HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-27; Ad Hoc - Water Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEmNG OF: WATER COMMISSION DATE OF MEEllNG: JULY 27,1994 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEEllNG: 2:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEmNG: 5950 El Camino Real CALL TO ORDER Chairman Louis called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: None. Commissioners Louis, Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo. FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Melideo. COMMENTS FROM ME AUDIENCE: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION BY KEN CARTER Ken Carter, a Carlsbad resident, reported on his research involving Riess Foundation, with regard to a water supply other than the Colorado River or Metropolitan Water District. He reported that ten years ago, Stefen Riess, a Mining Engineer from Germany, found that most of the mines in dry regions had been closed due to water going into the pumps and there was no way to keep the mines from flooding. Mr. Riess became interested in the water situation and studied geology. He found that there was a tremendous amount of water in the batholith rock, which is underneath the water table. He drilled over 800 wells around the world from 500 to 2,000 feet into the rock. Mr. Carter said this water needs no refining and never goes down, even if there is a drought. Mr. Carter said that if Carlsbad had this kind of a source of water, they would not be so dependent on the Colorado River and the aqueduct. Commissioner Maerkle stated that the City was on well water from wells along the San Luis Rey River before the Water District was part of the City. Mr. Carter said Riess Foundation is a non-profit organization that wants to help different communities in the United States, as well as internationally. Morad Eghbal is in charge of the Foundation, and it is located in Washington, D. C. The Commissioners commented that they felt this was something worth looking into. Mr. Plummer, the District Engineer, stated he would get more information about this type of well. July 27, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Kubota stated that he had studied the handout by the District Engineer regarding alternative water supplies, and he thought it would be appropriate for the Water Commission to focus on that. Jeanne Flack explained that at the time the agenda was printed, it was not known by staff whether Mr. Carter represented the Riess Foundation, and that was why the agenda stated he was of the Reiss Foundation. WATER COMMISSION: Presidents & Manaaers Meeting Commissioner Maerkle reported on the recent meeting, and stated that the speaker was from Imperial County. He discussed canals and stated that EPA had declared that the canal water had to meet the criteria of EPA, (for example, covering the canals, etc.), and this is impossible to do. The agencies had to prove that this was irrigation water and water for household use was fully treated before it was sold. AB 3030 Commissioner Henley reported that he had requested staff to do some research on this bill. Bill Plummer stated that the bill deals with agencies gaining control of a ground water basin. An agency may gain control of the ground water basin, and they may not even be in that basin. The agencies in the Central Valley are moving forward with this, and it may be to Carlsbad's advantage to pursue it. Commissioner Maerkle stated there are six wells in the San Luis Ray Valley, and those probably should be rejuvenated by Carlsbad. Mr. Plummer stated he would get more information on this item. Commissioner Kubota stated that the Oceanside desalination plant is providing two million gallons of water a day and will go to the next level of five million gallons a day. This was a presentation at WARAC, and when asked what impact the two million gallons had on the basin, the answer was 'none'; however, when they go to five million gallons a day, there may be some issues. This is a timely subject and the focus will be on that. This agency has rights to two thousand acre feet of water there, and Mr. Kubota said he feels this Agency should pursue development of that water supply. At this time, Jeanne Flack introduced Margaret Bonas, former Water Commissioner, who had just arrived and asked to give public comment. The Commission agreed to hear public comment at this time. Margaret Bonas stated that Hubbs Seaworld has started to grade for the Fish Hatchery, and they are using potable water for dust control. She asked that reclaimed water be used for dust control and not potable water. Ms. Bonas asked the Commission to make an urgency request to the Water Board to put all construction programs on reclaimed water for dust control. She stated she thinks it is a shame to destroy a restorable wetland area to put a 290 foot long building. However, the Coastal Commission approved this project. In reply to query regarding the contractor, it was stated it is J. R. Hubbard, and the project is Hubbs Seaworld. July 27, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 3 Jeanne Flack stated that during the drought, all construction was to use reclaimed water, whenever it was possible. They do pay the highest fee possible on the water they use for construction purposes. GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT District Proiect Update District Engineer Bill Plummer gave the Water District 1994/1995 Project List report, as contained in the packet. This listed the sewer projects, water projects and reclaimed water projects. Commissioner Kubota recommended that staff include in their study, a hard look at all the pump stations and a way to scrap them. He said these pump stations were part of the project to pump the water up to the Calavera plant. If that plant is abandoned, there will be no need for the pump stations. Also, at the same time, there should be a study on how to restore the streets. Also, Mr. Kubota stated that he would like to know about the funding on the covering and lining of Maerkle Reservoir. Jeanne Flack stated that the funding will be part of the water rate study. The request for proposal is being written at this time. Chairman Louis stated he would still like information on the possibility of a dam across the wetlands in the valley near La Costa. This could be a good-sized reservoir for wet weather storage of reclaimed water. He said he knew there might be a problem with the birdlife in the area. Commissioner Kubota stated that Squires could become a wet weather storage for reclaimed water also, and that should be discussed. Mr. Plummer commented on the Carlsbad City policy to maintain a ten day supply of water, and Commissioner Kubota stated that this is an issue that this Commission has discussed at length; whether this means a ten-day supply or availability. Chairman Louis declared a recess at 3:28 p.m., and the Water Commission re-convened at 3:35 p.m., with all Members present. Public Information & Conservation Proarams Joni Wiltgen, Management Analyst, gave the report, stating first that eleven North County Agencies jointly put on public information events that could not be done by one agency alone. The first program Ms. Wiltgen discussed was Water Wabbit, which is designed for children in pre- kindergarten through the first grade. This has been a very successful program and now some water agencies outside of North County want to have Water Wabbit perform for them. Ms. Wiltgen explained that at first there was only one puppet, but now there are two large ones. Jeanne Flack stated that the Commission could have a presentation here, or they could go to a school and see a program and benefit by seeing the interaction of the children. Ms. Wiltgen explained the Water Awareness Calendars and said they contain children’s art. Last year over 20,000 calendars were distributed. The Water Authority has contributed one-half of the cost for printing the 1995 calendars. July 27, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 4 The next program Ms. Wiltgen discussed was 'Chill Out', which will be offered this fall. This involves using a label for a water bottle which will be supplied by the agencies. The water in the bottle is then chilled in the refrigerator to make it more palatable. Commissioner Kubota asked about outreach programs in the community, stating that it seems that only during a drought is there much attention paid to programs about conserving water. Jeanne Flack stated that there is a speakers' bureau and they do get calls from Carlsbad groups and do make presentations at meetings to get citizens interested in the Water District programs. Conservation Programs were discussed next by Ms. Wiltgen, stating there is still the toilet rebate program, and the residential survey program, commercial/industriaI survey program and public facility retrofit program. In October, there will be a new rebate program, with a change from the former one, in that there will be no rebates given after January. This will be a voucher program with $75 in vouchers redeemable at specified merchants. The residential survey is for both an indoor and an outdoor audit of water use, with recommendations given on how to save water. Metropolitan and the Water Authority have indicated they will provide some funding for future surveys. Ms. Wiltgen stated that on the public facility retrofit program, the Carlsbad Unified School District installed 20 low-flush toilet and showerheads. There were 600 toilets installed in San Diego County public facilities through this program, with an annual savings of 520 acre feet of water. She stated that the only school that wanted to participate was Buena Vista. Water Billinrr UDarade Jeanne Flack reported that all of the equipment has arrived, and she distributed a copy of the new water bill, which will be mailed out the end of August. Brochures or enclosures may be enclosed with the bill and there is a great deal more flexibility on what can be placed on the bill. She will arrange for the Commissioners to see the bills being folded and sent out after the system has been put into practice and all the 'bugs" worked out. Chairman Louis inquired about the automatic meter reading, and Ms. Flack stated the General Manager would like to see that as a pilot program. The District has touch reading on meters in vaults now, but Mr. Greaney wants computerized reading. In response to Commission query, Ms. Flack stated that the new water rates recommended by this Commission were adopted as part of the new budget. Commissioner Kubota said he would like to have copies of the agenda for the Water Board and the Minutes of the Board Meetings. Commissioner Maerkle stated he would like a report on the Santa Fe #1 Reservoir at the next meeting. Mr. Plummer stated that it is currently dry. Commissioner Maerkle stated that the next quarterly meeting of the San Diego Water Agencies Association will be October 27, a barbecue at Lake Hodges. July 27, 1994 WATER COMMISSION Page 5 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 22, 1994, were approved as amended. AYES: Henley, Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo ABSTAIN: Louis NEXT ME€llNG DATE: The next regular meeting of the Water Commission will be August 10, 1994. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of July 27, 1994, was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Minutes Clerk