HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-02; Water Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMinutes of the infonnal meeting held at the Twinn Irnis, Wednesday, J\ily 2nd - Gouncilmen electf Public UtiUty District officers and Irrigation District Committeee Presents Eddie Kehtner, Wtlliam Daubney, Larry Shinn, George Qroher, Verne Collins, Eiwood Trask, C» D» McClellan,, Allan Kelly, Bill Fry, Tad Pahl, Raymond Ede, Manuel Gastorena, J* Bo Bond,. Robert Sutton, Lena Sutton, Howard fiaumgartner, and X« H» Qron** aethp Lefty Walters and Art Snyder* Colonel Gronseth annotmced the meeting was called to discuss one of our most, important problems - something that the Utility District, The Irrigation Committee and Council- men elect, should work out together - the problem of securing Colorado River water* Offered the chair to Mrs, Sutton, who suggested that he continue the meeting with a summary of irtiat is necessary and irtiat has been done already, Gronseth: San Diego County Water Authority gave approval to district boundaries con- stituting approximately 10,000 acres. Roughly bounded, would include North C;fflsbad, Carlsbad proper to a point on San Marcus Road and thence again easterly two miftes, taking in some of the Allan and Horace Kelly property, jogs about l/U mile easterly to the Eentaer Ranch and down along the Hedionda and Los Monas Creek - three miles back to the section line which separates two sections and at the south end of Agia Hedionda tTfo miles frcan the coast, on south to the southerly boundary of the lagoon north of ^ Leucadia» Mr# Perry of La Costa has some land in the district and would like to in- \ elude another five or six hundred acres in the district dr irtiatever is formed to enter the Water Authority, No doubt the Authority would consent and Burkholder seems to be favorably impressed with inclusions Just one of the things the coiincil should consider ^en applying to the authority for inclusion either as a district or as a city* If you apply as a city, you would leave North Carlsbad out; also, exclude land of Horace and Allan Kelly and some that belongs to Caroli and ^tu would exclude other lands south of the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad, City includes approlfaately 5,000 acres; the Qistrlct, 10,000, Problems aret 1« What is cheaper, 2. Question of passing the bond issued f#r necessary pipe line either as District or as City* Decision is up to the ffouncilmen, and they must look to the future as they look at the present. Bob Sutton: Can the City of Carlsbad sell water to North Carlsbad? Colj In general, N»» In times of plenty, yes; but scarcity, no. Although supplied by Water Company they would not be entitled to Colorado Water because they W5uld not be taxed for it, C.D.McVlellant Consider the process in either event - An election must be held In any agency which seeks admission to the Authority in order to authorize contract? Colt Yes* Second, whether time or cost could be saved if we can enter as a city rather than forming a district. We could annex arqr contiguous land which desired annexation and y&ilcia the dty desired to annex. Coli The question there, whether tiie annexed Jierritory would pay proper share of burden of improvement imless mKSxAxx annexed prior to entry, .POD Tax is on land and improveioents, ID expenses of forming and pipe connection would be taxed on land alone, ID cost excessive tzx due to saliariee which are set by State at $12 a meeting. PUD can vote salary or nothing - up to members. Tad Pahlj Tine element. City or DLstrict? C,D,McClellan - Municipality-could apply from time of forming; ID at least three months, Collins t More like six months before application could be made. Bob Sutton i And another six months before Metropolitan Board approval. Bill Fryt We have tentative acceptance as a Disctrlct - what does that mean? Col: Just that if such district is organized they will okeh entry, Lerry Shinn: What about the cost? Col» Colorado water costs kli^ per $100 assessed valTiation ••••,,,12 acre foot. Pipe line from here to acqueduct would cost Minutes 7/2/52 - Page $500,000 if we did it alone. It hasbeen suggested to the Water Authority, they con^ struct pipe line to San Marcus Road, Would service Carlsbad, Encinitas and San Marcus and each agency could be charged for a certain portion. Authority favored this and it is possible they will d> it and council should persevere and something night be worked out. If San Luis Rey Basin goes drier, and Heine property is developed Oceanside will not have enough capacity, Mr, Grober suggested privacte line might be built and rented, Colt Authority deal would cost less - private company would be same idea only more costly, Allan Kellyj. San Dieguito has reached bonded indebtness; how could they participate? Col: Not necessary for bond issue, woiad pay back taxes whenever ready to use. Kentnerj If city goes into Authority, will dry land have a higher valuation? Col: Land included in district goes up twenty^-five to thltty percerit insaediately. When water is available, valuation goes up further, Daubneyi: Wotild" assessed valuation go up if land is annexed to city? Colj Tes, Kentnerj Couln't/S^land be included to offset North Carlsbad loss? Colt Tes, inclusvion in district is sufficient to increase valuation, Allan Kellyt Assess valuation would not go up until the line was in? Dewey McClellant Valuation follows market value - mere inclusvion brings it up; vrtien pipe line in use, then much higher Increase, Pahlt Any disadvantages in city applying rather than a district? General discussion of i^ether or not taxes would be higher and irtiether values would go up more as a city. Col, Gronseth suggestedi council appoint committee to get costs of irrigation district inclusion, as against present municipal boundaries,. Should know what it is going to cost these people if they are annexed or fom a district, Kentner: Have Authority approve your mxajicipality - induslvion is the first step, WouldnU you have to have election for district, then for inclusion, but people could vote immediately as a city, Gastorena». Are there two, elections for an Irrigation District? Colt No,, one election forms the district and also approves application for inclusion, Bondt It will take six months to approve or disapprove siter elction; up to six months to pass on validity and they can ask for changes. Bill Fryt The Board approved our boundaries if formed, would it take another six months after that? Coll Yes, the approval was so we could have something to work on'i Fry: Would be good if time could be avoided. Col: Also, as a city, you bypass the supervisors, Colt (Answering unidentifed questioner on using PUD ad district) PUD could not be - used as San Diego Gas & Electirc Company did not want to be included,. Sutton: Would election change attitude? Would they approve PUD now - city has same tax base? Colt They would favor inclusion of city in the Metropolitan, there would be only one tax to Municipality, Fry: Would they pay double tax under PUD and city? Colj Yes, they would pay both a city and a district tax, Larry Shinnt Would be the same situation with ID, Golt Yes, Fryt Would cut expenses to elelMnate both ID and PUD and go in as a city? Colt ID good only if you go outside the city boundaries, Fryj Los Angeles has neither PUD or ID, Col: City is big enough to be alone. Fry: Eliminate both and go in as a city. Col: If you are included as a city and annex dry territory, they will not pay their proper share, Daubneyj City only. Irrigation District would double city cost for added few acres. Municipality can annex immediately, ID, six months. Fry: No water until second barrell in. Col: If we were ready we would have it now, EDEJ If as an ID, County Board would handle it? Colj Yes, Kellyj Could Municipality take in up to 10,000 acres and then apply? ' Colj Have city council figure cost either way, Kellyj $10 per acre cost prohibitive Minutes 7/2/52 - Page 3^ Pahi What are the mechanics of securing water under city? Colj City Council makes formal request to the Authority and secures information, Kentnerj If city acquires right to Colorado water and I have 100 acres contiguous, and want to come in with my land and pay my proportionate share, can city fumish this water? Colj Yes, Kentnerj fflien if I don't come in before I would not pay total taxes? Colj It is questionable, Oceanside said yes bocause back ta^es would be included on tax roll, Traak: Annijxed land does not pay on back taxes aJready paid. Col: County sets up back taxes. For annexed land that basic sum is not changed, so it really helps reduce our back tax load, Kellyt What if we come in ten years frora now, Colj Would not pay ten years back, only as accepted because taxes are collected by County not City, Fry: Lot of leg work done contacting owners in area, then It was reduced to 10,000 acres. Now if you apply for 5,000 only, later ones will be thinking on third barrell» We know 10,000 is acceptable as ID, but if we apply for 5,000 the other 5,000 will be gone later and we will have to wait for the third barrel, Colt If we go in with 5,000 approximately, council should double check and get xsKiaaanttsixx recommitment from Authority for 10,000 . , , Authority cannot stop serving of annexed territory, Kelly: Definite limit to acre feet available - how much will it aost dry land to get all of 10,000 acres in? Colt Idea for comiaittee to get facts, L, Sutton: ID would include dry land voters too - city election, only city, Colj Annexation can be done by MWHtii I naw fc jt w^xx council action under uninhabited land - under twelve votes, Tadj If they are annexed to city, they are full part of city? Colt Yes, C.D.McClellant Opportunity to annex now. We could give them no assurance (city votes) would approve, Kellyj Would I pay only for service I would get? Col: You would pay for more, C.D.McClellant No action can be taken until council is certified. Why can we not by common BBDDSBKRt consent get to work? Colj Council can appoint committee to work immediately, Suttonj How large? Colj Not over thcee, Edej What Is the feeling here, city or irrigation district? Cost a little more to annex , but at least five years until water - if $10 per acre cost prohibitive , , , , ... ID would include 5,000acres more* Deweys Council should weigh responsibilities, ImnB<ilate entry as city as opposed to including other territory, we should consider to whom we owe consideration. To city, of course. If you include extra territory, give opponents extra ammunition - present city is PUD so they have no additional kick, COL: We should secure what we have now, annex later, Shinni If we take in more now, there will be greater oppo" sition, Kellyj A bigger district would cost less, LttSuttonj Let's have an expression of oplniont Lefty Waltersj Consolidate what we havei Larry Shinn: Secure what we have| George Grober j Secure vfaat we have; Verne Collins: Secure what we have| Elwood Trask: Secure what we have; Kellyt Go ahead with vhat you've got, go ahead j Fryt Bo on as we are, but try to include more|. Howard Baumgartnert Colorado River water f*r this town is our first job| Tad Pahl: I want to know more about it| Bondj (Could not be heard); Art Snyder j Ho ahead, we'll get further| Ede: As a Municipality, Col: Survey of cost essential regardless, Gommittee should be appointed, held a Councitoen/caucus and appointed C,D,Fleld, J,B,Bond and I,H,Gronseth,