalo-S} iaanufacturing-3.rj-45
-.csK-t in ccrasEunity chould increase i residont-100 million;
end industrial~20 raillionj publio-lS million*
t,liinutos of "en-Year Planning ' ••
Ccnsaittoo Mooting, •-'.-
October 5t 1970 !
il .
'!- ,
Lfcabors present* Anita Uonnhue, Ifergo Homrd-Jonos, Dorothy Head* ^,,
Hrs. Bond suranrisod the following points from her reading on <•
ways to approach planning for the futures
Throe main factors to consider t
1. Tvhoro are vro now? . •
2. Vihoro do v/o mnt to go?
3* How do vro got thoro?
Kood to know* 1. population pattorno and shifts
2. £onoral Ivol of education
5. kinds of onploycwnt
4, ori^aiitationo.1 otruoturo
Sotal population this area oould aooomodate, beyond 1985- 123,000 i
South of Palonar airport will bo biggest growth »»26,920 planned \
capacity after 1935* t
'' ' • c ' !Yt
Present library includes 20,000 square feet on 1.5 acres of land., _ \
17,00 sq« ft. in parking and landscaped'areas. : \
Mrs, Howard-Jones offered the following ideas for extending use of i
present plant* I
• •• would more directory signs bo helpful?* i,
• ••how can wo make library moro informal and inviting to tho young? I'
• •• could high school book reviewers have an organization thore?
•••how about Great Books discussion groups or just informal
groups for discussing books?
••• how about a full time Public Eolations person?
could represent library at certain meetings., arrange
exhibits, program, write news releases, compile book '.
' lists for special groups, do book reviews etc*
/ '
• »• hair about moro service to handicapped, hospitalized,
institutionalized? ' - -----
• ..do wo employ handicapped persons whenever possible? ..
•••do we employ minority groups persons whenever possible?
.. could library have extra copies of book review sections • .
available for free distribution? '
•• oould library provide a visiting area for people who meet
in library and would like to chat? M
• • could we initiate some type of station wagon service to ,
shut-ins? ' '•••'.',
Hrs. Donahuo listed several suggestions for possible ways to ! "
extend tho library program outside tho library walls« ,
!• could vro be more aggressive in advertising story hours
so that more Spanish speaking children will be attracted-'
to thorn?
..... put out flyers in both English and Spanish?
••• could we initiate a story tolling program during tho summer
at local parks and use college students as story tollers? \
• • aro wo rooking it as easy as possible for military personnel and' '
thoir children, summer visitors to have access to the library?
... do we advertise our wares at the ISarino base?
•..could TO offer some type of service to mobile home parks? .
o?«. aro wo interested and able to so up a book depository at
the Girls Club?
.... when will bo bo ready for a store-front branch oa the-, ••—
woat side bf tho frooway? . . »
«... whon will bo be ready for a bookmobile?
Tho next mooting is scheduled for wonday, Kovombor 2 at 1*00 p.m,
at Anita Donahue1 s homo. Dorothy will bring A.L.A, literature on
aurvoya and P,B.S. literature t also list of organizations in
aroa(from Chamber of Cosraorco). ISarge will call Dorothy Shiffler to
got suggestions about possible private donors for library.