HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-14; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: October 14, 1992 (Regular Meeting) 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: None. Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Maerkle. ANNOUNCEMENT Chairman Henley introduced Commissioner Jack Kubota to the Commission. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: None. NEW BUSINESS: 10-01, Joint Participation Anreement between MET, CWA and CMWD Bob Greaney gave the staff report, stating that the requested action was for the Water Commission to recommend to the Board of Directors that the Executive Manager be authorized to enter into the Joint Participation Agreement between MET, CWA and CMWD. This agreement is part of the Reclaimed Water Program of the District. The five million dollar low interest loan from the State is to install facilities for five customers for Phase I; La Costa, Aviara,two growers and CalTrans. This is an incentive to encourage more reclaimed water use. Reclaimed water costs more to deliver because infrastructure has to be included, generally ranging from $400 to $800 per acre foot. Mr. Greaney stated this is the draft agreement sent to Carlsbad by Metropolitan Water District and will enable Metropolitan Water District to financially participate in the Encina Basin Water Reclamation Project Phase I under Metropolitan’s Local Project Program. October 14, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Water Commission recommended to the Board of Directors that they authorize the Executive Manager to enter into the Joint Participation Agreement between MET, CWA and CMWD. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo 1 0.02. Joint Participation Agreement between CWA and CMWD for development of utilization of Reclaimed Water Mr. Greaney reported that this is the Agreement between the County Water Authoriky and CMWD allowing Carlsbad to obtain a $100 per acre foot rebate from the County Water Authority for reclaimed water, as long as the District shows a financial need for this. ACT1 ON: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Water Commission recommended to the Board of Directors that they authorize the Executive Manager to enter into the Joint Participation Agreement between CWA and CMWD for development of utilization of Reclaimed Water. 10.03 Construction Aareements and Amendments to the Revised Basic Agreement and the Revised Establishment Document 'Mr. Greaney stated this item is to recommend to the City Council that they approve the Construction Agreements and Amendments to the Revised Basic Agreement and the Revised Establishment Document to facilitate the implementation of the Encina Composting Project. ACTION: On motion 'by Commissioner Louis, the Water Commission recommended to the City Council the approval of Construction Agreements and Amendments to the Revised Basic Agreement and the Revised Establishment Document. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo WATER COMMISSION: 1. Presidents and Managers Meetina ReDotl Commissioner Maerkle reported on a meeting held October 13, 1992, with Congressman Packard the speaker. Mr. Packard emphasized that water is the most important part of California at this time. The water is in the northern portion of the State and most of the people are in the southern part of California. Commissioner Maerkle stated that one of the costs of doing business these days is the over 400 environmental groups fighting changes to any existing water bills. Mr. Packard had stated that he hoped that next year the Clean Water Bill will be passed. October 14, 1992 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 2. Review and Discussion of Small Commercial Establishments Receivina the ULFT Rebate Commissioner Maerkle asked Mr. Greaney for recommendations about the small offices in Carlsbad receiving the rebate for installing water-saving devices. Mr. Greaney stated that if the policy is to be changed, a recommendation would have to come before the Commission for approval. At the present time, the program deals only with residences and not commercial buildings. He said that most of the rest rooms in commercial buildings do not have tank toilets and cannot be converted. Commissioner Maerkle stated that he was interested in the older, small buildings, where they probably do have tank toilets. ACTION : By consensus, the Water Commission directed staff to research the rebate program with regard to small businesses, and to define what constitutes 'small' businesses. The Commission discussed the problem of a single meter for condominiums and mobile home parks, and asked staff to research whether a policy could be formed for future developments that would require individual meters to be installed. This would eliminate the possibility of the homeowners association becoming delinquent with the water bill when the individual tenants have paid their bills to that association. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: 1. Update of Water Supply Status Bob Greaney reported that the outlook for the water supply does not look good. We are now going into the winter months with the lowest storage levels in many years. He said that if there is no water in the State water bank, then it cannot be directed to southern California. The problem is that we won't know until spring how much water we will have, and that is late to begin notifying the public as to the severity of any cutbacks in water use. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 5, 1992, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo ABSTAIN: Kubota Bob Greaney announced that Jeanne Flack had been promoted to Administrative Manager. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 14, 1992, was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.