HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-27; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; Minutes_- MINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: WATER COMMISSION May 27, 1992 (Regular Meeting) 2:OO p.m. 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present : Commissioners Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo. Absent : Commissioner Greer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Louis. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission at this time. NEW BUSINESS: 1. AB PO592-1 - FIXING RATES FOR WATER SUPPLIED BY CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. Bob Coates gave the staff report, referring to the Agenda Bill included in the packet. District, and stated that staff recommends the re-institution of the flat rate, which would be $1.29/unit. Allotments would no longer be needed and no penalties would be incurred. There would be a loss of the lifeline rate, as Mr. Coates said there is no justification for it under the flat rate system. ACTION : On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Commission recommended He explained the increase by Metropolitan Water to the Water Board that the Carlsbad Water District re- institute a flat rate of $1.29/unit. Allotments would no longer be needed and no penalties would be incurred. However, there would be the loss of the lifeline rate. AYES : Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo 2. AB XO592-2 - UTILIZATION OF RATE STABILIZATION FUNDS FOR METROPOLITAN'S SERVICE CHARGE. Bob Coates gave the staff report, stating that the District would like approval to use part of the Rate Stabilization Fund to offset the $169,000 service charge by the Metropolitan Water District. The service charge to the County Water Authority is approximately $6.7 million and this charge will be passed through to the member agencies, resulting in the $169,000 service charge for the coming budget year. Since this amount was not in the current budget, the Rate Stabilization Fund could be used to offset this charge, and that is the staff recommendation. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Commission recommended to the Water Board to utilize the Rate Stabilization Fund to offset the service charge of $169,000 passed through by the County Water Authority from the Metropolitan Water District. AYES : Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo May 27, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: WATER COMMISSION: 3. AB f0592-3 - APPOINTMENT TO WATER ORGANIZATIONS Chairman Henley made the following appointments: 1. Eric Larson is the Elected Member of ACWA. Chairman Henley recommended the General Manager, Bob Greaney, be appointed as Alternate. When the City employs a new Risk Manager, the recommendation is for that person to become the Alternate. ACWA Water Management Committee - Commissioner Melideo 2. 3. ACWA Water Reclamation and Reuse Committee - Commissioner Maerkle 4. ACWA Domestic Water Committee - Commissioner Louis 5. WateReuse - Commissioner Maerkle 6. WARAC - Commissioner Maerkle 7. California Special Districts Association - Commissioners Louis and Me1 ideo 8. President and Managers Council of Water Utilities - Commissioners Henley and Maerkle 2. ReDort on Presidents and Manauers Meeting Commissioner Maerkle stated there has been no meeting of the Presidents and Managers Council since the Commission's last meeting. He reported on a recent ACWA Convention held at Indian Wells. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: Mr. Greaney was not present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 13, 1992, were approved as presented. AYES : Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo AN"cEMEN!l!s: Jeanne Flack announced that the Olivenhain Water District sent Certificates of Appreciation for former Commissioners Bonas and Woodward. They will be presented to them at the next Commission meeting. Ms. Flack stated that the Water Awareness Program on May 16, 1992, at the Plaza Camino Real, was very well-attended, with over 100 people present for the awards program and over 500 people looking at the displays. May 27, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 ADJ0m"T: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 27, 1992, was adjourned at 2:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Minutes Clerk