HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-09; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
3:30 p.m.
April 9, 1986
Council Conference Room
The organizational meeting was called to order by Connie
Beardsley, Manager of the Cultural Arts Program, at 3:35
Present - Commissioners Bear, Frye, Meilach and Bischoff.
Absent - Commissioners Roston, Straub and Brierley.
(Commissioner Brierley arrived at 3:4-5 p.m.)
Staff Members Present:
Mayor Casler
Frank Aleshire, City Manager
Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager
Connie Beardsley, Manager of the Cultural Arts Program
Cliff Lange, Director of Library
Introduction - Mayor Casler
Mayor Casler expressed her pleasure that the Arts Commission
has now been formed. She distributed copies of a letter she
wrote to the City Council two years ago regarding the
formation of an Arts Commission.
City Manager Aleshire also addressed the Arts Commission and
expressed his pleasure with the formation of this
Commission. Mr. Aleshire briefly explained the process
followed in City Government working together with the City
Council, and pointed out that the City departments will
assist the Arts Commission in carrying out its work. The
City Council may be referring items to the Arts Commission
and vice versa, the Arts Commission will advise the City
Council what to do in the area of Cultural Arts. He stated
that Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, will be
responsible to work with the Arts Program as well as Cliff
Lange, Director of Library. On a more direct basis, Connie
Beardsley, Manager of the Cultural Arts Program, has been
assigned to assist and work with the Arts Commission.
Selection of length of term
The Commission drew lots to determine the length of their
terms, as follows:
Ooe Bear
Ted Frye
Dona Meilach
Wayne Bischoff
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 3 years
- 2 years
ARTS COMMISSION April 9, 1986 Page 2
Setting of Commission meeting time and place
The meeting time and place of the Arts Commission was set
for the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.,
location to be determined. However, since It was noted that
various Commissioners would not be available the second
Wednesday in May, the meeting for May was set for Tuesday,
May 20 at 3:30 p.m.
Election of Chairperson
Commissioner Frye's suggestion that a temporary Chairman of
three months be selected to give the Commissioners an
opportunity to know each other better before selecting a
permanent Chairman was accepted.
Motion; Commissioner Bear moved and Commissioner Meilach
seconded to nominate Commissioner Frye as Chairman.
Commissioner Frye requested that someone who has been a
resident of Carlsbad longer and knows the City better be
The above motion was withdrawn with the consent of the
Motion; Commissioner Bischoff moved and Commissioner Frye
seconded to nominate Commissioner Bear as Chairman. The
motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Brierley arrived at 3:4-5 p.m. and drew a lot to
determine the length of his term. His term will be for one
Open Forum - discussion
Ms. Beardsley explained the type of forum that she is
proposing wherein the public will be invited to give input
to the Arts Commission. She stated that the only problem
would be not knowing in advance how many people will attend
the forum.
A discussion ensued wherein the Commissioners made
suggestions as to the publicity for the forum. It was
suggested that the local newspapers publicize this event
requesting that the public write in whether or not they will
attend or to make a written statement to the Arts Commission
of what they would like to see involving the arts. City
Manager Aleshire suggested that the Arts Commission could
put an ad in the City's quarterly newsletter which will be
coming out in Dune. The ad will contain brief information
regarding the Arts Commission, an invitation to the open
forum, and request for the public to indicate in advance
whether they will be attending.
ARTS COMMISSION April 9, 1986 Page 3
In a brief discussion which followed regarding the
appropriate date for the forum, It was agreed that it should
be around one week after it is publicized in the quarterly
newspaper; also, this will give Ms. Beardsley an opportunity
to contact the various arts organizations regarding this
forum. It was further agreed that the forum should be held
before school is out and people are out on vacation.
As to the content of the forum, Ms. Beardsley stated that
the public could be divided into various groups to have
brainstormlng sessions and will prioritize their
recommendations. This information will be useful to the
Chairman Bear requested that the design of the format be
placed on the Commission's agenda for the May meeting, so
that the news releases announcing the format are fairly
definitive. Ms. Beardsley advised that she will present the
format for discussion at the May 20, 1986 meeting.
General Discussion - Ordinance and Arts Element of the
General Plan
Ms. Beardsley reviewed the contents of the Ordinance and
Arts Element of the General Plan and classified various
sections under (1) education; (2) information services; (3)
technical assistance; (4-) administration-management; and (5)
1% for public art. Chairman Bear clarified that the
educational process will extend beyond the local schools.
In response to inquiry on whether the "works of art" portion
contained in the Ordinance included performances, Ms.
Beardsley stated that this matter could be presented to the
Council for a determination on that.
A general discussion ensued regarding the availability of
arts facilities in Carlsbad for, and the eventual
development of a theatre in Carlsbad. Regarding the
proposed theatre, Mayor Casler advised the Commission to
wait until the feasibility study on the Macario Canyon is
completed and then to work with the Parks and Recreation
Department on this matter. She agreed with Commissioner
Meilach's suggestion to discuss possibilities on the
premises of the Sammis Project and encouraged the Commission
to make a proposal to Mr. Sammis.
Chairman Bear discussed the need for the Arts Commission to
be brought up to date as far as what the City has done up to
this point, what options the City is facing in terms of
development, and what cultural facilities other cities of
comparable size have. Ms. Beardsley advised that she would
gather that information for the Commission.
ARTS COMMISSION April 9, 1986 Page
Funding for the Arts
A brief discussion ensued regarding the 1% CIP funding.
Chairman Bear explained that he understood that the 1% CIP
funding will be for the construction of tangible art objects
that will have duration and permanence.
Commissioner Brierley left the meeting at 4:4-2 p.m.
Ms. Beardsley stated that other cities are going to their
City Councils to remove restrictions on the 1% CIP funding
as It Is better that it be flexible. She described the
different ways that funding for future art programs can be
Mayor Casler informed that the Finance Director is
requesting to amend the language for the 1% funding to come
from the Capital Construction funds rather than from each
Additional Information
1. Request for funds - National Endowment for the Arts
Ms. Beardsley stated that if the Commission wishes, she will
submit a general letter of intent to the National Endowment
for the Arts informing them that the Arts Commission of
Carlsbad is In the process of working on a plan and will
submit a request to NEA for public art matching funds. The
deadline is set for May 30 to submit a letter of request for
funds for a particular project which they will review and
make a determination on. The Commission concurred with Ms.
2. Appointment of a subcommittee
Ms. Beardley inquired whether the Commission wanted to
appoint a subcommittee to deal with all the specifics of
public art such as sites, constructions, etc., and to report
back to the Commission. It was the consensus of the
Commission to wait until the Commission has a better
understanding of the exact work load that is Involved. Ms.
Beardsley advised that determining possible sites for public
art Is a first step.
3. Tour of the City
Upon a suggestion made that the Commissioners meet to tour
potential sites of the City, Mayor Casler cautioned the
Commissioners to not make any decisions on this tour, but to
merely gather Information. She added that the Parks and
Recreation Department has a van that the Commissioners could
utilize for this tour. She suggested that a member of the
Planning staff could also accompany them to point out the
future planned developments for certain sites. It was
agreed that this tour would take place on April 30.
ARTS COMMISSION April 9, 1986 Page 5
4. List of businesses and industries involved in the arts
A request was made for a list of all businesses and
industries in Carlsbad involved in the arts. Ms. Beardsley
stated that she will compile a list to submit to the
By proper motion, the meeting of April 9, 1986 was adjourned
at 5:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Manager of the Cultural Arts Program
Elizabeth Caraballo
Minutes Clerk