HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-25; Water Commission Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING September 25,1996 TIME OF MEETING 2:oo P.M. PLACE OF MEETING WATER COMMISSION (Regular Meeting) 5950 El Camino Real. Carlsbad. CA CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kubota called the Meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: None Commissioners Cap, Henley, Louis, Maerkle and Kubota PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE : Led by Commissioner Louis. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: There were no request to address the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: William Plummer, the District Engineer, made a presentation regarding the award of contract to line and cover Maerkle Reservoir. To comply with the State Department of Health request of 1989, the District has proceeded with the projected that would cover and line Maerkle Reservoir. The contractor, J.W. Construction, Inc., will construct an asphalt graded road completely around the reservoir. Also, the entire inside of the reservoir will be regraded to accommodate the asphalt liner and floating cover. The cover is made of polypropylene which is lighter than water and has a life expectancy of 20 years. The liner itself will be made of porous asphalt, the water will be allowed to actually go through the liner to simulate the historic conditions under which this reservoir has been operating. J. W. Construction Corporation was the low bidder for the project, the bid came in at $4.5 million with project change orders, we have anticipated a total cost of $5.3 million. Commissioner Kubota stated that the 1996 Save Drinking Act recently passed by Congress could waive the requirement by the State Department of Health and that he felt the District should seek an exemption. The General Manager, Bob Greaney, explained that an exemption could take many years. The District approached the waiver route several years ago with the Health Department, the conditions were such that it would still cost about $4 million. After obtaining an exemption, if the District were to fail one water quality test, we would have to line and cover or build a filtration plant at that time, which could run the project cost over $10 million. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Henley and seconded by Commissioner Maerkle, the Water Commission approves recommending to the Water Board of Directors construction of the lining and covering project. AYES: Henley, Maerkle, Louis, Cap NOES: Kubota ,- Water Commission Minutes September 25,1996 Page 2 WATER COMMISSION REPORTS: PRESIDENT & MANAGER’S MEETING Commissioner Maerkle Commissioner Maerkle stated that Senator Kelly was the speaker at the meeting and he discussed potential of Mexico cost sharing the construction of a new aqueduct facility from ID with the U. S. IID REPORT: Commissioners Louis and Kubota reported on the CWA’s citizen’s IID information meeting. CWA representatives Bob Campbell, Louis Michaelson and Ken Wiseman were at the meeting. WARAC: Commissioner Kubota The last meeting was postponed until next Monday, September 30*. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: Robert Greaney, General Manager, gave a report on ID CWA staff has authorized a plan named “Choice Plus” which they have renamed as Custom Service Plan or “CSP. This plan is an attempt to unbundle the CWA water rates. There is a workshop for the Board next Thursday, September 26th, which will be reported on at the Manager’s meeting at CWA on Tuesday, October 1st. Commissioner Kubota recently attended the Region 10 meeting which included a tour of the new Domnigoni reservoir, currently under construction. It is approximately a half day tour. Commissioner Kubota suggested the Commission and Board take this tour and stop on route at Lake Skinner to see the lining and covering project that has been constructed at this reservoir, then proceed to the Domnogioni reservoir. Perhaps MET will take the Board and Commission on this tour. Mr. Greaney said he would contact MET to see ifthey would be interested in sponsoring such a tour to the Board and Commission of CMWD. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes from the previous meeting as the Minutes Clerk is on vacation. The minutes will be available at the next meeting: ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the regular meeting of September 25, 1996 was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Reqectfblly submitted, A Marie Goffredo Administrative Secretary