HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-12; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: WATER COHUIJSION Date of Meeting8 June 12, 1991 (Regular Meeting) Tire of Meeting, 5:30 p.m. place of Meeting: 5950 ~1 Camino Real co CAU TO ORDER: Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Maerkle, Bonas, Henley and Woodward. Absent: Commissioner Greet. P~WE OF WEQIANCE was led by Chairman Maerkle. INTRODUCTIONS: Bob Greaney introduced Harriett Babbitt, Minutes clerk Water commission. for the city, who will be taking the Minutes of the PUBLIC COMMENT: There Were no requests to addrees the Commission on a non-agenda item. NEW: 1. Mr. Greaney introduced Lee Rautenkranr, City clerk who explained that the City is amending the Conflict of Interest code. She stated the only change for the Water Commission will be that they will file Form 730'8 instead Of Form 721'e. Commissioner Bonas stated she would like a statement added that "any elected official or City designated employee or staff person who leaves a position with the City, may not return to the City as a consultant for a period of two years." Me. Rautenkranz stated that this was not a functio of the Conflict of Interest Code. She suggested thia be presented to Council through the City Manager's office, if they wished to pursue the matter. 2. Mr. Greaney presented the 1991-92 Budget and explained each page. In reply to Commission query regarding differences in the requested amounts and current budget, Mr. Greaney explained that some responsibility eventually, but are not included at items will become the Water District's thia time. The organizational chart will be split water and waste water. Initially, the budget is into operations and maintenancelconstruction, for for only water. He stated he would get more discrepancy. information foe the Commissioners to clarify the ISSIONERS ' June 12, 1991 WATER CONHISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NgW: (Continued1 3. 4. ~r. Greaney explained that the increase in the personnel budget would be for additional personnel and cost of living increase. There will be more overtime, due to the policing of areas for Bprinkler violations in the evenings. He explainec that water costs will increase, and because of the 20 percent cutback, there will be less income. Also, there will be more public information programe. such as the "Water Awareness Pair" which is planned to be held in the parking lot of this facility. commissioner Bonas suggested newspaper releases be used and also the "watch Our Water Program" could next fall. be used in the schools by instituting a program 1n response to a question on an expenditure for a cash register, Hr. Greaney explained that the watel billing will be done here at the Water District, which neceseitates the purchase of a cash register though the aervicing of the vehicles will be by the for citizens paying their water bills. Also, city, they will remain at the District facility. The Commission had questions on the Operations pa91 of the budget, and staff indicated that the "Vehicle Replacement'' item should be a title; not I line item. The replacement of a 16 foot valve at Forklift" should read "Platfoem for the Forklift". point should be "16 inch". The item "Platform Municipal Water District 1991-92 budget, with the The Water Commission accepted the Carlebad above-noted corrections. ,, ,, Alameda County Water District Groundwater Recharge operations (Committee Report1 lvideol This item was trailed to the end of the agenda. Discussion of Heetina Dates Mr. Greaney stated that it would facilitate processing items before the Water Board if the Commission met the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Commiesioner Woodward explained that he has a conflict on the eecond Wednesday, as he had arranged his work schedule around the first and was the only problem as far as meeting at 2:OO p.m third Wednesdays. He added that the second week After discussion, the Water Commission changed the meeting dates to 9:OO a.m. on the second Wednesday of the month and 2:OO p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The new dates are effective immediately. Haerkle Henley BOnas Woodward Haeckle Bonas Henley Woodward June 12, 1991 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 COI ADDED ITEM8 AND REPORTS: 1. WAPAC Committee (Woodward) commissioner Woodward reported he had attended a WARAC meeting May 20, and a chronological hiatory of the water reclamation policy is to be turned in by June 21. Mr. Greaney will check the report ove and add anything that is needed. Commissioner Woodward stated that in the last Angeles Representative had proposed that all legislative update, it wa8 reported that a LOB reclaimed water that was left over from Government agencies would be given to anyone who needed it. He maid that work is being done to find Out whethe or not that Representative had the ability to push through such legislation. Comiseioner Woodward referred to Table 1, which shows the san Diego county Water RBUBe Potential b the Year 2010 by Planning Areas, and asked this be a part Of the record. (See attached) comisaionee Bonae recommended that the City Council Members and Planning commission Members ge a copy of this information. 2. Presidents and Manaaers (Maerkle) President Maarkle reported that the next meeting 0 the Presidents and Managers will be Tuesday. June 18, 1991. 3. n BC commissioner Bonaa stated she had received correspondence from AWCA. and the wetlands had the movement for this protection throughout the United highest priority for protection. There is a States, and she eaid the congressmen should be contacted. Staff will wrice letters with regard t the wetlands and the information provided to Council. Mr. Greaney will place the recommendation of Comissioner Bonas that would prohibit any elected employment with the City, from returning as a official or City staff person, who leaves on the next Commission Agenda. coneultant with the City for a period of two years Mr. Greaney reported that the Water District approved an agreement for Carlsbad to purchase reclaimed water from Meadowlark Treatment Facility and the City Manager has signed that agreement. The agreement with Vallecitos is for two million gallons a day. The signed agreement with Leucadia is for 750.000 gallons a day. \ r- r MINUTES ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: (Continued) Miscellaneous Reports (Continued) There will be a meeting Friday morning at Leucadia to meet with La Costa and Department of Health services for disinfected secondary water to be used on the La Costa golf course. Reclaimed water will be used for the entire 36 holes at La Costa. Mr. Greaney eaid the design criteria and will be submitted to the State. This was delayed specifications for Aviara are being worked on and because of the water emergency, but will be submitted for the project, whether it is the entire will authorize the District to go oat for bids and project or individual portions of it. The state it will then go to the Board of Directors. QENERAL MAQER: 1. Miscellaneous Reports Mr. Greaney announced the next meeting of the Watel Commission will be Wednesday, June 26, 1991, at 2:OO p.m., at 5950 El Camino Real. A request was made to have eomeone from Metropolitan Water District talk about desalinization at a future meeting. WPROVAL OF HINUTE8: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held nay 22, 1991, were approved as presented. 3. Alameda count" water District Groundwater Recharae Operations ICommittee ReDort) lvideol The Conmission watched the video ehowing the inflatable '*rubber"' dam8 used to capture stream flows for groundwater recharge. ADJOURMIENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of June 12, 1991, was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ifted, ninutes Clerk naerkle BOnaS Henley Woodward