HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-10; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Datm of Meeting: July 10, 1991 (Regular Meeting) WATER COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 9:OO a.m. place of Heating: 5950 el Csmino Real COMMISSIONERS CAU TO ORDER: Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 9:OO a.m. ROLL cw: Commissioners Present: Maerkle, Henley and Woodward. Commissioner BOnaS arrived at 9:04 a.m. Absent: Commissioner Greer. PLEDGE OF WEGIANCE was led by Chairman Maerkle. PUBLIC COmENT: There were no requests to address the Commiseion On a non-agenda item. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of Senate Bill 959 (Preeleyl Geoff Poole showed a transparency of the ACWA bulletin which was included in the packet. Me sai that SB 959, by Senator Robert Presley, would impose an annual tax on each urban water Supplier that delivers or receives 100 acre feet or more water pee year. The tax on approximately 6 millio acre feet delivered for urban use each year would be between $34 and $50 per acre foot per year. This bill would affect this District and cause an increase in rates. commissioner Bonae stated that the senator Preeley was going to hold this bill, which would take it out of the legislation loop this year. However, ACWA wants everyone to respond before next year, stating their opposition to this bill. The commissioners discussed this bill and unanimously agreed this was not a good bill and that City Council was also interested in this bill should be vigorously opposed. The comment was mac and wanted it opposed. The Water Commission recommended opposing SB 959, and requested staff to send letters to the legislatore and the Governor from the Water Board, District Manager and General Manager. The Water commission directed Staff to write a letter from the Water Commission in opposition to SB 959 and send copies to the legislators and the Governor. Maerkle Bonas Henley Woodward Maerkle Bonas Henley Woodward \ r" MINUTES July 10, 1991 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) At this time, members of the audience expressed their opinions, with one person stating she did not want any more tares. Another comment was that although in favor of restoration of wildlife and to accomplish that. The c~nsensus of the audience clean water, they did not believe this was the way was that more information was needed. The citizens are already upset about the rete increases and there could be a public outcry if this bill became urban only, as that is not equitable. law. The question was asked as to why this is nr. poole stated that if the agriculture users Were causing the problem, they seem to be exempt from paying for anything as outlined in this bill. Commissioner Woodward stated that the comments Of the audience should be included in the letters. 2. Consideration of Alameda Countv water Dietrict's Recommendation for Vice President of ACWA The Water Commission directed staff to write a dated June 24, 1991, from ACWD, regarding the letter stating the Comiseion discussed the letter has already endorsed Me. Earth, they wished Mr. candidacy Of Daniel Kriega. Since the Comi88ion Kriege well in his candidacy. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: WATER: 1. Miscellaneous ReDOrtS Chairman Maerkle reported that at the last Water Authority meeting he had Obtained a list of that list to Mr. Poole. This also contained legielative bills of intereet and he would give Authority and those they oppose. information on the bills supported by the Water Mr. Poole reported that for the month of June, Carlsbad residents saved 26 percent over water use last year. He added that the savings have been fairly steady since March. Commissioner Woodward asked staff about the repert on reclaimed water, and Mr. mole stated that will be on the next agenda. Commissioner Bonas reported on a recent water Management Committee meeting. She discussed the water rationing bill, and said the urban water conservation in California plan will take approximately ten years to implement. Mre. Bona~s said that Metropolitan Water District sells water this might be worth looking into foe Carlsbad. at discounts to clean up ground water, and ahe fell. Maerkle Bonas Henley Woodward \ Miscellaneous Reports: (Continued) July 10. 1991 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ~r. Poole said that oceanside will have a desalination treatment in the San Luis River valley, and he will place this item on the agenda. commissioner mnas referred to a booklet put Out b ACWA about the continuing water crisis in California. She said with more people coming into California, the next ten to fifteen years will necessitate people thinking of California as alway being in a drought. wildlife and displayed en environmental activities commissioner Bonas discussed protecting the questionnaire which is to tell of this Agency's activities. She requested an agenda item regardin what Carlsbad is doing with regard to protecting wildlife. Mr. Poole will study this questionnaire Commissioner Woodward inquired about the water in Lake Cslaveea and whether that was to be used for the proposed golf COUIIBB. Mr. Poole will investigate this matter further and report back to the Commission. The financial situation with regard to water for that golf course is the most pressing issue. The Cost for alternative BOUZCBB of water is a concern and under study, with one recommendation being to drill more wells. Mr. Poole suggested inviting a representative fro= the Parks and Recreation Department to speak to th Commission at the next meeting. In rqly to query regarding the Sunny creek Area. Mr. Poole stated the City has the water rights in that area, and the thinking is to drill more wells for construction and pump that water for use at th golf course. The Municipal Projects Department ie handling this as part of the golf course project. Mr. Poole added that the old water pipes were left in the ground under El Camino Real, 90 that would reduce the cost of piping the water. GENERAL WAGER: 1. Miscellaneous Reports Geoff Poole reported that the pipe line in El Camino Real is virtually completed. This will improve both the pressure and the amount of water that can be pumped to the mall area. He said that the water billing functions are now here at the District Office. The water bill payments can be taken here now, as well as shutoffs and new take payments and perform the other activities as service. The Finance Department at City Hall can well. He said that after the Meter Readers are transferred here, there will be a grand tour of tt District Offices. Mr. Pooh explained about the automatic meter readers and said that Calavera Rills is negotiatir to install those remote meters as a pilot project. ,"- MINUTES July 10, 1991 WATER COHHISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS ' HiscellanPous Reoorts (Continued) Mr. Poole said that the water in Calavera Lake was tested e couple of years ago, and is a viable source. However, the developers do not want to UE the lake as a water resource, as that changes the elevation of the lake and is not desirable which contains a lot of grease and oil; however, I aesthetically. The runoff in the lake is urban, is still usable. RPPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 26, 1991, were approved as presented. ADJOURM(ENT: By Proper motion, the Heeting of July 10. 1991, WBB adjourned at 1O:Ol a.m. Hinutes Clark Haerkle Bonas Henley Woodward ..