HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-23; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Date of Meeting: October 23, 1991 (Regular Meeting)
Time of Heeting: 2100 p.m.
place of Meeting: 5950 ~1 cemino Real COMMISSIONERS
Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at
2:OO p.m.
commissioners Present: Maeekle, ona as, Greer, Henley
and Woodward.
Absent: None.
PLEDQE OF WEGI~CE wae led by commissioner Aanley.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a
non-agenda item.
Discussion of the Inclining Block Water Rate
Bob Greaney reported that this item was discussed
to the Board of Directors regarding the inclining
at the Council Meeting last night and a report ma<
water rate structure and the issue of the monies
received to date through the penalty assessments.
The Board discussed this matter and referred it tc
this Commission for review and recommendations to
the Board of Directors regarding any changes or
what to do with the monies generated to date.
revisions to the program and some direction as to
Geoff Pwle summarized the procedures for today's
meeting, stating that any members of the public
could address the Commission first. He would list
the several alternatives developed. and then the
Commission could look at those alternatives from i
general prospective and make initial Comments.
From those comments, Staff would bring back
detailed analyses of the alternatives at the next
Commission meeting.
Anne Mauch. CO-Founder of PROJECT FUTURE, a "on-
profit citizens' organization, stated that since
rates imposed and the allocations for single famii
this Commission did not favor the inclining block
with its decision in the past. This Commission
residences. she hoped this Commission would stay
single family residences and expanding the system
recornvended against the district-wide average for
to other residences, such as duplexes and
Mrs. Mauch stated that FUTURE would hope that this
Commission recommend9 to the Board to eliminate tl
residences or some alternative other than the
district-wide allocation for single family
district-wide average for their category.
I "
October 23, 1991 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 C
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
nrs. Mauch said that Olivenhain District has a
until the user fails to conserve 20 percent.
system where the high block rates don't come in
re. Mauch said the first choice would be to end
the district-wide system altogether.
H~S. Mauch stated that the block rats system
actually resulted in a change in conservation
habits of single family residents--as they are not
saving as much now as before. The number one
factor in that is perception of fairness, and the
residents are perceiving this system as manifestly
unfair and that it discourages "getting with the
problem". She said that if people can afford to Pa
the high rates, they do not conserve. and the
purpose is to motivate conservation. commercial
and industrial users can work the rates into their
budget and the affluent families will not lose
their landscaping. The small people on fixed
incomes are the ones that are unfairly affected,
and they are the segment of the population least
able to pay.
Commissioner Greer stated he did not believe that
was a finding, as the lower inmrne citizens are
more affluent people. because they are attuned to
less educated and harder to communicate with. Thf
saving money, do not buy things or pay for things
at a premium, whereas the people at the other end
of the scale will.
Mrs. Mauch said that her group recommended that tt
block rate be reserved for those people who fail t
did in the base year. A public workshop would be
conserve--especially those who use more than they
recommended to reaffirm the old policy of treatiq
all users equally. If outdoar watering is to be
courses, business parks, and homeowners
curtailed, then all users should be, including go:
As to the distribution of the accumulated penalty
every dollar paid by single tamily residents who
funds, PROJECT FUTURE strongly recommends rebatins
succeeded in conserving 20 percent or wre. This
the money, and Mrs. Mauch recommended a reserve bf
would only aocount for approximately 25 percent 01
set aside in case the voluntary system does not
the city. If the block rate is used for those whc
succeed and there are penalties assessed against
exceed their quota, there will be income and them
should be money spent far public education and
motivation. All revenues and interest should be
kept for a conservation program. This money shoul
not be mixed with development money. If the peopl
think this is a way to build up money to pay for
part of the developers' share of new facilities,
you will lose them as far as conservation.
-8 (Continued)
Diqo plan initlativ. .I far am it to
Mrs. Hauch pave a copy of a mection of the 8an
water, for 8 rncomendltion to the City Council. mnd not the Water Uoard. Sh. stated thu. ahoull be no net inereare in water use, no nmI deWloprd
water us., with an explamtion .. to ha thio c.1
approved to incemase rAtam, and no now damand fol
bo done without etoppinp developent.
envy the E-immion It, job. 8h. felt thm prmmsr
Leone Stein, Baaawod Avenue, ltlted .b. did not
had Creatmi a proat de81 of angar. us. stain
syetsm for single tmlly roeldmntn was untalr an<
socornended returning to the method of prcontagl
cutback which WAO in effect at firat, u ah #ai<
aha who highly motivated under that Bymtem. Tho1
muat be a ChAllengO to cut back water use-with that ohallengo a9ain.t your own behavior.
nr6. stein said hor family wa. not the vory poor
nor thm very rlch--bur the middle clans. whlch dc
feel tha pinch for tha insreAmd cost of water. She mid the nmw eyncmrn In a mvore penalty for 1
tho other mymtom.
family and she etrongly recomnendsd ~~in9 back tl
Comlnm~onmr Oemmr ntatmd that the mnhe that hi been collected undo? the penalties 1. set asIda I
Ceneral hmd.
is roeerve and not in the Capital Fund or the
ne. Pool. Iistod th. a1tsmatlv.m tor -nditur(
of the mlneinp funds, as follow#:
1. Water Conamrvmtion and RIblLe Inrorsation
2. Cust0m.r senrice
3. Watmr Rmsourcm Dwmlopnent
4. Rat0 atabili~ation rupd
5. Renervea
6. Refund to Cuatomre
Mr. PO010 stated that staff would develop more detailed analysem for any of the ahooe topplm the
the Commission dmelxed.
0CtOb.r 23, 1991 WWSR COXXXSSXON PW. 4
-1 (Continued]
Ilr. Paole rmviewed the four A1tPmiati'lOS that b..
recarmmndmd for futurb rwiuion. to tho rate ItrUCtUr.
Ths four alternativem listed werml
1. Elhination of one or more blocks
2. Reduction in UIR tatas charged for oach block
District nemtinq wag to reduce thm Block 1 ra
(one item not mantioned at hot night'. WLtOl
to Kall belou current retaL1.1
3. Xncrease th4 number of units billed At thm
lower blacks
0. Determine single tmily allocations barnad on
aver.9. actual demmnde In 1L.u of a rriatrie%-vide
that tho mingle fanilios paid $45,000 Out Of thm fn raeppnse to Commiemion query, Mr. ?mle mtated
5260,000 plid undmr tho tier mystom, and the Cmmission And Bosrd mry do semathinp with the rates or the ponrlty rates.
Commissloner Oreer slid he wan not cerain bout
tAktng construction Out of tho pnalty, as they
nhould use reclaimed water and not potbble water.
XI. Oreaney Bald the Dintrict had received betwe.
mostly fran users with large famillem &/or lug
50 And 60 lmttern complalning about thm watmr bil
era rsquirad to keep waterad b).caUae of arnsion
102s. Some Of thosm pople have .iop.m that they
control Or fir. eontral. and would be lubject to
Penalty from other nourcem a- well &a r pnalty from the Water District.
pu. Oreanoy maid that with tkm penalty .y.tam in
effect from thm Water Authority, tho city could b
that in the futurm. subject to penalties and need money in raseme fo
Commissioner Bonan nuqgested qolng back to a
reduction in thm rate and reduca tha block rate 0
for thoee who only use a few units.
Cwuniasionsr Creer recomended eotrblimhing a liiellne racm.
Comiraioner Bonar, made a motion to hen staff
Reapare infometlon on rate ~tabiliratlon fund, penaltims, wtmr conaervatlon urd publlc
20 Peraant CUtbACk frm th. ba#m yea for .inglm
information. This would includa returning to the
would like to dimcuoo thin further, AM look at fanily residences. The ComisliOner8 8tat.d they
=re Lnformation. pus. Bonam stated thet thmm were the toplcs mtaff wmo to prspar. rurther 4nAlyePs for the next meeting.
OPtOber 23, 1991 WATSR COMIS8IDN Page 5
-1 (Continued)
nt. oreanmy stated Btaff yuld provide infonutiom
on what th. present fundm would be eutmrkmd for,
and how to addroas revldng the rates lndlor the
what would happen if tho rata. wra r.turaed to c)I
bas. year1 what would happsn with a USellne
establimhed and if tho block rate warm to k
oontinumd, how that would affant th. pople udn9
15 units or lesa.
commissioner Gremr agreed that tho singlo family
rat0 should return to the 20 percent, but he mid he would like to discuss Ways Of adjuatinq the
blocks mo thbt in ths future there is not the OVCI
qeneratinq of fund. and the people who arm the
water wa.t.=a will bo pmnrlirad.
comimsionw Creer stated that it waI a .-rate
matter to decide what to do with the funds thbt
hav. aGcumulated. Mr. Qreaney laid staff would provide addltlonrl data, .sruning they would go
back to the 20 percent over tho base yoar fernul..
He safd that staff would develop different acsnarion for different blocke or rate8, In ordar to offset tha $200,000 accumulated from tha SOUZCI
other than elnplo familion.
Comlmioner Woodward comnantcd on the $1.15 rate,
whlch is to go up due to H.tropo1it.n incruauam, and .aid that tho Rate Btblllration rund oould
perhaps reduce that increaaa.
blocke. Almo, thozm would be more infOmClOn On
Mr. Poolm said that no on. knows how much that rat
will increa8e, or when, am it in for capital
that the ntaff at Hetroplltm fed thm lncr-ase
construction and facilitiaa. nr. Greaney addad
wlll oonn in March, with mwthmr in July of 1992. That 1s just thm ilrlt year, and Kbtropclitan plar
not includo the Water Authority plana for their
increase. over the next #evaral ymaxs. This doem
capital program and our own oiatrlct increaaam. I
.aid that by 1996, th. comt could br clou to 91,000 per acre foot.
Comnisnloner Woodward statmd ha fdt the incllnln(
block rata Is the way to go. Comrsis#ionlu Grser
added that if you want to pnallrm tho onas who
have not changmd their waylr wlth regard to water
eonaervrtion, that la a fair approaoh--but baned c
prlor use. Cammlssloner Woodwrrd concurred.
6velyn Harsh, 4306 norison Drive, statmd that th.
public needs to be madm awar. of th. n..d for 11111
rm8arvolra to be bullt, an6 .he ooncurrmd that the
of previoua usm during the base ymar.
rates need to tmturn to the 20 pucmnt consarvatic
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
The consensus of the commission was to have staff
develop something with the 20 percent use. Mr.
doesn't meet their 20 percent cutbqck. they would
~oole reminded the Commission that if the District
be penalized.
Chairman Maerkle inquired what districts had paid
penalties, and Mr. Poole stated that there were
five districts that paid penalties--agriculture
users--and he added that this District does "sed a
Metropolitan had given out rebates to agencies and
reserve in case of penalties. He said that
now were in trouble.
Commissioner Cree= suggested that there should be
would be a lifeline rate below the regular atandar
fifth block in the inclining rate blocks. and that
rate. This would apply to residences only.
The suggestion was made to reduce the rates charge
This would make three blocks plus the residential
in each block and increase the percent spread.
lifeline for single family residences and three fo
everyone else, with new block rates.
Commissioner woodward stated he would like some
plan to lead the commercial user9 toward
conserving--peehapa an incentive plan if they
install everything possible to save water.
The Commission requested information on
conscious customers.
implementing into the system incentives for water-
Chairman Maeekle declared a Recess at 3:40 p.m., and th
Commission re-convened at 3:55 p.m., with all Members
commissioner Bonas amended her previous motion as
The Water Commission directed staff to return with
detailed analyses of the following:
Base the single family residences on actual
month-to-month basis.
demands, less 20 percent of the base year. on a
Create a lifeline rate for residences.
block rate=.
Develop a three-block tier structure. with new
Create incentives for 'water-conscious" customers.
October 23, 1991 WATER COMMISSION Page 7 C
NEW: (continued)
The Commission directed staff to return with a
report on each of the following alternatives for
the expenditure of existing funds:
customer Service
Rate Stabilization Fund
ReserveB ( Future Penalties)
Refund to customers (to include those who
conserved, but not necessarily 20 percent)
5 p- (weer)
s- (Weer)
-15.484) (Maerkle)
These four items were discueeed together, with the
Commission consensus being that S.484 was more
beneficial to urban water users and less oneroue t
agriculture and environmental areas.
The Water Commission recommended that the Water
Board write letters to the Senators that the Water
Comission support8 S.484 in concept.
ACWA CommitteelTask Force Amointments
The Commissioners will retain their current
appointments and will inform Mr. Greaney Of their
second and third choices.
Mr. Greaney referred to the letter dated October 7
1991, from the Sa" Diego County Water Authority,
asking for action from this commission as to
whether or not there is support for the formation
of an Urban Section.
The Water Commission recommended the Water Board
send a letter to the ACWA Board expressing support
of the formation of an Urban section.
7. R -A
The Water Commission directed staff to write a
letter of endorsement for Chester C. Gilbert as
Vice President of the RCwA Municipal Section.
8. Presidents and Manaaars Council (Maerkle)
Chairman Maerkle gave a report on the recent
9. Miscellaneous ReDorts
Commissioner Bonae etated she gets mail from the
National Water Resources Association inviting her
to be a repreeentative and this is a waste of
postage and paper and she would like them to be
instructed to remove her name fram their mailing
list, sincv they -re no longer on our approved lis
of Associations.
dinner he attended with the speaker the City
Commissioner Henley reported on a meeting and
Manager from Sa" Diega.
Bob Greaney reported that water conservation WIIQ
down for the last month due to the warm weather.
NO other reports were given.
Minutes of the Meeting held October 9, 1991, were
approved as presented.
BY Proper motion. the Meeting of October 23, 1991, was
adjourned at 4:51 p.m., to Wednesday, November 6, 1991,
at 1:30 P.m., at the District Offices.
Reape,ctfully submitted,
- Minutes Clerk