HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-22; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF: WAmR COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 22, 1992 (Regular Meeting) !. TIME OF MEETING: 2:oo p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: 5950 El Camino Real
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Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Maerkle, Greer, Henley and Welshons.
Absent: Commissioner Compas.
PLEDGE OF WEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Greer.
PUBLIC COMMENT: ~ , Chairman Maerkle introduced Kim Welshons, the new Commissioner.
Margaret Bonas congratulated the new appointees to the Commission and wished
them luck. She said she hoped they make a sincere effort to do their best for
the Water District, City and State.
1. Election of New Commission Officers
This item was continued to the next meeting.
i- !I ,, 2. Comments on CMWD Financial Statement and schedules
Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director, stated she was present to answer the
questions raised by the Commissioners with regard to the financial
statement. She stated that retained earnings on the City's statements
not available funds and not how much money that is available, and
is a listing of the historical profits since the beginning. These are
could do an accounting to come up with the funds that are available.
include fixed assets. She added that if the Commission desired, they
equity you would have left over after all assets were sold. This is
If the District liquidated everything, that total would be the amount of
equity in the District.
commissioner Greer asked whether Water District funds are invested the same as City funds or separately and Ms. Hildabrand answered that City funds are invested in a pool account managed by the City Treasurer. She said that a new policy was submitted to the City Council at last night's meeting, with a low-risk policy that has stricter guidelines than
required by the State.
3. Discussion of Reauest of Chancle of Section - ACWA
Agencies that represents the water industry in California and does a
Bob Greaney explained that ACWA is the Association of California Water
fair amount of lobbying for legislation important to the water industry in the State.
r" January 22, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Agencies Section, and Mr. Greaney referred to the memorandum from ACWA
At ACWA's most recent meeting in San Diego, they formed an Urban
regarding a request to transfer to this new section. The formation of that section was done to help identify some of the urban water management problems and hopefully come up with resolutions and to encourage municipalities to join ACWA. The Carlsbad District can choose to stay where it is, in the Municipal Water Districts, or transfer to this new section. However, ACWA needs to be notified in writing of that decision.
Chairman Maerkle stated that ACWA started out as an irrigation district years ago, but it became much larger and later the name was changed. At
this time, thousands attend the meetings. The cities that did belong
were in the Municipal section, but usually did not attend meetings.
With the Urban Agencies Section, the cities will be better represented.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Greer, the Water Commission approved a transfer of the Carlsbad Water District to the
Urban Agencies Section of ACWA.
- AYES : Maerkle, Greer and Henley
ABSTAIN: Welshons
4. Review and Recommendation of Urban Water Shortaae Continqencv Plan
Bob Greaney stated that Jeanne Flack would give this report. He said the scheduled February 4, 1992, presentation to the Water District Board would not be possible due to the legislation that has been passed and the rules and regulations that were just published in December. However, unless State money would be due to Carlsbad between January 31 and February 4, there is no problem, and there is no money due to this District for drought assistance.
This item was trailed until later in the meeting.
time. David Davis is present to make a short presentation on xeriscape Bob Greaney requested an additional item to be placed on the agenda at this
landscaping, as requested by the Commission at the last meeting.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Henley, the Water Commission
presentation on xeriscape landscaping.
agreed to add an agenda item to allow David Davis to make a
AYES: Maerkle, Greer, Henley and Welshons
David Davis, Landscape Supervisor, Southern Counties Landscape, a division of Village Nurseries, and a member of the Water Committee of California Landscape Contractors Association, addressed the Commission, giving a synopsis of the principles of xeriscape, stating that planning is the most important step. He said he would get a list of nurseries that stock drought-resistant plants.
Commissioner Welshons stated that Carlsbad has a new Landscape Manual in which - the City has addressed the installation of drought-resistant plants.
January 22, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3
hlEw BUSINESS: (Continued)
Item #4 was taken up at this time.
Review and Recommendation of Urban Water Shortaae Continaency
Jeanne Flack distributed copies of the Urban Water Shortage Contingency Plan
of the Plan. The Plan was to be adopted by January 31, 1992, but a public
for Carlsbad Municipal Water District and used slides to explain the contents
public hearing, copies of the plan will be mailed to the California State hearing must be held, and that is scheduled for February 4, 1992. After the
Department of Water Resources.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Henley, the Water Commission
adopted the Urban Water shortage Contingency Plan for Carlsbad Municipal Water District.
w: Maerkle, Greer and Henley
ABSTAIN: Welshons
Chairman Maerkle reported on a Presidents and Managers Meeting, and stated that it was reported that the northern California reservoirs have a water
percent of normal. He said that many people in the northern portion of the
supply of half of normal for this time of the year, and the runoff is 25
State forget that people in the south had paid by tax money for putting in the
water system from Orville Dam. Those people in northern California say “it is ours”.
Chairman Maerkle said that the Delta has four pumping units, with two in
operation now and two more to be in operation within the next month. He said that larger gates are needed, as they could not handle four pumps. The Delta
concerned. is the key to the water situation as far as the people in the south are
Mr. Greaney said that the Delta smelt is being studied as to whether it should
be on the endangered list--curtailing the pumping of water--and limiting the
supply to southern California. There are approximately 23 species requested
to be on the endangered list, which would curtail the pumping, and the
peripheral canal would be the answer to eliminate the endangerment of the
Commissioner Greer requested agenda items as follows: At the time the rate
stabilization fund was established, it was indicated the Commission would
revisit that in January to determine whether more funds should be converted to
the rate stabilization or how to dispose of it. Second, since there are new
Commissioners, appointments to the different organizations should be reviewed.
Mr. Greaney said that would be taken up at the time of the election of new officers.
Mr. Greaney stated he would have copies of SB 1270 made for the Commissioners on the issue regarding Metropolitan Water Authority water rate increases going through the PUC. He will also research the impact of this
. . ..
January 22, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 4
Mr. Greaney stated that at one of the recent committee meetings, the idea was
member agencies at the same level as 1991. This would mean each member agency put forth for Metropolitan to purchase State Project Water to satisfy its
would still have to reduce consumption by 31 percent. If separate agencies wanted additional water, they would be responsible for purchasing that. The
Water Authority looked at the same issue and discussed the possibility of the Authority operating the same way. Mr. Snow, the General Manager, thought
Metropolitan's idea was not good and that the Water Authority should not compound the problem by doing the same thing. If the 20 percent water
to go into, they could purchase water on their own. This would be $175 per conservation effort for this coming year was something the agency did not want
acre foot added to the normal cost.
Commissioner Greer stated he could support Lester Snow's position.
Mr. Greaney said the Water Authority voted to continue their policy that we are all in this water situation together. There could be a problem if one
to be cutting down the 20 percent. agency could buy water and not cut 20 percent, and another district would have
Commissioner Greer stated that if rate-setting was under the PUC, that would
take Metropolitan out of that and part of their power would be eroding.
might eventually be feasible, and Mr. Greaney said that he felt the cost would Chairman Maerkle commented that if the cost of desalinization leveled out, it
desalinization might be feasible. not come down, but potable water costs will keep increasing to the point where
On motion by Commissioner Greer, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January
8, 1992, were approved as amended.
w: Maerkle, Greer and Henley
ABSTAIN: Welshons
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 22, 1992, was adjourned at
3:05 p.m. ,'
Minutes Clerk
Balance Sheets
June 30, 1991 and 1990
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents (note 2)
Accounts receivable
Time certificates of deposit (note 2)
Total current assets
Restricted assets:
Cash and cash equivalents (note 2)
Interest receivable
Investments (note 2)
Total restricted assets
Deferred compensation investments (notes 2 and IO)
Utility plant (note 3):
Property and equipment, at cost, net of
Construction in progress
accumulated depreciation
Total utility plant
$ 8,234,659
2,095,605 191.805
1,339,058 214.456
B-2 (Continued)
Balance Sheets, Continued
June 30, 1991 and 1990
Liabilities and Eauity 199L
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable Current portion of certificates of
Interest payable
participation payable (note 4)
Accrued expenses
Construction deposits
Total current
unrestricted liabilities
$ 666,264
Current liabilities payable from restricted assets:
Current portion of bonds payable (note 5) 40,000
Accrued interest and unredeemed bonds and
bond coupons 14.441
Total current liabilities 1,909,049
Certificates of participation payable, net of
unamortized issuance costs of $373,940 in
1991 and $400,650 in 1990 (note 4) 11,681,060
Bonds payable Deferred compensation payable (note 10) 1.101.849
Total liabilities 14.691.958
Retained earnings:
Contributed capital
Reserved (note 6)
Designated (note 6)
Total equity 42.761.45Q
$ 57.453.408
11 ! See accompanying notes to financial statements.
December 24, 1991
TO : ACWA Member Agencies
yrban Agenciks Section
RE : Formation of a New ACWA Section - Urban
Agencies Section
According to the ACWA bylaws, Any group of ten (10) or
more member organizations, organized under a single act
or having sufficiently similar purposes, may, with the
approval of the Board of Directors, form a section, meet
and confer to discuss mutual problems and matters of
interest, and make recommendations on legislation
affecting them to the Legislative Committee.
This bylaw requirement was met and during the last ACWA
Board meeting in November, the Board authorized the
requesting the formation identified the need for such a
formation of the Urban Agencies Section. Those agencies
resolution of urban water management, water supply, and
section to be the facilitation, identification and
to encourage more urban participation from cities within
related issues. This section is also seen as an incentive
the association.
President Witt appointed me as chairperson, representing
the San Diego County Water Authority and Jorge Carrasco
from East Bay Municipal Utility District as vice
chairperson, until an election can be held during the
ACWA Spring Conference. Until the election is held, the
appointed chairperson and vice chairperson will represent
the Urban Agencies Section on rhe ACWA execmive
committee and board of directors.
In an effort to prepare for an orderly formation, this
memo is being sent to all current ACWA members so each
member can indicate your choice to remain in your current
newly formed Urban Agencies Section. Only a portion of
section or if you choose you can request to change to the
those agencies requesting formation of the section also
officially requesting transfer to date are:
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s;::: 3cc
,202) 398-:LsG
'NASH!NG:CN. 2 3 ?CXJ.-:G7:
~ ,_ ,,*52;,: ,-,. j6"S >','< .:,:.formally requested a transfer to the new section. Those
FGX ~ 202~ 1ce-7763 Helix Water District
Otay Water District
East Bay Municipal Utility District
San Diego County Water Authority
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Santa Fe Irrigation District
ACWA Member Agencies Memo
December 23, 1991
Page 2
The ACWA bylaws also state, A member may, with the consent of the
section being joined, elect to leave its present section and join any
section having a simiIarity of purpose to that of such member,
following approval of the Board of Directors.
section change to the executive committee at its meeting in late
It is my intent to present a list of member agencies requesting a
January. To prepare for this meeting I am requesting that the
January 16 if your agency desires to change from its current section
following form be completed and sent to the ACWA office prior to
affiliation to the iirban Agencies Sectioz. The other existing sections
in ACWA are: Irrigation Districts, County Water Districts, Municipal- !'re LL'?.~""''.~
Water Districts, California Water Districts, and Special Agencies. .<:o.;p...?. .'
Please note: Any agency that recently had a representative elected
to the ACWA Board in November from one of the existing sections should
realize that a change to this new section will automatically
constitute a resignation from the ACWA board for that representative.
Thank you for your attention to this request. Should you have any
questions regarding this process, please feel free to call Cathy Apker
at the ACWA office, (916) 441-4545.
~: .~ ", -:... .
Agency Name
would like to request a change from its current section affiliation to
the ntiwly formed Urban Agencies Section. Action requesting this change
was enacted by this agency on
Date action taken
Authorized signature
After completing this form please mail to:
Association of California Water Agencies
910 K Street, #250
Sacramento, California 95814-3577