HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-26; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; Minutes7 MINUTES OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: February 26, 1992 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETINQ: 2:00 p.m. 5950 El Cemino Real CALL To ORDER: Chairman Maerkle called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CW: Present: Commissioners Maerkle, Compas, Greer and Henley. Commissioner Welshons arrived at 2:07 p.m. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Greer. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. NEW: 1. Election of New Commission Officers This item was trailed until later in the meeting. 7 2. ADDointments to Water oraanizations This item was trailed until later in the meeting. 3. Rate Stabilization and Reserve Fund UD-Date Bob Greaney referred to the copy of the agenda bill included in the agenda showing the use of the penalty monies that was determined by the Commission. He stated that the Rate Stabilization and Reserve Funds have been established; however no monies have been expended out of the these two funds, since no penalties have occurred. The balances of $431,150 for each fund are as shown in the agenda bill. The rebates to customers will be occurring during the April or May billing cycle, and the five-unit credit has already taken place. The Customer Service Fund of $100,000 was intended for possible computer billing upgrades, and Mr. Greaney stated staff is still investigating the possible upgrades. Mr. Greaney stated the Rate Stabilization Fund will need to be revisited, for if that fund is used to keep rates low and the fund decreases to zero, then a larger than normal rate increase would be necessary to '*catch up". He said that is something the District does Metropolitan collecting a service charge of $6.7 million for the Sari not want to happen. Mr. Greaney referred to the possibility of Diego County Water Authority, and how that would be divided. Commissioner Greer suggested that the District might pick up the parcel charge for the next year or two in lieu of putting it on the tax rolls. February 26, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: Continued) In reply to Commission query regarding the $100,000 for Customer service, Mr. Greaney explained that the present system is over ten years old, with 17,000 customers listed on a rolodex. With new computer software, more information could be placed on the water bills and the service would be more efficient. Commissioner Welshons stated that other City departments will be curtailing services due to the budget cuts, and she asked whether that $100,000 could be given over to the City to help offset some of the Cuts planned. Chairman Maerkle explained that the Water District is a subsidiary district and the funds must be separated. This is an Enterprise fund, and not the General Fund of the City. District funds must be spent for water-related items only. districts have, as a latent power, the ability to provide recreational Commissioner Greer added that this District deals only with water. Some services, but that is not exercised by this District. Mr. Greaney stated he will have a further report on the computer update and the other funds at the last meeting in March or the first one in April. 1. 2. 4. Commissioner Greer was elected Chairman for the coming year by unanimous approval of the Commission. Chairman Greer assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. Commissioner Welshons was elected Vice-Chairperson for the coming year by unanimous approval of the Commission. ADDointments to water Oraanizations Chairman Greer explained the Conunittee Appointments as shown on the Memorandum included in the packet. The J.P.I.A. Member is Board Member Larson, as that must be an elected official. He said that A.C.W.A. has appointment. 18 committees and the members are nominated and recommended for Commissioner Maerkle stated that committee members could be staff or Commissioners. Copies of the committees were given to the Commissioners for their perusal. Chairman Greer asked that Commissioners contact him with their choices and he will bring back the recommendations at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Greaney stated he would like to see a second alternate with a staff member for the J.P.I.A., as those meetings are very important. Drouaht UDdate Bob Greaney presented a Drought Update, using slides to show the statistics available through January, 1992. - February 26, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 RECESS: Chairman Greer declared a Recess at 2:59 p.m., and the Commission re-convened at 3:15 p.m., with all Commissioners present. NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) GovernOt'S Prouertv Tax Prouosal Bob Greaney reported that Mike Madigan had recommended holding off one month before the Water Authority took any specific action against this bill, as the Governor's staff is negotiating on this and other water policies for the entire State. This recommendation to shift the property tax revenue from special districts to schools would have a serious impact on CMWD, as the revenue received last year amounted to approximately $720,000. Mr. Greaney stated he would keep the Commission apprised of what is happening in Sacramento with regard to the water districts. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: water. Commissioner Henley stated he would like an update on the Federal V. State CVP Commissioners Welshons and Compas asked for copies of all pertinent materials them with copies of the Master Plan, Ordinance #33 and Financial Statement. for their perusal as new Commissioners. Mr. Greaney stated he would supply Commissioner Welshons suggested that a Summary of the Commission Meetings be Council, giving a synopsis of actions taken by the Commission. submitted to the Water Board and other Commissions similar to those given to Commissioner Maerkle referred to a brochure from the California Landscapers Association. A copy of the A.C.W.A. Newsletter was shown, and there is to be a conference in May at Indian Wells, California. Commissioners Compas and Welshons suggested that commission meetings be held at a later time. Chairman Greer stated that there has been no problem with anyone making the day meetings, and that there were workshops held at night. The attendance at those workshops for the public was extremely small, and it would be of minimum benefit to have meetings in the evening. This will be placed on the next agenda for discussion. GENERAL MANAGER: Mr. Greaney stated there will be a conference in San Francisco, March 20, wanted to attend this conference, and if any Commissioners wish to attend, to entitled "Water: Will there be Enough". He stated that Board Member Nygaard let him know. February 26, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 (3ENERAL WRNAOER: (Continued) Mr Greaney stated that Senator Presley has a bill, 959, which is a water tax bill, and he does not know the status at the present time. The bill calls for a $50 an acre foot charge phased in over four years for retail urban water suppliers who receive 500 acre feet of water or more. Since this District receives 17 to 18 thousand acre feet deliveries, it involves the District. At budget. A.C.W.A.'s concern is that the Districts paying in much of the money $50 per acre foot, it would amount to an $850,000 item in this District's would not receive any benefit from this charge. He stated that the legislative members should be contacted and urged to oppose this bill. Mr. Greaney stated the retail urban water suppliers bill (SB 1270) is in committee at this time. A.C.W.A. has concerns about the concept of the P.U.C. setting rates, as they don't adhere to the cost of service. The farther away a district is from the aqueduct, the more they would have to pay. On motion by Commissioner Henley, the Minutes of January 22, 1992, were Commissioner Welshons stated that Carlsbad has a new Landscape Manual in which approved as amended to add to Commissioner Welshons statement, as follows: the City has addressed the installation of drought-resistant plants & desian of new proiects. percentaae of turfed area that would be permitted in the landscape planning - AYES: Greer, Henley, Maerkle and Welshons ABSTAIN: Compas ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 26, 1992, was adjourned at 3:58 p.m. Minutes Clerk