HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-09-07; Water Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING Special Water Committee Meeting " ' ' 7, 1971 - 2:00 p.m. Conference Room +J IS \^ \* I \Jt I 11V September ., . Ci ty Manager1s Present: Chairman Bob Watson, Bill Cannon, Bill Esterline, City Manager Jack Arnold, Win Friday, Hunter Cook, Chief Anear, Bob Neely, and Thelma Sowell Absent: Bert Stalker,Knox Williams, Glenn McComas, Ray Barrett, and Al Moe Chairman opened the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Discussion pursued regarding the bids on the Water System Improvements contract (Schedules I and II). Mr. Watson questioned use of balance of the HUD funds. City Engineer recommended that we strive to obtain all the funds that we possibly can from HUD, and any balance could be used for projects like Wilson Street, and Highland, which were not included in the design but were part of the original project. Mr. Cook will also try to get HUD to pay for con- struction of Alder, Westhaven, and Skyline. Presently we have sufficient money from HUD to keep the operating budget current. Mr. Arnold mentioned that due to the current "freeze" we may not be able to raise our water rates for the next couple months or per- haps a year and questioned whether we could fund anything additional. Mr. Cook suggested that we inform HUD how we intend to use the remain- der of their money as they might reduce the amount of the grant. He also suggested that the Water Committee only consider approval of award of Schedules I & II of the Water System Improvements contract at this particular time. Mrs. Sowell stated that by Resolution No. 1779, money has been set aside in the bond reserve fund. Mr. Cook remarked that the only essential difference between the current and original bids is the first and second lowest bidder changed places. The.lowest bidder for Schedule I is Don Hubbard Construction Company of Encinitas, and for Schedule II it is the same as last time - Taylor and Hoover, Inc., San Marcos. On the latter the City requested several de- ductive alternates for electrical items. Award will be based on the base bid without alternates. Engineering Science will determine if the alter- nates will satisfactorily do the job. They would be added by change order Mr..Cannon moved that the Committee recommend to the Council the award be made to the low bidders on Schedules I and II. The motion was seconded by Mr. Esterline and unanimously carried. Mr. Cannon suggested that the residents of Carlsbad be notified of the actions taken by the Water Com- mittee. ' The possibility of La Costa annexation was discussed. If this materi- alizes, no doubt CMWD will be dissolved. Mr. Arnold is to arrange for a special committee meeting, consisting of Vice Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney, and Water Committee Chairman, to determine their general pro- Special Water Committee Meeting - 2 - September 7, 1971 posal, and outcome of Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Chairman Watson noted that he had completed former Chairman's (Mr. O'Toole) term and also his own. Mr. Cannon suggested the Committee recommend to the City Council that it consist of only five members rather than seven. Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Helen Lindsley // Recording Secretary hi