HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-23; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 23, 1994 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: 5950 El Camlno Real CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Louis called the Meeting to order at 2:W p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: None. Commissioners Louis, Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Henley. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 1. 0323-1 - REPORT ON MAERKLE RESERVOIR LINING AND COVERING PROJECT. (Informational) Bob Greaney stated this is an information item for the Commission to report on the action by the Board of Directors. At the last Commission meeting, staff was directed to pursue requesting an exemption from the State for the Maerkle Reservoir rather than proceed with the covering and lining of the Reservoir. Since that action affects the Capital Improvement Program, it was necessary to take the item to the Board of Directors Board (City Council) with the staff and Commission recommendations. The decision of the Board of Directors wa to continue with the lining and covering of the project. Chairman Louis inquired whether the Board was informed of the reasons of the Commissioners’ action and copies of the discussions of the Commission. Mr. Greaney stated that the Commission’s recommendation and the staff recommendation were presented to the Board for their final decision. Commissioner Kubota stated that from reading the staff report that was given to the Board of Directors he questioned whether the Board had the Minutes of the February 23rd meeting that are being approved today. He said he respected staff‘s position, but from a protocol standpoint, that had the members of the Commission known about this, they would have participated in the public discussion before the Board of Directors, to make certain that the Board had a strong feeling of what the sense of the majority opinion and recommendation was on this issue. March 23, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Kubota said that he would ask his fellow Commissioners if they did not feel that on matters as important as this where the Commission spent so much time discussing the matter, that a joint meeting of the Board and the Commission would be feasible to have some linkage and focus and team spirit on the matter. He felt it would be good for the Board to have a sense of what the Commissioners were feeling in this issue. Mr. Greaney stated that he felt certain the Board knew the Commissioners’ feelings on this matter. He had supplied a complete packet, dating back to June 1993, to the City Manager‘s Office with a memorandum stating where the Commission stood, Minutes, and Agenda Bills, to make certain the Board Members had all the background material. Chairman Louis stated that each Commissioner had a different reason for wanting to go ahead to ask for an exemption, and he felt it would have been better if the Commissioners had been informed of the agenda before the Board to enable them to come to talk about the matter. He said that some of the Commissioners are of the opinion that the Commissioners’ concerns were not presented to the Board. commissioner Melideo stated that she was on the Traffic Commission for six years, and there were severe items before that Commission that were recommended to the Council, with several of them not being accepted by Council. The Commissioners are advisory to the Council and not the final word. Any time the Council feels they should override a Commission recommendation, they have the right to do that. Mr. Greaney concurred, stating that the Board has overruled other Commission recommendations. Commissioner Maerkle said that some of the members on this Commission have years of experience in running the Water District and the General Manager and Board of Directors should take their word. Chairman Louis stated that he had a problem that the Commission was not asked to attend that meeting and present their recommendation with their arguments. Mr. Greaney stated that in the future he would make certain the Commissioners were aware when there was a Board agenda item that affected a recommendation of the Commission. Chairman Louis said that would allow the Commissioners a chance to attend the Board Meeting. In this case, the Commissioners did not have an agenda and were not informed. Commissioner Kubota said he wanted to be certain that Management and the Board had a complete understanding of this Commission’s recommendation and that they understand the decision they make. He said he saw the staff report that was presented to the Board, and if he had been aware of this, he might have attended the Board of Directors Meeting to present another point of view. In reading the documents, this Commission was asking for an exemption to buy a little time. They were not saying they didn’t want to do this or didn’t want the ten days emergency supply--just a sense of timing. March 23,1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Kubota stated there are technological advances being made all the time, and given some time to explore this, perhaps there could have been some way to satisfy requirements without the expense of lining and covering the reservoir. Commissioner Kubota said if an issue is going before the Board, the opportunity should be available to the Commissioners to present their views. Mr. Greaney said the Board was aware of all the time this Commission spent on this issue and they did thank the Commission for their time. Chairman Louis asked for the timing schedule on the covering and lining of the Reservoir, and Mr. Greaney stated he would bring the revised schedule to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: 2. 0323-2 - UPDATE ON WATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION VS ESCONDIDO. (Informational) Bob Greaney gave the report on this information item, stating that two and a hatf years ago, during the drought, Escondido passed an ordinance prohibiting the use of self-regenerating water softeners within the city limits, because they contribute to the TDS level of the waste water and affect the quality of reclaimed water. The water softener people took Escondido to court over this ordinance, and the judge ruled in favor of the Water Quality Association and against the City of Escondido. There was some legislation, that through interpretation, gives the water users the right to soften the water, and since this was State legislation the City ordinance could not overrule the State. The result was the decision in favor of the water softener people. Mr. Greaney said it is not known at this time whether Escondido will appeal the decision. The San Diego County Water Authority joined with Escondido in this matter and they may appeal the decision. It will be another year before there is any outcome. Carlsbad has an ordinance stating if there is a problem with a high TDS as a result of water softeners or other industrial uses, the industries will work with the Water Department to lower the content. Encina is now meeting with some of the industries in town, including the larger water softener companies, for alternatives to present to the Encina Board on how to lower the TDS in the waste water. In reply to query regarding the TDS level at which reused water causes a problem, Mr. Greaney stated that generally in the District’s agreements with the reclaimed water providers and customers, there is an upper limit of 1,000, with the ability to raise it to 1,200 during a drought. The water from the Colorado River is 650 to 700, and close to 1,000 after residential use. Mr. Greaney stated he will keep the Commission informed on this matter. As far as home water softeners, he said a promotional or educational program is necessary to make people aware and educate them before they purchase a water softener and to stay away from a self-regenerating type. March 23, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. 0323-3 - APPOINTMENTS TO WATER ORGANIZATIONS. Chairman Louis suggested that Mr. Greaney have his Secretary call the Commissioners a week before the President and Managers breakfast meetings, to enable the Commissioners to attend those meetings, and he suggested that the breakfast be paid for by the District for all Commissioners in attendance. 1. ACWA - Ann Kulchin is the Representative and Bob Greaney is the Alternate. 2. ACWA Water Management Committee - Commissioner Maerkle. 3. ACWA Water Reclamation and Reuse Committee - Chairman Louis. 4. ACWA Domestic Water Committee - Commissioner Melideo. 5. WateReuse - General Manager and Chairman Louis. 6. Water Authority Reclamation Advisory Committee WARAC) - Commissioner Kubota 7. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) - Commissioner Henley. 8. President and Managers Council of Water Utilities - San Diego County - Chairman Louis, Commissioner Maerkle and Bob Greaney. WATER COMMISSION: Mt. Israel Reservoir Commissioner Maerkle referenced a newspaper article in the Blade stating the Mt. Israel Reservoir was being studied, and he believes that Carlsbad should be involved, as that could be a reserve water supply which could be brought in to Carlsbad through the pipeline that was originally placed there. He said that since the tanks here are being taken for reclaimed water, that Reservoir is something that this District should work on with Olivenhain closely as it would be to Carlsbad’s advantage. Mr. Greaney stated that Mt. Israel will benefit more than just the immediate area. The Water Authority policy is that when more than two agencies are affected by the project, the Water Authority will consider taking Over as lead agency for financing and constructing the project. It is hoped that they will do that with the Mt. Israel project. The entire matter is being studied at this time, but a recent presentation concerned Mr. Greaney, as he said that Olivenhain stated they did not have a large enough foot print for a water treatment facility to serve all of the people who wanted to participate in the project. They said they would have enough for their own needs, and if Carlsbad wanted to participate, they would have to share in the cost of the reservoir and get raw water from Olivenhain. Carlsbad would have to build its own treatment facility. Since the Water Authority is involved, there has been some discussion on combining Mt. Israel and Lake Hodges to make one large project with access to more water. There would be some water being pumped back up the aqueduct to some water agencies. That would be limited by the pressure classification of the pipe. Environmental reviews are being done on all alternatives at this time. March 23, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 5 WATER COMMISSION: (Continued) Commissioner Kubota asked whether it was possible to have a master plan review or update, where the Commission could actually look at what the District is doing at this time. For example, the Board voted to go ahead with the covering and lining of Maerkle Reservoir, and Mr. Greaney was just talking about Mt. Israel and that they are looking at all alternatives. That was what this Commission was doing-with the discussions about Ten days self-reliance', well fields, and all those things that were alternatives. Mr. Kubota said that there should be a chart showing all these issues, including reclaimed water, and all the different issues on that; whether reclaimed water would be necessary for Lego; and how reclaimed water is affecting fresh water sales. He would like a line chart showing how all these things are mixing and matching. Mr. Greaney said he could list all these items, but in no event sequence. There have been no requests for water from Lego, whether potable or reclaimed. Commissioner Maerkle stated that the District should insist they use reclaimed water. Mr. Greaney said they are going to do a rate study for potable water and he wants to include reclaimed water and include that in the budget. Chairman Louis stated that is why this Commission needs to hold a workshop. Mr. Greaney said that the City Manager's Office had indicated that Dr. Cliff Lange, Library Director, would be willing to facilitate a workshop and it could be held at the Senior Center. He said he would present an outline of subjects to be discussed for the Commission to review at the next meeting. Commissioner Maerkle said there was discussion about Olivenhain and Santa Fe planning to merge, and Mr. Greaney said he had heard about that. Commissioner Maerkle inquired about the guest list for the quarterly meeting, and Mr. Greaney said the Directors would be invited and the President of the Chamber of Commerce. He will make a list of people to be invited and present to the Commissioners for their recommendations. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS: AG Rate UDdate Bob Greaney reported that Metropolitan's staff is drafting a paper for review in March, and this will probably be before the Water Authority in May. The issue is pricing and reliability. Metropolitan continues to classify agriculture as surplus water and the farmers are arguing that if they are receiving surplus water, they are not Class I users and should not be charged accordingly. There is discussion that AG might get a cheaper rate for their water, with the realization that if there is a drought, they would be the first to be cut off completely. On the pricing of AG, it will center around whether it is done through water management, such as using off-seasonal storage, or whether it will involve some kind of a subsidy with other rate payers--and that would be difficult. There is only a 12 percent AG user in the Carlsbad area. Mr. Greaney said he will keep the Commission informed. March 23, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 6 Water Supphr Update Bob Greaney reported that the update as of March 10 reported the state-wide precipitation for February was 105 percent of average. However, the precipitation for February was not sufficient to make up for the four months’ shortage since October. The reservoir storage is at 96 percent of the average for this time of the year and is the brightest part of the water picture. Sewer Update Mr. Greaney stated he had a film clip to show to the Commission, but the film equipment was not available today. He will show this at the next meeting. This film shows the procedure used to reline the sewer line downtown on Roosevelt, using plastic liner through the sewer line. This work was done over a weekend, starting on Friday and working all day Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday. She said there is a video of the line before the repair was done. Mr. Greaney added that with the improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive, all the sewer lines have been checked to avoid having to do repairs after the Streetscape is completed. Commissioner Henley inquired whether the drinking water in fountains around town is free, and Mr. Greaney stated that if the fountains are off of any landscaping, then someone does pay for that. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Mr. Greaney stated that SB 1666 could result in the loss of $750,000 a year in property tax revenue which goes toward the District’s Depreciation Fund. This bill would allow the County to re-distribute that money as they see fit. Commissioner Kubota inquired whether the toilet rebate program is still in effect, and what the response is at this time. Mr. Greaney replied that the District gets calls about the program, and there was a problem with a plumber in San Diego who was pushing the rebate before it was approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 23, 1994, were approved as presented. AYES: Louis, Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo Commissioner Kubota stated that the Minutes of the Water Commission Meetings are very complete and the Water Board Minutes are very brief. The Minutes Clerk explained that Minutes of City Council Meetings, or the Council as the Water Board or Housing and Redevelopment Commission are action minutes only, showing no discussion. Commissioner Kubota reiterated that this Commission should be informed of the agenda for the Water Board prior to any meeting that has an item of interest to the Commissioners. March 23, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 7 NEXT MEETING DATE: The next regular meeting of the Water Commission will be Wednesday, April 13, 1994, at 2:W p.m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 23, 1994, was adjourned at 3:18 p.m. R H Minutes Clerk