HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-22; Water Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES
February 22,1995 (Regular Meeting)
2:OO p.m.
5950 El Camino Real
Chairman Louis called the Meeting to order at 2:OO p.m.
Absent: None.
Commissioners Louis, Henley,Kubota, Maerkle and Melideo.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Commissioner Henley.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item. Mr. Bill Livingston from
Culligan Water was introduced.
ACTION: By unanimous vote, Commissioner Melideo was elected Chairperson for the
coming year, and Commissioner Kubota was elected Vice-Chairperson.
Chairperson Melideo assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
Commissioner Maerkle stated he had requested more information on this and Ms. Flack stated she would
discuss this with Mr. Greaney. He stated he wanted information on the water in the San Luis Rey Valley.
He feels these items need to be explored and goals set.
Commissioner Maerkle stated there will be a seminar on April 6, 1995, at the San Diego Marriott about
desalination, and he said Carlsbad should be investigating Rancho Carlsbad and the wells to have an
emergency supply of water. He said that Metropolitan Water Authority is sponsoring the seminar, and
since this Commission had a presentation on desalination, it is important to have someone attend. Ms.
Flack stated she will let the Commissioners know about this. This District is not a member of ADA and
the fee is $95 for non-members. Commissioner Louis said if Mr. Plummer attends the meeting, he could
get the information for presentation to the Commission.
February 22, 1995 WATER COMMISSION Page 2
Commissioner Maerkle stated that Sam Tadros of Supersystems, Inc., gave a presentation before this
Commission on desalination, and to his knowledge, nothing has been done.
Mr. Plummer replied that staff has been working with Mr. Tadros to identify what he would include in his
report. Part of the problem has been that in looking at two possible sites for the pilot desalter, there has
not been much interest on their part. Commissioner Maerkle suggested that perhaps a committee and
one of the Water Commissioners should go to SDG&E and talk with them.
Commissioner Kubota inquired whether there is a time that it is possible for the Commission to have input
into the budget for fiscal year 1995-96, and whether that is appropriate. He said that staff makes the
presentation of the budget and the Commission comments. Mr. Kubota said he would like to have an
opportunity to ask staff to place specific projects in the CIP, if it is appropriate. For example, in the course
of Carlsbad being involved in a shutdown of the water supply, as it was recently, with notices being sent
out, etc., is it possible that there should be a revisiting to the issue of the Squires Dam. If the water from
this reservoir is safe to drink, why are we going to spend millions of dollars to cover it? He said he would
like to revisit the entire project, and if appropriate, study this from a budget standpoint, and seek
exemption. Mr. Kubota said he felt the Commission and staff should work as a team.
Another item Commissioner Kubota wanted discussed was the manhole replacement program, and
whether that should be enhanced--if there is enough money to do that. Another item would be the fire
hydrant maintenance. Mr. Kubota said he has observed bushes covering some of the hydrants. He said
he would like to know whether it is appropriate for this Commission to be involved in the budget process.
If it is the consensus of the Commission, he would like to offer input at the beginning of the budget as
opposed to having staff prepare the budget and make the presentation.
Jeanne Flack stated that the Commission is responsible for approving certain items, and one is the
budget. She said there is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow to tell staff the procedure and time line for
the budget. Staff is restricted to what they are allowed to do. In response to CIP issues, the Commission
approved master plans for reclaimed water and potable water, and that included all of the items to be in
the CIP to buildout. Any additions would call for a revision to the master plans. There will be an update
of the master plans in 1995-96, and at that time the Commission will review and approve and make a
recommendation to the Board. Ms. Flack said that new CIP projects will be included at that time. At the
present time, the schedule is locked into the master plans. Emergency items can be done and paid for
from the Replacement Fund.
Mr. Plummer said that one of the Council goals for 1995-96 is to study desalination.
Commissioner Maerkle said that Mr. Greaney had said that the Maerkle Reservoir was not in service, and
he asked who took it out or when. All other districts have open reservoirs and operate all the time. He
asked who authorized taking it out of service.
Ms. Flack said the Department of Health issued a letter stating if the District were to continue using the
Reservoir, they would need to notice residents on a quarterly basis of that paragraph of language they
indicated until the Reservoir was lined and covered.
Commissioner Maerkle said that the Reservoir would still be in service if the issue of requesting an
exemption had not been brought up with the Department of Health.
February 22, 1995 WATER COMMISSION Page 3
BUDGET (Continued)
Commissioner Kubota stated that the conclusion is that the current system does not provide a vehicle for
the Commission as a group to give input at the front end in the budget planning. He said he wanted to
know the interaction with the Commission/staff and the Board.
Chairperson Melideo stated that the Commission can suggest and give input and the Board can accept
or not.
Commissioner Kubota said that when the master plans are reviewed, then the Commission can make
President and ManaQers’ Meetina Report
Commissioner Kubota reported on the recent meeting, stating government was discussed with a question
of where we want local government to go. Another topic discussed was the new conflict of interest bill,
AB 1542, with the reporting of gratuities. He said that as appointed members of a commission, there is
a limit in the amount of $280 a year that is the maximum amount that can be accepted.
Update on Well Fields
Bill Plummer referred to a map indicating where the District has well fields in the San Luis Rey River area.
Prior to 1960, this was the water supply for Carlsbad, and since that time, has been for agricultural use
at certain times. There are nine wells, with a capacity of 900 GPM to 1,800 GPM, with an average depth
of 200 feet; water quality 1840 mg/L, and pumping rights 750 acre-feet per year at 5 cfs maximum flow.
The wells are maintained as needed to retain water rights. Wells 6, 7 and 8 are still equipped with pump
and motor, and the City of Oceanside rebuilt motors on Wells 7 and 8 for initial testing use on their
desalter project. Wells 1 and 2 are to be abandoned in accordance with State Regulations. There will
be $20,000 budgeted in the fiscal year 95-96 to perform this work. Wells 4 and 5 were lost until site work
was performed in the area and the wells were found.
Mr. Plummer reported that the District owns 2.75 acres along Mission Avenue, and the City of Oceanside
has stated a need to purchase part of that property for State Highway 76 improvements.
In response to query, Mr. Plummer said the wells to be abandoned are not usable, and new wells would
need to be drilled.
Chairperson Melideo stated that she felt the wells should not be abandoned since we want to have as
much water available as possible.
Mr. Plummer replied that the casings have deteriorated and there is nothing left. He added that they
could put smaller casings in and a smaller pump.
Commissioner Maerkle stated this might be better than the original wells.
Chairperson Melideo asked whether it was possible to investigate the possibility of installing new casings
and a smaller pump. She felt this would be better than abandoning the wells and redrilling.
February 22, 1995 WATER COMMISSION Page 4
Update on Well Fields
Commissioner Kubota said that this is a line item that could be included in the operating budget or CIP
for the resurrection of the well fields. He stated he was very much in favor of redeveloping a local water
supply. Again, the ten-day supply was talked about, and Mr. Kubota said is this a necessary ten days of storage or perhaps a combination of some storage and self sufficiency. This could be a local supply
of three million gallons a day during an emergency.
Mr. Plummer said this water is not usable as it is, and Oceanside has its own desalter system. The
problem would be solved if Carlsbad could participate in Oceanside’s desalter and utilize their distribution
system. Since they supplied water to Carlsbad during the aqueduct shutdown, we now know they can
deliver the water to Carlsbad. He added that their desalter plant is near Well #8.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Henley, the Water Commission requested staff to
pursue the redevelopment of the San Luis Rey well field, and to pursue
cooperation with the City of Oceanside for treatment and delivery of the water.
AYES: Melideo, Henley, Kubota, Louis and Maerkle
On motion by Commissioner Maerkle, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 25, 1995,
were approved as presented.
AYES Melideo, Henley, Kubota, Louis and Maerkle
Commissioner Kubota requested a discussion on the ten-day shutdown of the water supply, with the
consumer response and the kind of cooperation there was by the public.
Chairperson Melideo suggested a Yhank-you’ on the next water bill.
Jeanne Flack said there will be an article in the customer newsletter, and she will give a report on this at
the next meeting.
Ms. Flack said the next meeting date is March 8, 1995.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 22, 1995, was adjourned at 258 p.m.
Minutes Clerk