HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-11; Water Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES OF: WATER COMMITTEE MEETING DATE OF MEETING: August 11, 1970 - 4:00 P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Manager's Conference Room Present: Bob Watson, Glenn McCoraas, Bill Cannon, jack Arnold, Win Friday, Chuck Wolenchuk, Bob Neely, Thelma Sowell, Hunter Cook Absent: Bill Esterline, Knox Williams, Don Hickethier, Carl Prince, Chief Anear 1. Status of Bond Sale. A letter from Bartle Wells dated August 5, 1970, to Mr. Cook subject "Coverage of Water Revenue Bonds" was discussed briefly. Bartle Wells had indicated in their letter the possibility of supporting bond sales in the amount of $1,330,671. Mr. Cook advised the Committee that a subsequent telephone notification from Mr. Matteson of Bartle Wells indicated that bond sales should be in the amount of $1,225,000. Mr. Cook will discuss this matter further with Mr. Matteson and report back to the Committee at the next meeting. No action is necessary at this time. 2. CMWD/City of Carlsbad Service Areas. The report of proposed service areas prepared by CMWD, dated March 30, 1970, was presented to the Committee. The drawing attached to that report entitled "Proposed Water Service Areas" was reviewed. The City Engineer outlined several additional proposals for division of water service areas which have been considered at a staff level. The general conclusion from a technical point of view is that almost any division can be made to work. The solution to the service area question is a political matter rather than a technical question. Mr. Cannon reviewed a bit of the history surrounding the forma- tion of CMWD, indicating that it was formed to sell wholesale water. Mr. Arnold noted that the position of the President's Commission on Intergovernmental Relations has recommended that the majority of all special districts should be abolished. (CMWD would presumably fall into this category.) The Committee concurred that CMWD should limit its business to the sale of wholesale water and the City should handle all retail sales. - 2 - The Committee concluded that the most feasible method of solving the service area question was to submit the problem to the voters, Chairman Watson suggested that perhaps a third entity with the City Council sitting in a dual role would be required. This third entity would assume responsibility for all services now performed by both the City Water Department and CMWD. The Committee adopted the following resolution for submittal to the City Council: HIn evaluating the two water systems (Carlsbad Water Department and CMWD) and the present question of boundary adjustments for service of retail water sales, it is the Committee's feeling that much time and professional effort has been spent in seeking a solution to the continuing question as to who will serve water. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Water Committee that the Council find a means to afford the voters of the City of Carlsbad an opportunity to vote on a solution whereby all of the wholesale and retail sale of water be handled by a single entity. The Committee further points out that the voters of the City of Carlsbad are responsible for the operation of the two entities mentioned above, and it is costing the voters of this community excessive sums of money to maintain the presentft 'systems. 3. Lake Calavera. The relative responsibilities of various committees and commis- sions was discussed. It is apparent that there is considerable misunderstanding in this area. The City Manager, Councilman McComas, and the City Attorney will draft a document outlining responsibilities regarding the use of the Lake Calavera property. The draft will be coordinated with Councilman Lewis for sub- mittal to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Watson suggested that the Council appoint a 90-day ad-hoc committee to consider basic possibilities for the use of Lake Calavera and to establish a ground work of basic facts concerning the property, Suggested make up of the committee would be a representative from: 1. City Council 2. Parks & Recreation Commission 3. Planning Department 4. Engineering Department 5. Water Committee. 4. Sale of City Property. Mr. Watson made a motion recommending to the City Council that the triangular portion of land located southerly of Kelly Drive in Oceanside be declared surplus subject to the retention of a 20-foot easement for water purposes and determination that there is no need, present or future, for this property. Also, that - 3 - the property be offered for public sale. Mr. Cannon seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. HTC:bkb cc: Members Councilman