HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-22; Water Committee Ad Hoc; Minutes/ MINUTES OF: Water Cpmroittee Meeting DATE Op MEETING: February 22, 1972 * 4;00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING; City Manager's Conference Room Present: Chairman Bob Watson, Vice Mayor McComas, City Manager Arnold, Hunter Cook, Jerry Pteti, Col. Bowen, and Thelma Sowell Absent: Bill Cannon, Bill Esterline, Knox Williams, and Bert Stalker Chairman called meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. Due to lack of a quorum, the members present considered agenda items four through seven on an informal basis. . Disposition of Boundary Agreement ('City-CMWD) City Engineer stated that a letter had been received from CMWD indicat- ing there probably may be some misunderstanding regarding the relocation of the Chestnut Avenue water meter to El Camino Real and Kelly Drive. The CMWD stated relocation is subject to approval of the boundary agree- ment. The members present understood that the subject meter would be re- located by CMWD in connection with the City Water Improvement Project subject only to the agreement being recommended to the Council. Vice- Mayor McComas stated that a recommendation by the Ad Hoc members .could not mean a final commitment of the City Council. City Attorney's Report - Prewitt Property Matter tabled until we receive further information from Mr. Prewitt. City Engineer's Report - San Luis Rey Transmission System Mr. Cook reported that the City of Oceanside would like to purchase our water rights and use the San Luis Rey Watershed for storage space. Col. Bowen felt we should not consider selling our rights but rather enter into an agreement to sh.are the cost of improving the quality of the water. Agreement should be dependent upon completion of the current San Luis Rey water study, for which there should be some Federal money in addition to local. Vice-Mayor McComas reminded the committee that we must use the San Luis Rey water in order to retain our rights. Mr. Cook reported that the Mission Avenue water line is almost complete, and we soon will be pumping water. Progress Report on Water Rate Study Mr. Pieti reported on the progress to date of ascertaining a system for computing water rates and ready-to-serve charges on the basis of opera- tions and maintenance cost. He will have a complete report and recom- mendation for the Water Committee ready for mailing no later than March 10. Mr. Pieti hopes to be able to recommend water rates that will re- main feasible for the next five years. Also, the peak ready-to-serve charge for the same .period will be determined. Water Committee Minutes <s 2 * February 22, 1972 Mr. Arnold stated that the Water Department can't rely on the General Fund to bail them out in case of annual fluctuations as the City will be hard-put to maintain public services. Financial assistance could only be for a one-year period in case of an emergency. If the La Costa annexation materializes we will have an assessed valuation of about double of what we have presently. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Helen Lindsley Recording Secretary hi