HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-08; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; Minutesr“ MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING: I c - WATER COMMISSION January 8, 1992 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: 5950 El Camino Real - CALT. TO ORDER: Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. ROLL: Present: Commissioners Maerkle, Bonas, Greer, Henley and Woodward. Absent: None. PLENE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by commissioner Henley. PUBLIC COMMENT: David Davis, Landscape Supervisor, Southern Counties Landscape, a division of Village Nurseries, addressed the Commission, stating he is a member of the water committee of California Landscape Contractors Association that has been decisions are being made by the different Water Districts. set up to meet with the commissions in San Diego County to find out what 1. 1 Bob Greaney stated that Commissioner Woodward had brought back the guidelines at the last meeting of this Commission and made them available to everyone for review and comments. Commissioner Woodward stated he had a few questions about the guidelines and that was why he requested this item be placed on the agenda. He said that any comments are to be sent back to the San Diego County Water Authority by January 10th. Commissioner Woodward inquired about using purple pipe to indicate reclaimed water and said the guidelines talked about “if available” and “possible”, and he thought everyone had adopted the use of purple. Mr. Greaney said the purple pipe is only available up to the six inch purple tape. As reclaimed water gets more common, the pipe sizes will size, and any size larger than that must be painted purple or wrapped in purple pipe for reclaimed water. In reply to query regarding this increase. Mr. Greaney said that it is in Carlsbad’s standards to use come through the District, and the purple pipe would be specified and requirement being enforced, Mr. Greaney stated that any request has to inspected by the District. In reply to Commissioner Woodward‘s query regarding the signs on trucks, Mr. Greaney stated that a combination of agencies, including the Water Authority, Department of Health and Regional Board had made up some suggestions which were sent to this District about a year ago and those were incorporated into the District’s standards. The local Districts their own standards, they must be approved by the Department of Health. inspect for conformance to those standards. If the local Districts add l- I I i January 8, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) r" Mr. Greaney said staff would recommend a change on page one to state that the inspector "shall be from the purveyor" and delete the remainder of the sentence, to eliminate having the Department of Health inspect every facility. Mr. Greaney felt that page 2 of the Guidelines should delineate who determines the qualifications of the Reclaimed Water Supervisor appointed by the user. He said more detail is needed in Item #9, where it is stated that drinking water shall be made available to the users, workers and/or the public. The suggestion was made to state "all public use areas". Commissioner woodward stated that on the signs, he would like it spelled out who will make the decision as to the size. Mr. Greaney stated he thinks that it is in the standards. 2. Discussion of Olivenhain MuniciDal Water District Leaislation Commissioner Greer stated he had attended the legislative wrap-up and in the agenda packet there was proposed legislation that he was not able to check on with Olivenhain by the time of the meeting. This legislation was discussed at that meeting and the intent of this legislation was to manage the ground water in the San Dieguito Basin, as well as the other basins within their District. The legislation was so general in its language that it could apply to the Eatiquitos area and that would be of interest to Carlsbad. This would give Olivenhain the ability to levy fees for extraction of ground water if Carlsbad wanted to drill a well in the La Costa area. Mr. Greer said his concern had been that Carlsbad should not be reaulated bv Olivenhain when thev are not in their r" - - District. At the present time, there is no one to sponsor the bill. He would like any bill to specify what basins they want to control, and if it does not include Green Valley and Batiquitos, there is no problem. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner GreeK, the Water Commission ~~ Municipal Water District specify the two drainage basins requested staff to write a letter asking that Olivenhain where they would have control of the ground water. Also, this Commission would like to be apprised of any legislation on this matter. - AYES: Maerkle, Eonas, Greer, Henley and Woodward 3. Certificate of Auureciation for Geoff Poole Mr. Greaney referred to the copy of a Certificate of Appreciation for Commission, this certificate will be printed, signed by the Geoff Poole which was included in the packet. Upon approval by the Commissioners, and then sent to Geoff Poole. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Eonas, the Water Commission approved a Certificate of Appreciation for Geoff Poole. s: Maerkle, Eonas, Greer, Henley and Woodward Mr. Greaney requested the General Manager Report be given at this time, as he had another meeting to attend. January 8, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: Mr. Greaney reported that he was still checking on the status of the Water softener litigation in Escondido, and will report on this at the next meeting. He said staff is creating a water shortage contingency report that will be to the State. This is an update of the Urban Water Management Plan with the completed in a week or two. A Public hearing will be held before this is Sent water shortage provisions included in it. Mr. Greaney requested the names of Commissioners who will attend the ACWA quarterly meeting on January 16, 1992, and three Commissioners, Maerkle, Henley and Woodward stated they would attend. Commissioner Woodward requested a presentation by CLCA on xeriscape at the next meeting, and Mr. Davis, a representative of CLCA who was in the audience, stated he would attend the meeting. The consensus of the Commission was to request a report from the Finance Department on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year dollars in undesignated reserves. ending June 30, 1991. They would like someone to explain the five million RECESS: Chairman Maerkle declared a Recess at 2:57 p.m., and the Commission re- convened at 3:11 p.m., with all Commissioners present and Jeanne Flack present as the staff representative. WATER COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Bonas announced she was re-appointed to the ACWA Water Management Committee. Commissioner Greer reported on a recent two-day ACWA meeting he attended, and felt it was significant that the ACWA staff was not aware of the Olivenhain Water District legislation. APPROVAL OF WINUTES: On Motion by Commissioner Henley, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 11, 1991, were approved as changed to state on Page 2 under ACWA 1991 Water Management Certificate presented to this District from ACWA, which was Fall Conference, second paragraph: Commissioner Bonas showed the Commission a one of ten awards presented, and she then handed it to Mr. Poole. m: Maerkle, Bonas, Greer, Henley and Woodward ANNouNcEMEN!r: Chairman Maerkle requested the election of new Commission officers be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 8, 1992, was adjourned at 3:16 p.m. ted,