HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-09; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETlNG OF: WATER COMMlSSlON DATE OF ME€llNG: TIME OF MEETING 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEmNG: February 9,1994 (Regular Meeting) 5950 El Camino Real ~~~ ~ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Henley called the Meeting to order at 2:03 p.m. ROLL CAul Present: Absent: Commissioner Louis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Melideo. Commissioners Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: None. NRN BUSINESS AB #0209-01 - Election of Officers This item was continued until a full Commission is present. AB #0209 - 02 - Discussion of Lininq and Coverinq of Maerkle Reservoir Proiect (Action Item) This item was continued until a full Commission is present. ADDITIONAL EMS AND REPORTS: Membership NWRA Municipal Caucus Commissioner Maerkle stated that the District belonged to this Caucus before the Water District became part of the City. The membership was terminated a number of years ago and he would recommend that this item be placed in the next budget. Bob Greaney stated that he was not certain this would be money well spent. This would be $250 a year for basically attendance at an annual convention, which is usually not held in California. It would involve more than just the membership fee, because transportation, accommodations, etc., would all have to be included. The convention is usually held in a resort area, which would mean a considerable cost to send one or more Commissioners. The Municipal Caucus is a member of the National Water Resources Association, to which the CMWD is a member. Therefore, there is questionable value to CMWD to become a member of the Municipal Caucus as well. February 9, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 ADDITIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS: (Continued) ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Water Commission recommended adding membership in the NWRA Municipal Caucus to the next budget for consideration. AYES Henley, Kubota and Maerkle ABSTAIN: Melideo Water Aaencies Association - Quarterly Dinner Commissioner Maerkle reported that Carlsbad will be the host for the quarterly dinner to be held April 21 , 1994. The event will be held at the Olympic Hotel and a program is being planned, with John Foley, the new Chairman of the Metropolitan Water District, as speaker. Commissioner Kubota suggested the possibility of having favors at the tables as a gift from Carlsbad. Countv Water Authority - Del Mar Fair Booth Commissioner Maerkle reported on the Del Mar Fair, June 17 to July 4, 1994, and the 50th anniversary of the San Diego County Water Authority, June 9, 1994. There was a recommendation that member agencies volunteer to man the Water Authority booth. Jim Melton, County Water Authority, added that there are 24 member agencies, and each agency would have a day to be responsible for the booth--probably on the city’s day at the Fair. There would be two agencies on some days, and there will be a wall that each agency may use to display any brochures or literature. Mr. Melton said he will be working with staff as information becomes available. Commissioner Kubota suggested that Mr. Melton contact ConVis and the Chamber to help with this project. WATER COMMISSION: Presidents & Manaaers Meetinq Commissioner Maerkle reported on the recent meeting, stating that new officers were elected and there was a report on a program at Otay where volunteer citizens are being educated on water problems. There was a report given on earthquake damage due to the Los Angeles quake January 17. Commissioner Maerkle reported on the recent death of Nathan Eggert of El Cajon, who was past Chairman of the Water Authority and past Chairman of ACWA. February 9, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 WARAC Commissioner Kubota reported on a recent WARAC meeting, stating there were several interesting items: one of the most interesting being a program the Water Authority is pursuing on water re-purification feasibility study. There is a proposal whereby a waste water treatment plant that produces effluent would put that through a series of treatment processes to allow it to be pumped into domestic water reservoirs where the treated waste water would be blended with the water in this impound. At the time the water was drawn from the reservoir, it would be treated once more as a community water supply. He said there have been many examples of this in southern California when discharged treated waste water is put into a ground water basin and somewhere downstream some where a community will have a well supply and pump water out and it is a blend of treated and other water, and this is a dynamic issue that comes before us now. The Water Authority has contracted with consultants to confer with the Health Department staff to get input from the public. Mr. Kubota said if the Commissioners were interested, he would get copies of this information to them. Commissioner Kubota said that Solana Beach is ready to proceed with water reclamation at the Cardiff treatment plant that cost approximately fourteen million dollars. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: MWD Pricina WorkshoD Bob Greaney reported the workshop will be held at the Water Authority, Tuesday, February 15, 1994, at 1O:OO a.m., until 2:OO p.m. This workshop will be to discuss the financial structure recommendations out of Metropolitan, that they approved back in December. The next year or so will be spent in working out a number of the details regarding the amount of the rates Metropolitan wants to institute and how they will be passed through to the agencies. Some of these charges that Metropolitan wants to pass through are not necessarily legal pass-throughs, and the workshop will discuss how they can pass these charges on to the average water user. Chairman Henley inquired whether there was a chance for input from the individual agencies, and Mr. Greaney said there would be a person from the Carlsbad Finance Department in attendance. In reply to Commission query about agricultural users, Mr. Greaney said they would affected because they would get higher water bills, instead of the stand-by charge presently incorporated on the property tax bills. Commissioner Kubota called attention to upcoming conventions and a trip by the Water Education Foundation in March down the Colorado River to southern California. Jim Melton stated he had planned that Colorado River tour last year, and it will now become available each year. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 12, 1994, were approved as presented. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo February 9, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 9, 1994, was adjourned at 255 p.m. Minutes Clerk