HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-23; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: June 23, 1993 (Regular Meeting) 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo. Absent: Commissioner Louis arrived at 2:03 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Melideo. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: None. NEW BUSINESS: 1. AB 0623 - 1 Presentation on Recommendation on Lininn and Coverinq of Maerkle Reservoir. Bob Greaney introduced Mark Weinberger, Consultant with John Powell and Associates, who gave a report on the design for the lining and covering of the open Maerkle Reservoir. The Commissioners had been given a copy of the report for study. Mr. Weinberger gave the background of the reservoir, stating that the reservoir is currently unlined and uncovered. There were six objectives established, as follows: Study alternatives and select lining system for the reservoir (synthetic or porous liner) Prepare a preliminary design for the floating cover and recommend cover materials Prepare preliminary design for regrading reservoir to facilitate and make covering economic Prepare preliminary design for reservoir outlet and overflow to allow water drainoff at severeal locations Study geotechnical site conditions Prepare cost estimate Mr. Weinberger disiussed four different types of reservoir liner systems; high density polyethylene; hypalon; porous asphalt; and polypropylene. The recommendation to the Commission was to use the porous asphalt over native soil. Mr. Weinberger stated that for the floating cover system, the recommendation was hypalon. June 23, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) The preliminary grading plan was displayed for the Commission, and Mr. Weinberger stated there are four objectives: provide a smooth regular surface contour to facilitate installation and operation of the cover and liner: prevent surface runoff from entering the reservoir; provide access for cleaning and maintenance of the floating cover; and fill in the deepest portion of the reservoir. Mr. Weinberger discussed the geotechnical impacts and showed design concepts for the outlet valve works. The costs for this project were shown, with the total cost $7,926,000. In reply to queries from the Commissioners, Mr. Weinberger stated the reservour would be out of service for several months, adding that the best time to do this work would be during the winter months. He answered another question about why not use Gunite, by stating that the cost would be much higher and quality control is poor. Another question regarding the use of concrete was answered by stating that concrete costs would be considerably higher. As to the quality of the water in using porous asphalt, Mr. Weinberger stated that there is no problem with the water quality. Commissioner Maerkle stated that the road around the reservoir used to be graded every year and Mr. Greaney stated it is still maintained, but with all the rain this last year, some silt got into the reservoir. Commissioner Kubota stated he had talked with the consultants, Mr. Greaney and Mr. Coates, and had stated his concern for the project. He felt it is premature to go on with the design unless the basic questions have been addressed; e.g., when every agency should have a ten day supply of water, how do you achieve that, when an open reservoir is not considered. The City of Oceanside is developing a well field; including desalination. Mr. Kubota said that for eight million dollars, he felt the Commission should go back and track the issue of this being a viable project. He said that in lieu of eight million dollars for a cover and lining, evaluate a filter plant. Mr. Greaney stated that the Department of Health wanted to know when the District was going to line and cover this reservoir. Commissioner Kubota said if staff has the time, he felt it would be worth while to revisit the entire issue; including looking at Oceanside’s program. This would be to make certain that this is the project we want to do. June 23, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Greaney stated that this project has been visited once before, when the District was not a part of the City. This is the third phase of the project. The Board rejected a report to make this resersvoir untreated water and to fill with raw water from the acquaduct, construct a treatment plant, and treat this water and put into smaller reservoirs. At that time, that would have cost fifty to seventy million dollars. Mr. Greaney stated he did not know the timing constraints at this time, and the State has not been in contact with the District regarding this. However, EPA would consider this water as surface water and require full treatment if the reservoir were not lined and covered. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Water Commission directed staff to study this project to determine whether it is viable; to obtain information on Oceanside’s program of a well field and desalination. The consultant should provide estimates on a concrete lining, including extended life and safety factors, with costs included for all alternatives. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo The Commissioners requested an aerial view of the reservoir, and the timing schedule for this project. Mr. Greaney stated that the District’s schedule was to have the design finished this fiscal year and the construction next year. The Water Commission directed staff to report on the scope of addition to the John Powell Contract and the costs. Chairman Henley declared a Recess at 3:05 p.m., and the Water Commission re-convened at 3:17 p.m., with all Commissioners present. WATER COMMISSION: Commissioner Maerkle stated that the District gave to the City the water line from Chestnut to the Buena Vista Reservoir. He asked why that reservoir couldn’t be used for reclaimed water. Mr. Greaney stated he will get that information and report back to Mr. Maerkle. In reply to query regarding the water lines in the downtown area; particularly on Carlsbad Village Drive, Mr. Greaney said those lines have been inspected and are all right. The Roosevelt Street sewer line is in bad condition and staff is negotiating on lining that. Commissioner Kubota stated he would like to have a report on capital expenditures for the landscaping of the reservoir sites for next year. Also, he would like a report on the Commission’s work program for the year and staff concerns or areas where they want the Commission to focus, with staff goals. June 23, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: CWA Monthlv Meetinq Mr. Greaney reported that the Water Authority increased the capacity charges again this year on small meters. The Authority dropped the $7 surcharge on treated water, so now treated water costs the same as raw water. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Meeting held May 26, 1993, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of June 23, 1993, was adjourned at 3:43 p.m. Hdiriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk