HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-24; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: March 24, 1993 (Regular Meetlng) 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Louis. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: There were no requests to address the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: 1. 0324 - 1 - APPOINTMENTS BY CHAIRMAN HENLEY ACWA - Bob Greaney will be the Atternate The following appointments will be recommended to ACWA for appointment: ACWA Water Management Committee - Commissioner Louis ACWA Water Reclamation and Reuse Committee - Commissioner Maerkle ACWA Domestic Water Committee - Commissioner Melideo WateReuse - Bob Greaney and Commissioner Maerkle Water Authority Reclamation Advisory Committee (WARAC) - Commissioner Kubota * California Special District Association - Chairman Henley and Commissioner Melideo President and Managers Council of Water Utilities - Commissioner Maerkle - Atternate, Commissioner Louis 2. 0324 - 2 - AlTENDANCE AT SPRING ACWA CONFERENCE Bob Greaney will inform the Commissioners whether there are funds available for two Commissioners to attend the Conference April 27 - 29, 1993. Commissioners Maerkle and Melideo expressed an interest in attending the Conference. The Commission requested Mr. Greaney to provide a list of conferences for Commissioners to study to indicate those they would like to attend during the coming year. * Indicates organization Commission voted to withdraw from later this meeting. Therefore, this appointment not needed. March 24, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. 0324 - 3 - COMMISSION MEmNG SCHEDULE ACTION: Following a discussion, by consensus, the Commission voted to keep the regular meeting dates the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, at 2:OO p.m. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: 4. 0324 - 4 - REPORT ON PROPOSED WATER RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-1 994 Bob Greaney reported that within the last two weeks, Metropolitan Water District and the Water Authority took action to increase water rates. Metropolitan is adding $49 to the wholesale price, starting July 1. Carlsbad Water District will be charged an additional $49 plus an additional $14 for a water treatment surcharge, making a total of $63 increase. This will increase water bills an additional 14 cents per unit. The San Diego Water Authority, at their last Board of Directors meeting, raised water rates $15 an acre foot. Carlsbad’s cost of water with Metropolitan and the Water Authority combined, will be a total increase of $78 per acre foot, making a total increase on water bills of 18 or 19 cents per unit. Mr. Greaney stated that two other factors impacting water rates are the sale of considerably less water and this affects operations and maintenance. Also, the State of California is looking at taking away the property tax income from the Water Districts and transferring that to the school districts. That is a total of approximately $750,000 a year that may be transferred away from the Water District. Last year this District was exempt from the State taking that money since the City Council acts as the Water Board. However, it is not certain whether that will apply this year. Commissioner Melideo expressed her concern Over this action by the State and stated the people in Sacramento should know this Commission and Water District does not approve of this. 5. 0324 - 5 - UPDATE ON WATER RECLAMATION PROGRAM Bob Greaney reported that Phase I of the Water Reclamation Master Plan called for reclaimed water service to five users; two golf courses, two agricultural growers and CalTrans. The golf courses are Aviara and La Costa. Some of the capital facilities needed to service those fwe entities have been constructed. This was made possible by a low interest loan from the State, and because some of the work done was disqualified by the State, the amount of the loan was smaller than originally anticipated. The original loan was to be for $5 million dollars, but one and a half million dollars will not be used by the District, making the terms of repayment less. Mr. Greaney stated that the Carlsbad District has a contract with the Leucadia Water District to purchase reclaimed water and furnish that water to La Costa. Reclaimed water lines were installed in the median on Palomar Airport Road, and the work was done ahead of the work done by the Price Club. This was one of the projects that the State would not allow. Mr. Greaney commented that the reclaimed water that was used for the strawberry fields was thought to result in smaller berries, and this is being monitored. March 24, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: (Continued) Mr. Greaney continued, stating that there are fwe phases in the Master Plan, and the second phase will involve more pipelines and a pump station. The Master Plan calls for 19 million gallons a day reclaimed water facilities. There are a number of potential customers listed in the Master Plan, one of which is Aka Mira. The District is eligible for the rebates for reclaimed water for seven years, and then reclaimed water will be self-sufficient. However, paying for it now, is the problem. Mr. Greaney stated he will bring a report back to the Commission within the next month or two. RECESS: Chairman Henley declared a Recess at 3:14 p.m., and the Commission reconvened at 325 p.m., with all Members present. ADDED ITEMS AND REPORTS: (Continued) 6. 0324 - 6 - DISCUSSION ON SElTNG DATE FOR DISTRICT FACILITIES TOUR The Commission discussed setting a date for touring the District facilities, and by consensus, a tentative date of May 12, 1993, was selected, with the tour to begin at 1 :OO p.m. WATER COMMISSION: REPORT ON P AND M MEmNG AND WARAC MEmNG Commissioner Maerkle gave a report on recent Presidents and Managers Meeting and the WARAC Meeting. Bob Greaney added to the WARAC meeting report, stating that the Water Resources Control Board made a decision affecting water quality and water exported out of the Delta. The decision was made to shut down the pumping facilities when the salmon and smelt get near the pumps. This will mean that there could be 800,000 acre feet less water coming down to southern California in a normal water year. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: 1. Report on JPIA vs Citv Insurance Bob Greaney reported that the Water District is now part of the City and insured by the City. There is a $500,000 deductible as compared with $5,000 under JPIA. However, there is a pool that other departments contribute to, and that pool would cover the deductible. The cost of the cost of the insurance is $10,000 less than it was under JPIA. 2. Report on Flood Retention Facilities at La Costa Bob Greaney stated he had checked with the Community Development Department and the Planning staff of the City regarding possible use of property for a flood retention facility. It was determined that the property in question is owned by Fieldstoneb Costa, and will be used as a mitigation area for the gnatcatcher required of Fieldstone/La Costa. March 24, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 3. Report on Citv/District Properties in Oceanside Bob Greaney stated that the property in Oceanside that fronts on Mission and Pajama Lane is one of the properties of the City that is being studied by Ralph Anderson of Utilities and Maintenance to determine what can be done with it. At the present time, the policy of the City is not to sell any of its properties. He stated he will return to the Commission with a report on the property that belongs to the Water District. MISCELLANEOUS: Thursday, April 15, 1993, the Sweetwater Authority will be the host agency for a Water Agencies Association of San Diego County meeting in Chula Vista Vista, at 6:OO p.m. Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo stated they would attend this meeting. California Special Districts Association ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Water Commission voted to withdraw from the California Special Districts Association. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 10,1992, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of March 24, 1993, was adjourned at 4:15 p.m., to April 14, 1993, at 2:OO p.m., Water District Officers. Minutes Clerk