HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-30; Water Committee Ad Hoc; MinutesMINUTES OF WATER COMMITTEE January 30, 1973 Chairman: A.C. Bowen Vice-ChaIrman: W. Esterline Present: Absent: Guests: Colonel Bowen, Glenn McComas, Bill Cannon, Bob Watson City Manager Arnold, Public Works Director Cook, City Attorney Biondo, Water Superintendent Neely W.C. Esterline, Knox Williams, Robert Garland Betty Duran-Blade Tribune 1 . Approval of Minutes Minutes for the last two meetings were approved as submitted. 2. City Water Enterprise Relationship with CMWD The City Attorney responded to questions concerning Fritz Stradling's letter of December 21, 1972. An agreement could be worked out; ultimate responsibility remains with the City. The City will ultimately be responsible for the way the system is run and the rates. Discussion followed concerning how CMWD could establish tax rates for the City and other parts of the district. A major question still unanswered is; are there any cost advantages to the City from the proposed operating agree- ment. After considerable discussion,the City Attorney re-empha- sized that in any case the City's interest must be protected. This could be done by CMWD buying out the City water enterprise, or vice versa- for the City to take over CMWD as provided in the law for the transfer of a special district annexed to the City. Public Works Director Cook suggested that an outside consultant be retained to determine which of the alternatives would be most advantageous to the water user and tax payer. A third alter- native would be for the water service to the area to remain as is, under two jurisdictions. The consultant would not have a vested interest in any result and therefore the response could be believ- able. After discussion, it was moved (McComas-Cannon) that a report be sent to the Council advising them that the Committee has met concerning the possible consolidation of the operation and maintenance effort of the water system" with CMWD and that it fs recommended tha t t o 'd'e t e rm i ne Towest of Ca r the Council take such action as is necessary tTTe~~rnel:hod of operation which will result in tRe" cost to th~e water user and taxpayer in the City ad through a 1ternate methods or asoperat ion sucn , 3~) Continue toCHWTr~bpe rates system, ~2"J City operates" syst operate as two systems. The motion was carried unanimously. Minutes of Water ommittee January 30, 1973 Page 2 3. Disposition of City Owned Water Enterprise Property The Public Works Director presented an analysis of all property owned by the water enterprise. It was the recommendation of the Director that the following disposition be made of the properties: Reservoir #1- Mesa Drive. Retain approximately 10,000 square feet in the vicinity of the storage tank and sell the remainder less any necessary access easements. The City of Oceanside has informally indicated that the area could be subdivided into approximately 8 lots including the parcel the City would reta i n. City Corporation Yard- Retain for City use. Bonsa11 Property- Sell the property. Skyline Drive Booster Pump Station- Sell the property less any easements which must be retained. Reservoir #2- Retain a parcel surrounding the existing tank, pumps and CMWD vault. The remainder should be sold less any necessary water easements. Sump Site- A certain portion of the sump site will need to be retained as a storage facility in order to adequately operate the San Luis Rey well field. The exact location of needed land has not been determined, however, the remainder could be sold. The City Attorney is presently working with the Title Company to finalize the transfer of title to this property to the City. This is an administrative procedure. A motion was adopted (Watson-Cannon) to accept the recommendation of the Public Works Director regarding each exhibit subject to the receipt of appraisals of the property. The motion was unanimously carried. k. Discussion of Water Rates Councilman McComas outlined his understanding of the desires of the Council regarding water rates for agricultural users and apartment houses. The question was raised as to whether the surcharge should be deleted altogether and water sold strictly as a commodity. The Public Works Director outlined the basis for utilizing a ready to serve charge which allows everyone to participate in the maintenance of a "ready to go" system. Several members pointed out that many apartment owners concur with the present rate structure. The Committee moved (Cannon-Watson) to advise the Council that the Committee reaffirms its prior recommendations with regard to water rates. Motion carried unan imous1y. Minutes of Water C mittee January 30, 1973 Page 3 5. Set Date of Next Meet ing Next meeting will be at the call of the chairman. Respectfully submitted, V. HUNTER T. COOK HTC/mac