HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-11; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; Minutesr" MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: ,5950 El Camino Real WATER COMMISSION March 11, 1992 (Regular Meeting) 2:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Greer called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Greer, Compas, Henley, Maerkle and Welshons. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Compas. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ! CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Welshons, the Commission accepted the Manager's Report. m: Greer, Compas, Henley, Maerkle and Welshons !" OLD: ,, ,. AB XO392-1 - Auuointments to Water Organizations Chairman Greer announced he would make recommendations for the appointments to the water organizations at the next Commission meeting. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Welshons, the Commission continued this item to the next Commission meeting. m: Greer, Compas, Henley, Maerkle and Welshons NEW BUSINESS: AB XO392-2 - Discussion of Settina Commission Meetina Times Commissioner Welshons stated she requested this item to be placed on the agenda to bring this Commission in line with the manner the other Commissions hold their meetings. She suggested the meetings be held at 5 or 6 p.m., to allow for public input on water issues. As people pay more for a commodity, they become concerned and speak up. Commissioner Maerkle stated meetings had been held at times varying from audience in attendance, and that the present schedule was the most 9:00 a.m. in the morning to 7:OO p.m. in the evening, with no more successful. - Commissioner Compas stated he had talked with a Council Member and they felt meetings later in the day would be better. Chairman Greer stated that in the event there are specific issues, the Commission has provisions for special meetings and late meetings have been held in the past. - March 11, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Commission voted to keep meeting times at the present schedule. AyEB: Greer, Henley and Maerkle NOES: Compas and Welshons Commissioners Compas and Welshons voted against the motion for the reasons stated above. r" " AB XO292-3 - Revision to Plan Check Fee Schedule bring the fees into line with actual costs and also due to the District Bob Greaney stated that the fee schedule was reviewed due to the need to becoming responsible for reclaimed water and sewer plan checks. He will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. stated that the agenda bill, a copy of which was included in the packet, Mr. Greaney asked for a recommendation of approval to the Board on revising the Ordinance to include the two new responsibilities of the District. charged by the District are lower because we are no longer collecting In response to Commission query, Mr. Greaney stated that the fees fees for inspections--just plan checking. The City collects the inspection fees as a part of their fee structure. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Welshons, the Commission recommended approval of the Revisions to the Plan Check Fee Schedule to the Board of Directors. AyEB: Greer, Compas, Henley, Maerkle and Welshons ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: WATER COMMISSION: Miscellaneous Reuorts Chairman Greer asked about the impact of the reservoir being constructed at Mt. Isreal by Olivenhain District, since Carlsbad had expressed an interest in participating in this. Mr. Greaney said it does not affect Carlsbad at this time. However, as the overall cost for the project is developed, Carlsbad could get the project would be and what the commitment might be from each agency. involved at a later date. There is a study being done to show what Size The cost of the project could be quite high, and it was hoped that the more than two or three agencies were involved. In that case, the Cost Water Authority would be the lead agency on the project. CWA could, if would be spread over the service area. Mr. Greaney said the Water Authority is conducting a water storage need study and looking at over 100,000 acre feet of storage. This reservoir would want one large reservoir or two smaller ones, but the 25,000 Mt. at Mt. Isreal would provide only 25,000 acre feet. The Water Authority Isreal acre feet would not be big enough to justify the cost to build and the Water Authority to participate. March 11, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 Miscellaneous ReDorts: (Continued) 7 Mr. Greaney commented that he didn’t know whether or not Carlsbad wants to be involved, as the District would have to build a treatment facility on its own. Also, when the project was first initiated, there was to be a reservoir and a treatment plant. If Carlsbad tied into the treatment plant, they could take treated water out in case of an emergency. Now, the reservoir will be large enough, but the treatment plant would Only take care of the ultimate capacity for Olivenhain. If Carlsbad participated, they would have to build their own treatment facility. Commissioner Compas inquired about the possibility of reducing the water conservation rate to 10 percent, and Mr. Greaney said if this happens, an agenda bill would be submitted to the Board and the rate structure would be revisited. Also, some of the penalties might not be necessary. He stated that Metropolitan said the State Water Project deliveries would be up to 35 percent of the amount requested, but that is still 65 percent short of what is needed out of the State water project. Mr. Greaney said that there is also talk about a rate increase, and there would be passed on to the agencies. ’ will be public hearings on that. Nothing has been decided on how that Future Agenda Recruests Discussion and report on plans for honoring former Commissioners Bonas and Woodward. Update on Revisions to Billing 7 Summary Reports (Chairman Greer requested copies) GENERAL WAGER REPORTS: Bob Greaney stated he had nothing to add to his written report. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting were approved as amended to add the following, on page one, under X3, On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the February 26, 1992, first paragraph: “since no Water Authority penalties have been exoerienced by the District. AYES: Greer, Compas, Henley, Maerkle and Welshons ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of March 11, 1992, was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. Minutes Clerk