HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-13; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF: WATER COMMISSION 7"- DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: May 13, 1992 (Regular Meeting) PLACE OF MEETINQ: 2:OO p.m. 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER: Temporary Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo. Absent: Commissioner Greer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Maerkle. PUBLIC COMMENT: Commissioner Maerkle announced the prognosis for Commissioner Greer is very poor at this time. He is in the hospital and no visitors are allowed. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Commission agreed to add an item to the agenda to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman. w: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo NEW BUSINESS: r" 1. Election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman ACTION; On motion by Commissioner Melideo, Commissioner Henley was w: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo elected Chairman of the Water Commission. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Louis, Commissioner Maerkle was elected Vice Chairman of the Water Commission. m: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo 2. Status ReDort on Water Billina System Jeanne Flack gave the report, stating she has been working with Scott Baker and Jim Horney of Standard Register to improve the current billing system. The Board of Directors allocated $100.000 to achieve this improvement, and this report is on the proposed equipment and software and costs and the proposed system. The cost savings would be revisions. Transparencies were used to illustrate the present system substantial, including personnel time. A new water bill form would be Water District. required and that form would be designed specifically for the Carlsbad This was a preliminary report and no action was taken. 7 May 13, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. Report on City Hall XeriscaDe Project Dave Bradstreet, parks and Recreation Director, introduced this item, City to use zeriscape, similar to that used here at the Water District stating his Department had been asked to look at various areas in the building. There is some park land on Pi0 Pic0 where zeriscape will be used, and the park sites in the City are being studied to install xeriscape in existing parks and in the parks to be built in the future. Mr. Bradstreet stated that Mark Steyaert, who does all the conceptual plans for parks, will explain the proposed xeriscape to be installed in front of City Hall and ask for comments from the Commission. The financing for this project will come from Parks and Recreation for the design and from the Water District for implementation. ! F- , Jeanne Flack added that there is a specified part of the Water Conservation Fund set aside for this project. Mark Steyaert continued the report, stating there are three basic goals to achieve with the plan for the xeriscape project in front of City Hall; 1) to show an example of xeriscape landscaping; 2) to integrate this project into the existing landscape, and 3) as a by-project, improve the entryway to City Hall. Mr. Steyaert used a drawing to illustrate where the xeriscape would be placed and explained how ground cover would replace the existing turf area. This will change a difficult area to maintain into one that will and how planter walls and railroad ties would be used to change the blend with the building and provide a walkway to the steps in front of City Hall. Commission suggestion was to provide walkways into the area to allow be identified, as they are at the Water District Offices. Another people to walk into the xeriscape and look at the plantings. They will to that, as she said this would only cause trouble as far as litter. suggestion was to provide lunch tables. Commissioner Melideo objected Bradstreet acknowledged that mistakes have been made by developers and In answer to query regarding the use of trees in the City, Mr. the City, but his department watches that very closely now. Mr. Bradstreet said the latest guidelines will be used regarding the type of irrigation--such as drip and low flow. The ground cover to be used will be getermined later. The estimated cost of the project is administration cost of $5,000, as this will have to be contracted out. $30,000, with $5,000 to $6,000 for design. There will also be an No action was required by the Commission. RECESS: Chairman Henley declared a Recess at 3:Ol p.m., and the Commission re-convened at 3:15 p.m., with four Members present, and Commissioner Greer absent. May 13, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 lr I NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 4. Review of CMWD ProDOsed Budget for 1992-93 Bob Coates, Water District, gave the report, stating the three budgets that used to exist for the Water District have now been combined into one. Reclamation has been added as a separate budget. The District is buying reclaimed water from Meadowlark and selling it to Aviara. Mr. Coates explained the changes in the budget for the coming year, adding the District is not gaining new people, just changing part-time workers to full time. Mr. Coates stated the existing $1.15 water rate will go to $1.29, which is exactly what the District is being raised. The District does not plan to add any increase. The sewer fund will be one million dollars in This will result in a rate increase from the $11.58 Carlsbad charges a deficit next year, since no provisions had been made for depreciation. now. Mr. Coates stated the water reclamation fund is new, and water is being lost into the ocean. There is a shortfall in reclamation, and Carlsbad deficits. has applied for a grant from MWD and the Water Authority to make up the This was an informational item. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: WATER COMHISSION: 1. Leaislative UDdate Chairman Henley reported that copies of the legislative bills are are being watched. included in the packet, and the ones that are important to this District 2. ReDOrt on Presidents and Managers Meetinq Meeting. Commissioner Maerkle reported on a recent Presidents and Managers -: Mr. Greaney was not present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 22, 1992, were approved as presented. m: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo May 13, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 r" Jeanne Flack reminded the Commissioners that Saturday, May 16, 1992, will be the Water Awareness Celebration at the Plaza Camino Real from 11:OO a.m. to 3:OO p.m, with free food to be available. By proper motion, the Meeting of May 13, 1992, was adjourned at 3:51 p.m. Minutes Clerk r"