HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-24; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES . .. 7 Meeting of: WATER COlMISSION Date of Meeting: July 24, 1991 (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 2:OO p.m. Place of Nesting: 5950 El Camino Real COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 2:07 p.m. ROIJ,: Commissioners Present: Maerkle, BDnaS, Henley and Woodward. Absent: Commissioner Greer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Henley. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item, v: None. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: WATER COMMISSION 1. 2. 3. Video of the Water Story (This item Was trailed the end of the Agenda) Water Aaencies Association of Sa" Diem County The Commissioners commented on the recent Quartel meetings they have attended. They also Commentet Meeting, all concurring it was one of the beet the population increase in California over the ne about the statistic of approximately 60 percent c five to ten years being attributed to births ratt than new residents. When members of the audiencr were queried 86 to what impressed them about that meeting, they also felt that was a very interest? statistic. The comment was made that the public should be able to attend such programs. Miscellaneous Reoorta Commissioner Woodward stated the WARAC meeting would be next Monday, July 29, 1991, and he will meeting in August. report on that meeting at the first Commiseion Chairman Maerkle stated he would like the Commissioners to tour the reclamation plant. MINUTES July 24, 1991 WATER COHnISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS ' GENERAL MANAGER: 1. ReDOet on Status of Reclaimed Water Reclaimed water is in the City Planning Department Bob Greaney reported that thR Master Plan for General Plan. At that time, the Commission and the and scheduled for approval and conformance with the Board of Directors will review the Plan for final approval. Mr. Greaney said this will be beneficial to the District, as they will be operating under an phases Of that Plan. approved Master Plan and can proceed with the Mr. Greaney stated that there is a five million dollar low-interest loan project using reclaimed water for La Costa, Aviara, two growers and CalTrann. Aviara put in a high line because they wanted water ahead of schedule. The pump is in place and is to be tested next week. This water is the medians. far the Aviara golf course. the common areas and La Costa has been using reclaimed water for part of their golf courses for Borne time. The north 15 hole8 use reclaimed water, With the south 18 and the remaining three holes on potable water. Perhaps by the last of September, the south 18 holes and the three north holes will be on secondary affluent water from Leucadia. In response to query regarding gray water approval, Mr. Greaney Said that has not been approved. Commissioner Henley suggested that reclaimed water be used in the median of La Costa Avenue. 2. Oceanside Desalination Treatment in Sa" Luis Rey River Bob Greaney stated he had attended a meeting regarding the development of an Oceanside desalination pilot program on Mission Avenue. This is in the design phase and would provide two million gallons of water a day to be blended into the potable water system. Carlsbad has Some wells City's wells in with this program and take water in the area and one suggestion was to tie the from somewhere else in Oceanside. Also. they coule toward the desalination plant and take the same let Oceanside use the wells and contribute money aqueduct. The process of desalination is reverae amount of water, by our contribution, off of the osmosis, and the plant would be expandable at the will be used, and Could be moved to another site Same Site or another site in the future. Modules for expansion. Mr. Greaney stated the Cost of electricity is the amount of water they can take out of the ground in limiting factor for the wells and the physical that area. The wells are only approximately 100 feet deep, and if too much Water is taken Out, the) will get salt water intrusion. MINUTES I July 24, 1991 WATER COPLNISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS GENERAL MANAGER: (Continued) 3. 4. 1. 5. Presidents and Manasers Council Meeting Mr. ~reaney stated Mr. Lester Snow was the guest speaker and gave a report on the storage need st"( being done. There are ten sites throughout the County for storage reservoirs, and that needs to t narrowed down to three or four for an environment: report. He said there is a possibility that the reservoir. 90 there may be a combination of sites. sites would not be large enough for a single the CWA service area would be totally without If the aqueduct broke near the Sa" Luis Rey River, water, and they are looking at a two-month critic: period. A two-months' supply of water in the storage reservoir is what it is felt is necessary. WateReuse Meetins in Oakland Bob Greaney statad he attended this meeting on Monday. The Legislative Committee has a Contract with a consultant to deal with the 1egislatorP on various issues. Mr. Greaney gave the 6tatuB of the legislative bills listed on the State Legislative Summary. Bill Green, Henry Miedema and Peter Buffa, Robert Bein, William Frost L AsSOCiates, presentel Professional Engineers. Planners and Surveyors. a video of the Water Story (Santa Margarita Water District). Miscellaneous ReaOrtS Bob Greaney reported on a General Managers Meetin( touched on a drought update and a capital at the Water Authority on July 16. The agenda has plans over the next four years to start gettir improvement update. Metropolitan Water District involved in a six billion dollars capital water rate increases of about 23 percent compounde improvement program. This will result in some annually over the next four years. Mr. Greaney said this would probably mean approximately $600 per acre foot by 1995 or 1996. The Cost now is $323 from Metropolitan, and does not include the per acre foot by that same date. surcharges. With those chargee, it could mean $7C Mr. Greaney said that the other item--the drought and there is a 90 percent probability that we will end whether or not it will continue--was discussec have a water shortage for 1992. MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Hinutes of the Meeting held July 10, 1991, were approvec as presented. Comisaioner Woodward requested that the Hemorandurn to the Water Commission from the Assistant General nanager dated July 24, 1991, be a part Of the Hinutes. ADJOUmMENT: By proper motion, the Heeting of July 24, 1991, was adjourned at 4:26 p.m. fldP@ Respectfully submitted, 1 Harriett Babbitt Hinutee clerk Haerkle 8onas Henley Woodward \