HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-26; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 26, 1993 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 1:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: 5950 El Camlno Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Louis. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: Renata Mulry, Vice President of the Vista Pacifica Homeowners Association, stated the Association received a communication recently from a firm in Carlsbad that raised the question among the Board Members of whether eventually reclaimed water would be required for common areas. The common areas of their complex consist of an easement across the front yards of the owners, and those areas are used extensively by children. The Board Members were concerned about using reclaimed water in those areas, as well as the tremendous cost to the Association for installing dual piping. The Commission informed Ms. Mulry that reclaimed water requirements are only on new construction and there is no plan to require existing systems to re-plumb for reclaimed water. Comment was made that eventually the cost of potable water may make reclaimed water more attractive, particularly in times of a drought, when use of reclaimed water would not be restricted. NEW BUSINESS: 1. 0512-01 - REVIEW PROPOSED WATER RATES AS THEY RELATE TO THE 1993-94 BUDGET. Jeanne Flack gave the staff report, stating that new information had just been received, which changed the totals in the Water Budget. She stated that the Commission had directed staff to look at a Ready-To-Serve charge of $8.25, which would be the half-way point in finally getting that charge up to represent 60 percent of operation costs. That further increase could be accomplished over the next year or two. Ms. Flack stated that the Finance Department had informed the Water District that the Depreciation account of $950,000 should be 1.3 million dollars. If this is done, instead of the $1.70 base rate, it would need to be $1.76. This would be with the $5.50 Ready-ToSewe charge. If the $8.25 Ready-ToServe charge is made, then the water rate would have to be $1.68 per unit. Ms. Flack showed the comparison for residential use of seven units and fiieen units, indicating the increase in the final bills. May 26, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Melideo stated she felt the multi-family complexes did not pay their share of the expense, due to having only one meter. Commissioner Kubota explained that they do pay a pro-rated amount for each of the individual units, plus the regular Ready-ToServe charge on the original account. There is less expense in having to read only one meter, service it and bill one account. Commissioner Kubota reiterated his request to have staff initiate a formal over-all rate study to establish guidelines for basing rates on all types of water. Commissioner Louis stated the Depreciation account is the only place where the Commission could reduce the budget, and he favored recommending that the account be left at the $950,000, if possible. This would make it possible to keep the rates at a lower figure. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Water Commission recommended to the Water Board that the Depreciation item in the budget be decreased to the $950,000 figure and a water rate of $1.62 established. If the Depreciation account must stay at the 1.3 million dollar figure, the water rate of $1.68 would be recommended. This recommendation included changing the Ready-To- Serve charge to $8.25. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis and Maerkle NOES: Melideo ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Kubota, the Water Commission recommended to the Water Board to consider a comprehensive water rate study, as appropriate, to include the impacts of reclaimed water. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo 2. 0512-02 - REVIEW PROPOSED SEWER RATES. Jeanne Flack stated that the Finance Department had said the Depreciation item was too low for the Sewer Rates account. Encina lowered their amount from $2,040,000 to $1,968,540. The Depreciation Expense was raised from $766,000 to 1.1 million dollars. Due to these changes, Ms. Flack stated that a sewer rate increase from $13.06 to $13.70 was recommended. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Kubota, the Water Commission adopted staff recommendation to revise the sewer rate to $13.70 per EDU. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis and Maerkle NOES: Melideo May 26, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. 0512-03 - REVIEW PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER RATES. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Water Commission recommended that the reclaimed water rate be the same as the potable water rate. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo Jeanne Flack stated that the incentive for using reclaimed water will be when and if there is another drought, those using reclaimed water will have no cut backs, while those using potable water will have. The potential users of reclaimed water are being made aware of this advantage. ADDITIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS: WARAC Meeting Commissioner Kubota reported on the WARAC meeting held Monday, May 24, 1993, stating the East Gate Facility would cost 300 million dollars, with an extensive dual water system in the North City (from 1-52 north). He said the amount of reclaimed water to be used had been estimated downward, due to the expense. However, it is felt that in the future, major water users will make the decision to go along with dual systems and sign up for reclaimed water. The Water Authority is sponsoring training sessions for agencies for the people dealing with reclaimed water. WATER COMMISSION: Reeort on Presidents and ManaQers Meetinq Commissioner Maerkle reported that the last meeting dealt with safety. He stated that Valley Center and Olivenhain had safety programs and commented that this District had followed through with those programs. Commissioner Louis stated he will attend the National AWA conference in San Antonio at his own expense, June 6 through June 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION : On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Minutes of the Meeting held May 26, 1993, were approved as presented. AYES: Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo ABSTAIN: Henley May 26, 1993 WATER COMMlSSlON Page 4 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 26, 1993, was adjourned at 2:08 p.m. The June 9, 1993 meeting will be at 1:OO p.m., and be a tour of the facilities. The regular meeting of June 23, 1993, will be at 2:OO p.m. Regdectfully subflitted, Minutes Clerk