HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-05; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: August 5, 1992 (Special Meeting) 5950 El Camlno Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CALL; Present: Absent : None. Commissioners Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Henley. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jane Akamine stated that she felt that when Presentations are made at a Commission Meeting, that a Member of the Board of Directors should be present to make such awards. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of Revisina Water Rate Structure and Amendina Ordinance No. 35 Jeanne Flack gave the staff report, using transparencies to show alternatives available for a Conservation/Lfeline Rate and a Comparison of alternatives. She distributed copies of Ordinance No. 35 to the Commissioners for their perusal. Ms. Flack stated that at the last Board Meeting, action was delayed on changing the water rates, with the Board returning the item to staff with the direction to return this to the Water Commission for development of a conservation rate and a base rate; to investigate revising the Ordinance to show an inclining block rate to be triggered by certain water stages; to see how the use of the Rate Stabilization Fund can be used to offset some of the rate increases; and the use of that Fund to offset the loss of revenue caused by the delay in this rate increase. Ms. Flack stated that the Board had indicated they preferred the Conservation Rate title rather than Lifeline Rate, as that is a more appropriate definition of the purpose of the rate. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Commission recommended a Conservation Rate of $1.15, and a flat rate of $1.30 for Stages I and II. At Stage 111, a reclining block rate would go into effect; with 1 - 20 percent over base year to be billed at $1.50, and any amount over 20 percent to be billed at $1 -75. AYES: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo August 5, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 ACTION : By consensus, the Commission recommended that the Rate Stabilization Fund not be used to offset rate increases. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Commission recommended that the Rate Stabilization Fund be used to make up for the loss of revenue to the Water District in the interim before the rate increase is approved by the Board. AYES: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo 2. Presentation of Plaque to Commissioner Maerkle for Service as 1991 Chairman Chairman Henley presented a Plaque to Commissioner Maerkle for his service as Chairman of the Water Commission for the year 1991. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: Water Commission No reports. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: Staff Report on AB 3518 - Gravwater Bill Jeanne Flack reported on AB 3518, stating any use of gray water has to go through the Health Department--not the Water Department, and any irrigation systems must be subsurface. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 22, 1992, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of August 5, 1992, was adjourned at 3:04 p.m. Respectfully submittedl, Minutes Clerk