HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-09; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; Minutesc- 7"- neeting of: WATER COMMISSION Date Of Meeting: October 9, 1991 (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 9:OO a.m. Place of Meeting: 5950 El cantino Real COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: commissioners Present: Maerkle, Bonas, Greer. Henley and Woodward. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Greee. -COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission On a non-agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of Appeal bv Solamar Homeownera m GeOff Poole introduced staff members Bob Coates an Jerry Whitley, who gave the staff report On this District Policy to install a water line by tying item. Mr. Coates stated it has always been paying for anything you tie into, but paying tor into an existing line, with the new applicant not the line you install. The next person ties into your line and pays for his lino, and so on. The Solam-r Homeowners Association tied into an existing line and did not pay anyone for that. Th person would have to pay fur his extension. They line was put through their development and the nex want that next person to pay them back for their porticm of the line ad that is against District Policy. Mr. Coates stated th-t the UlSfriCt paid far the upsiring of the pipe for the Solamar allow solamar to collect a fee from the next perso installation, and it would be a change of Policy t tying onto their line. Exhibit A, showing the Solamar mobilehome park and the water line, was discussed, and Mr. COates indicated how the line tied into the existing line and was installed across the solamar property. He stated that the line was to go to Pacific Coast Hotels originally, but Mr. 61onski pulled Out of his project due to the restrictions placed an that project by the City. The line was then installed on the Solamar property. Mr. Whitley stated that the one-foot barrier is nc required, because the water line was not along the property line. He explained that there is only on connection at the present time, but in the future there will be three connections and any extension would benefit Solamar. MINUTES c- r" October 9, 1991 WATER COHHISSION Page 2 C OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) MT. mates said that Solamar wanted a one-foot 9a€ in the line, so they could sell that one foot gap to the next person to connect to the line. and tha is against District Policy. en niscenza, site ~esign ADSOcietes, 8085 La Mesa Boulevard, representing solamar Homeowners Association, stated this request has resulted fron a number of years of history between the Solamar Homeowners AssOCiation, the City and the Water District. In order to serve future users as the to ten inches. The Water District paid for this line is extended, the line was upeired from eight upsizing. Mr. Blonski, Of Pacific Coast Hotels, was very cooperative and agreed to share the Cost of the line and install the pipe across the railroad, as Mr. Blonski dropped his project, the Honeowners he did not want the line across his property. Whf Association discussed how they could finance asked for a reimbursement end this was not installation of this water line. The Association possible. One option given was that an easement Mr. Blonski, or any other owner of that property, could be left one foot from the boundary, so when required a water line, they would pay their share of the connection across the railroad tracks. In reply to query from the Commission, Mr. Diecenra stated that no written agreement was ever entered into; that this was merely discussed and the Homeowners Association accepted that position. TI Water District staff has stated that the one foot strip is not District Policy, but Solamar felt the had special circumstances. Mr. Discenra stated that Solamar Homeowners Association paid $34,358.35, and had understood that they would get some kind of ability to get reimbursement from the neighbor-not from the Cit) or the Water District--but from the owner to the benefit them in their development. north of the park to share the cost of what would Chairman Maerkle stated that the District reimbursed Solamar $9,941 for the oversizing of tl water pipe line, and he asked Mr. Discenza whethe, that had been subtracted from that $34,358.35. HI Diecenza agreed the figure should be revised. Mr. Greer stated that there are always special circumstances. However, the District has already given Solamar concessions for other items and he felt that the other concessions were enough. Mr. Discenza reiterated the Homeoirnera Aaaociatiol was asking the District to leave the one-foot st=: at the entry road to the Blonski property, as the: had Understood it would exist. ... \. \ MISSIONERS ' MINUTES " OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) The Commission discussed the matter, and the consensus was that this was a matter between two property owners and was not something that should be decided by this Commission. The COmmiSSiOnerB felt that the solamar Homeowners Association was requesting leverage that would result in setting a precedent for other developers. The commissioners felt this was not a matter far the water District. as their responsibility is to furnish CuStOmerS with water and the rules of the Water Agency shoul be followed. Mr. Discenza reiterated that the Solamar Homeowner were not asking for an exception; but a reimbursement agreement for the railroad crossing because of the onerous Cost to the Homeowners Association. He again said this was not discussef with this Commission, but only at a meeting at Cit Hall with the Planning Department, Water District and Solamar. He said he did not think chis would set a precedent to leave a me-foot Strip at the boundary. The Water commission denied the request for a one- the Solamar Homeowners Association property. foot setback easement at the northern boundary of RECESS: Commission re-convened at 1O:Ob a.m., with all Chairman Maerkle declared a Recess at 9:55 a.m., and tt Commissioners present. ADDED ITEMS ?.ND REPORTS: WATER COMMISSION: 1. 2. 3. (ccoer) S 484 (Bradlev1 Water Resources (Greer) Commissioner Greer reported that copies of the bills have not been received. When they are received, the Commissioners will be supplied with copies for their perusal and discussion at the ne, meeting. p Commissioner Bonas stated that as an information item she had copies of newspaper articles for the radioactive waste to be stored in Sierra County. Commissionera to read regarding plans to store California receives a major portion of its Water She stated her concerns with this plan, since supply from that area. Maerkle Greer BOnaS Henley Woodward MINUTES r" ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER: 1. p Geoff Poole distributed Consumption Data for September, and stated the District was 25 percent under the base year allocation, which brings the eight months' total to 27 percent overall saving and a conserving of 1.2 billion gallons of water. Commissioner Bonas requested an agenda item on the effect of water conservation on the Encina plant. Commissioner Woodward asked for staff to check witk HWD and/or SDCWA a8 to the status of the EPA actior on the Delta and if they Could make a presentation. Commissioner Woodward also asked for an update on the Calavera golf course, with regard to the wells that were suggested, and to know where that project stands at the present time and what is being done. Geoff Paole stated that one of the reservoirs of the twin tanks had been converted to reclaimed water for the Aviara golf course. Chairman Maerkle asked for an agenda item on the committees for ACWA. Mr. Poole stated that ACWA notified the District that they had received a Certificate for their Water Management Programs and will be one of ten Districts to receive a Certificate at the fall ACW? Conference. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 25, 1991, were approved as presented. RDJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October. 9, 1991, was adjourned at 10:34 a.m. Minutes Clerk Haerkle Greer Bonas Woodward Henley