HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-24; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: June 24, 1992 (Regular Meeting) 5950 El Camlno Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Henley, Maerkle and Melideo. Absent: Commissioner Louis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Henley. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Review of Proiects Bob Coates gave an update on current projects, stating that the Maerkle Pump Station, to pump water out of the existing open Squires Reservoir to the new Reservoir, is out to bid, with the bid opening to be July 2, 1992. He stated that the existing gravity line would not allow all the water out of the bottom of the reservoir, and this new pump station will solve the problem. The chloramination facility will allow the District to maintain an adequate chlorine and ammonia residual for health purposes. This is part of the Master Plan and will be paid for partly out of connection fees. The second project about to go out to bid is the reclamation pump station on El Camino Real south of Palomar Road on the east side of the road about one half or three quarters of a mile. There is a temporary station taking water out of the Vallecitos fail safe line. The temporary station was built by Aviara. The permanent pump station will pump water to the two Twin D Tanks. The funding will be by low-interest State loans. The pump station will be a fiberglass type building and will be mostly underground with a low profile. Mr. Coates continued, stating that there is a project out to bid, opening July 9, for fencing around the Squires and Maerkie Reservoirs. Projects coming up will be a 30 inch line in Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real east. The design has been completed in house and the Ctty Engineering Department is handling the project. This should go out to bid within the next month. There is four million dollars in the budget for this project. This line is for both replacement and is being upsized for future development. Fifty percent of the cost is out of the Replacement Fund and fifty percent out of development fees. June 24, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Coates said a smaller project is the reclaimed pipeline project from the pump station to the tanks across to Palomar Airport Road and College Avenue. This project will utilize an existing line from the twin ’D’ tanks and Palomar Airport Road and College. There will be a line installed in Palomar Airport Road from College to the Freeway bridge, tying to a line being installed in the new Freeway bridge. A line will go up Hidden Valley and tie to the flower field meters and agriculture meters near the small tank up there. Other water projects are waiting for funding and will depend on what the Maerkle pump and the Palomar Airport Road lines cost. If funds are available, the D3 tank project will be the highest priority, since one tank has been converted to reclaimed water. Mr. Coates said that now the District is involved in sewer, and at the present time staff is involved in revising the sewer standards. The mapping is finished for the water, and the sewer is now being put on all the maps. One active sewer project going on is the Batiquitos Lagoon lift station, which is being built by Aviara. However, since they are out of money, the project is on hold. Mr. Coates reported on other sewer projects, including the Buena Vista Lift Station, and the VistdCarlsbad interceptor. In response to Commission query, Mr. Coates said that there is a design for the coming year for downtown, and there are plans to spend a half million dollars each year until all the projects in the downtown area are complete. Mr. Coates said that the Tamarack Avenue widening is coming up, and the District will have to spend $175,000 to replace the water line. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: Jeanne Flack reported that the ultra-low flow rebate program for the County will end June 30. Carlsbad Water District plans to continue their program through the summer. She said the District plans to pull away from the Water Authority Program and conduct their own program. The San Diego Water Authorii is going to revamp their program, and staff felt it would be too confusing to stay with their program, as there will be a lag time between June 30 and when the County starts their new program in September. After July 1, 1992, the Carlsbad Water District will conduct their own program. In response to Chairman Henley’s query regarding the educational program, Ms. Flack stated that she hopes to get the program started again in the fall. WATER COMMISSION: 1. Lenislative UDdate Commissioner Maerkle gave an update on legislation affecting the Water District. He commented that the standby service charge at Metropolitan has caused problems, as the cost of $1 75,970 per year would be approximately $1 4,000 a month. He said there will be no more Colorado River trips. June 24, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 2. Report on P & M Meeting Commissioner Maerkle gave a report on the recent P & M Meeting. Chairman Henley requested that the Legislative Update remain an Agenda Item each month. Jeanne Flack reported that AB 2071 has been pulled, but AB 2070 is still on the calendar. RECESS: Chairman Henley declared a Recess at 2:38 p.m., and the Commission re-convened at 2:49 p.m., with three Members present, and Commissioner Louis absent. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: Bob Coates reported that water reclamation is part of the Ctty of Carlsbad. There is a project in the southern part of the Ctty by Fieldstone Company that has been required by the City to use reclaimed water. In the project process, the design maps were sent to the Olivenhain District for water service and the maps to the City of Carlsbad on the streets and other facilities, which include the reclaimed water. Olivenhain District wants to have the reclaimed water request sent there, although the City is saying that Olivenhain does not have reclaimed water available at this time. The Ctty of Carlsbad does have reclaimed water available; therefore, the City will service the reclaimed water for this project. Olivenhain has taken exception to this and attorneys are talking at this time. Olivenhain is afraid that Carlsbad is infringing on their area by serving reclaimed water to areas where they would serve potable water. The City is stating that Fieldstone shall use reclaimed water, and Fieldstone is in the middle. Olivenhain does not have reclaimed water and the City does--and Olivenhain might put an injunction against Carlsbad. There is no agreement between Olivenhain and the City of Carlsbad as to how reclaimed water will be served there. Olivenhain is negotiating with the City of Escondido to get reclaimed water, but the piping to get the water there is a long way off. Mr. Coates said this is a City project and not a Water District project, and Bob Greaney has jurisdiction over reclaimed water for the City. The City has the right to provide the reclaimed water. At this point, Fieldstone just wants the matter resolved. Mr. Coates said he was certain that the matter will be resolved without litigation. Commissioner Melideo stated that she felt the parties should get out of the sandbox and grow up. Jeanne Flack stated that Roger Greer’s wife had called and asked whether she could keep the picture of Commissioner Greer that was here at the Water District. The consensus of the Commission was to give her the picture. Chairman Henley requested staff investigate the possibility of displaying photographs of former Water Commissioners in the hallway. Jeanne Flack called attention to the Water Agencies Association of San Diego County meeting to be held July 16, 1992, at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club. Chairman Henley urged the Commissioners to attend this meeting. .- June 23, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 ADDED ITEM: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Water Commission inserted into the Minutes the announcement of the death of Commissioner Roger Greer and appreciation for the many years of service he gave to the City. AYES: Henley, Maerkle and Melideo APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 27, 1992, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Maerkle and Melideo ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of June 24 1992, was adjourned at 3:lO p.m. Repctfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk