HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-28; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; Minutes. MINUTES ME€llNG OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEEllNG: TIME OF ME€llNG: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING July 28,1993 (Regular Meeting) 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLLCU Present: Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Kubota. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: None. NEW BUSINESS 1. 0728-1 - Award of Contract for Construction of Reclaimed and Potable Water System Improvements. Bob Greaney stated that the three items of new business are all related, and he called attention to the draft agenda bills included in the packet. The first agenda bill is for construction of reclaimed and potable water system improvements. The design has been completed and the project was let for bids, with the low bid of $964,177.45 received from T. C. Construction. Mr. Greaney said the existing pipe line is sitting on top of the ground (high line) and was installed by Hubbard Construction Company at the request of Aviara. This was done two years ago at the height of the drought when there was concern that a 50 percent cutback in water use was a possibility. Aviara had just completed their golf course and were concerned about losing their investment because water may not be available. A temporary line was installed by them and now the City is ready to begin its project to put in the permanent piping system underground from the pump station to the Twin "D" reservoirs. An additional line to bring reclaimed water down from the twin D reservoirs to Palomar Airport Road to terminate in the vicinity of the Price Club will also be built. Mr. Greaney continued, stating that at the time the Price Club was finishing off the median work on Palomar Airport road, the Water District installed 2,000 feet of pipe underneath the median in order not to have to come back and disturb the concrete and landscaping at a later date. There will be an 8" line north up Hidden Valley. The 'D 1" tank is presently converted to reclaimed water. The "D 2" tank will be converted to reclaimed water after the proposed eight MG tank is constructed at the site next fiscal year. The reclaimed water line on the Palomar Airport Road overpass is being constructed by CalTrans as part of the project. July 28, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Greaney stated that the Water Board approval of the contracts for construction costs will also include approval to execute the Loan Contract for the State of California low interest loan. In reply to Commission query regarding the Aka Mira Park east of Paseo Del Norte using reclaimed water, Mr. Greaney stated that it is the City’s intent to do that when the park is built. However, the building of the park has been set back to 1996 or 97 because of the lack of operating capital. ACT1 0 N : On motion by Commissioner Kubota, the Water Commission recommended that the Water Board approve the contract for construction of reclaimed and potable water system improvements. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo 2. 0728-2 - ADDroval of Reimbursement for Construction Costs for Construction Costs of Modification to Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility. Bob Greaney reported that staff is asking the Commission to recommend approval to the Board for reimbursement of construction costs for modification to the Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility. He stated that in pulling water out of the Mahr Reservoir, there is a significant algae problem, and this would provide funds to build an algae removal facility. This would be paid for out of the low interest loan funds, which is further addressed in the third agenda bill included in the packet. In reply to Commission query regarding the additional CMWD funds to be appropriated for this project, Mr. Greaney stated that the State does not allow certain costs, such as contingencies and design that exceed 15 percent of construction costs be included in the low interest loan funds. Commissioner Melideo expressed her objection to the amount of money in the contingencies account. Commissioner Kubota requested that staff investigate the amount other districts put in contingency accounts and research the work experience of other projects that this district has funded and how much actual money was spent on contingencies. ACTION : On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Water Commission recommended that the Water Board approve reimbursement for construction costs of modification to the Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo July 28, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 3. 0728-3 - Approval and Authorization to Execute Loan Contract for Water Reclamation Prowam. Bob Greaney reported that staff is requesting the Water Commission to recommend to the Board of Directors that they sign a contract for a low interest State loan for construction of reclaimed water facilities in Phase I of the Reclaimed Water Master Plan. Mr. Greaney stated that originally this was to be a five million dollar loan, but it is now closer to 2.429 million dollars. The scope of the project has been changed to spend less money while still supplying reclaimed water to the original five customers. He explained in detail some of the changes made and also explained that the State had declared some of the projects ineligible. As an example, the 2,000 feet of pipe that was installed under an emergency situation in the median near the Price Club was declared ineligible because drawings and specifications were not sent to the State. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Louis, the Water Commission recommended that the Water Board approve and authorize the execution of the loan contract for the Water Reclamation Program. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo GENERAL MANAGER REPOFK!S: Presidents and Mananers Meetinn for July. Bob Greaney reported on the meeting at Stoneridge held last week. The speakers were from San Diego and discussed staff management issues and communications. Also, there was an update on the bills in the Legislature. Status of Maerkle Reservoir Lininq and Covering. Bob Coates gave the staff report, stating that two questions were asked by Commissioners after the report by the Consultant with John Powell and Associates. One was about the feasibility of a concrete liner, and Mr. Coates stated that Powell and Associates had answered this by stating that a concrete liner would increase the cost by approximately two million dollars over asphalt. Also, there would have to be an upper drain installed. Mr. Coates stated that the life of the liner is approximately the same, but the cost is a big factor. The asphalt liner has been approved by the Health Department. Mr. Coates said that the second item the Commission wanted information on was the filtration facility. A filtration plant would need to be above the reservoir, and would be taking filtered water and putting it in the reservoir and re-treating it. This would be very expensive whereas with the lining cover the water would be treated one time. Mr. Coates said that there would be maintenance costs to run the treatment plant. In reply to a comment that the lining and cover would also need maintenance, Mr. Coates said that would not be a daily maintenance or operation situation and results in much less 0 & M costs. The reservoir is only used at peak times (summer) or during emergencies. As more development occurs, this will be an operational reservoir. Commissioner Louis stated he knew of an instance where a filtration plant sat idle for three months, and there was no maintenance during that time. July 28, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Commissioner Louis stated that Los Angeles is trying to get an exemption from having to provide a cover for one of their reservoirs, and he wondered whether Carlsbad could try for such an exemption. Commissioner Maerkle made a motion to have the Water District apply to the State for an exemption from covering the reservoir. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Louis said the District could apply for the minimum type of treatment for emergency use, such as pressure filters. Mr. Coates said this would cost more than the lining and cover. Commissioner Melideo stated that eventually that reservoir will have to be used, and she would like to have it constructed in the best manner, with no possibility of anything happening. Commissioner Kubota stated he would like the Commission to recommend to staff and the Water Board, that there is time for re-evaluation of some of these issues, and if the article from Los Angeles is valid, perhaps an exemption would be possible in order to have a tenlday emergency supply of water with an open reservoir. Before this lining and covering project can go to construction, three things have to happen; the plans have to be finished; an EIR report; and third the funding has to be in place for the project. Mr. Kubota said that there needs to be a re-assessment of this project. Is it viable to go to a ten- day emergency supply of water? He would like an update on how many water agencies have the affordability of a ten-day supply. Also, what is the possibility of using pressure filters and only use them when needed on line? He said he would like to know the optional storage; fire storage and emergency storage. Mr. Coates said operation storage is one day; fire storage is three day storage; and emergency is extra seven days. Ten days is the goal of this District, and he felt it would be a mistake to have any less. Commissioner Kubota said that ten days is not mandatory, as Olivenhain has five days; Vallecitos has five days; and Squires is a well-protected watershed. He reiterated that he felt a letter should be written to the Health Department asking for an exemption for this District, the same as for Los Angeles. Mr. Coates said that as District Engineer, he recommended to continue on with this project and to make this reservoir safe, and he would write a letter to the Health Department requesting an exemption. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Water Commission directed staff to write a letter to the State Health Department to see whether Carlsbad could follow the example of other cities to get an exemption for the covering of this reservoir. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis and Maerkle NOES Melideo Status of Reservoir Landscapinq. Bob Greaney reported on this information item, stating there had been no landscaping done at the TAP reservoir due to the lack of development in that area. Villages Q and T have not been developed in Calavera Hills, and since there was some concern about graffiti around the reservoir, no landscaping has been done. July 28, 1993 WATER COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSION REPORTS: Chairman Henley reported on a San Diego Water Association meeting he attended July 15, 1993. The speaker was Michael Ott, of LAFCO. REPORT ON WATER BOARD ACTION: Mr. Greaney reported on Water Board action at the July 27 meeting, stating that the water rate was increased to $1.67 per unit, with the conservation rate to $1.48 per unit, effective August 15, 1993. The stand-by charge was increased from $5.50 to $6.50 (5/8" meter) effective August 15, 1993. The stand-by charge will increase from 46.50 to $7.50 effective January 15, 1994. The delay in rate increase to August 15, 1993, will be absorbed with funds from the Rate Stabilization Fund. The approximate cost of delay $31 6,000 would leave a balance of approximately $560,000 in the Fund. The delay in the increase to the stand-by charge will be absorbed with funds from the Rate Stabilization Fund. The approximate shortfall of a two-stage increase to $7.50 instead of $8.25 in one stage, is $288,000. This would leave an approximate Rate Stabilization Fund balance of $272,000. The Water Board also asked that 'stand-by charge" be called 'cost of delivery charge"* The Commissioners asked for a copy of the above actions. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Minutes of the Meeting held June 23, 1993, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Louis, Maerkle and Melideo ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of July 28,1993, was adjourned at 3:48 p.m. Minutes Clerk